A Widowed Church?
Grace and peace to the family of the Most High, and greetings to the kin of Satan.
In his homily at a recent Vatican mass, Pope Francis, the False Prophet of Revelation Chapter 13, reaffirmed a long-standing doctrine of the Roman Catholic church. He also proved rather conclusively that Roman Catholicism is, in fact, not Christianity, but the ancient worship of Nimrod and Semiramis, the deified king and queen of ancient Babylon.
This is an excerpt of the pope’s remarks:
“Our reconciliation with the Lord…ends when he [sic] gives us back to our mother. That’s where reconciliation ends, because there is no path in life, there is no forgiveness, there is no reconciliation outside mother Church.
“So, as I behold this widowed church, all these things come to mind without a precise order… But I see in this widow, the icon of the widowed church on a journey in search of her Spouse.”
Let us begin by examining the pope’s statement in detail, beginning with his remarks regarding the “widowed church.”
As our readers well know, we have always maintained that the Virgin Mary of the Roman Catholic church is not the biblical Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, but an ancient Babylonian goddess. Pope Francis’ reference to a widowed church proves this decisively; for a widow is the surviving spouse of a husband who has died. In that the Spouse of the Christian Church, the Lord Jesus, is very much alive, the “widowed church,” then, cannot be the Christian church. So, who is this widow?
A clue to the widow’s identity is the pope’s reference to an “icon.” The use of this word was not arbitrary, as an icon, in the classical sense, is an image or idol (Oxford English Dictionary).
The significance of the one eye in the above logo is that Queen Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod, the first king of ancient Babylon, was also known as Opthalmitis, the “goddess of the eye.”
An idol is a god or goddess, and all gods and goddesses are really Nimrod and Semiramis. In that the Roman Catholic church worships an idol they call the Virgin Mary, then the “widow” is the Virgin Mary, who is Semiramis.
Proof of this is Pope Francis’ reference to the widow being on a journey in search of her spouse. The story of a goddess searching for her spouse is remarkably reminiscent of the story of the Egyptian goddess Isis wandering the world in search of the body of her husband, Osiris. This story is told in the Osirian Cycle.
A more involved account of the Osirian Cycle may be found on the internet, but a brief version is as follows. Osiris, the black god of the Egyptians, is said to have married his sister/mother/lover Isis. It is said that Osiris’ brother Seth (also called Set and Typhon), coveted the throne of Osiris, and therefore murdered him. Seth then cut the body of Osiris into fourteen pieces and sent them to the four corners of the earth. Isis scoured the world in search of the pieces of her murdered husband, eventually reclaiming all but one: his phallus. Isis put her husband back together, substituting a golden phallus for the lost one.
This mythological story has its historical counterpart. In The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop writes that Nimrod, grandson of Noah and son of Cush, was killed by his brother Shem, the middle son of Noah and the father of the Jewish people. It is said that Shem then cut up Nimrod’s body into fourteen pieces, which he scattered over the face of the earth. The bereaved widow searched the world over for the pieces of her slain husband, and managed to retrieve all but one: his phallus.
Nimrod’s phallus is represented today as the obelisk, one of which is prominently displayed in front of the Vatican.
It is said that there are more Egyptian obelisks in Rome than in Egypt itself. That is because the seat of Satan and of the Mysteries is no longer in Egypt, but in Rome.
Nimrod was the first king of ancient Babylon. He was the son of Cush, who was the son of Noah’s youngest son, Ham. Ham was called Al Khem ,“The Burnt One,” while his son Cush was called Ethiops, “The Black One.” Cush was the father of the black race, which is why, for centuries, blacks were called cushites and khemites.
Nimrod and his wife, Semiramis, founded a religion centered on witchcraft and human sacrifice. The Bible calls this religion Mystery Babylon. Nimrod and Semiramis were deified and worshipped as gods in the ancient world: he as the Sun God and she as the Moon Goddess. Upon Nimrod’s death, the mystery religion went underground, where it was kept alive through secret societies and religions that used mysterious symbols to represent the deified king and queen. The adherents of the mystery religion use occult hand signs to communicate to one another. Eventually, Semiramis became the principle object of worship.
Semiramis was given many different names depending upon the country where she was worshipped and the particular personal quality or attribute she was worshipped under. In Ephesus, located in modern-day Turkey, she was known as Diana of the Ephesians. In Rome, she was known simply as Diana. The apostate Jews worshipped the goddess as Ashtoreth and symbolized her with a star. Both the Roman Diana and Diana of Ephesus were said to be virgins and goddesses of virginity. The Romans also called Diana the Lady.
Ironically, Roman Catholics also worship a goddess which they call The Virgin and The Lady. And, like Ashtoreth, the Roman Catholic church symbolizes this goddess with stars. You may read more about it here. The Book of Isaiah also mentions a goddess, which it calls the “Virgin queen of Babylon” and the “Lady of Kingdoms” (Isaiah 47:1-4).
Diana of Ephesus, the Roman Diana, Isis, and Ashtoreth are merely different names for Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod and queen of ancient Babylon. Pope Francis knows this all too well, which is why he spoke of the Roman Catholic church as a “widow searching for her spouse.” The Roman Catholic church is Mystery Babylon.
Now let us further examine the pope’s remarks:
“Our reconciliation with the Lord…ends when he [sic] gives us back to our mother. That’s where reconciliation ends, because there is no path in life, there is no forgiveness, there is no reconciliation outside mother Church.
This is a very ominous statement. The Roman Catholic church has always maintained that there is no salvation outside “Mother Church,” and this belief is embodied in the Roman Catholic rallying cry, “In Majoram Dei Gloriam” (For the Greater Glory of God). The Roman Catholic church believes it is the true church of Jesus Christ and that any and all measures it deems necessary to bring the world under the iron fist of the Papacy are justified.
Because Christians have always trusted in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation, and not the Roman Catholic Institution, Rome called them Protestants (protest-ants) and branded them as heretics. The bloody Inquisition was instituted to persecute Christians and Jews and, if possible, to forcibly convert them to Roman Catholicism. Under this brutal engine of terror, millions of Christians and Jews have been tortured and martyred.
But something totally unforeseen happened. The more Christians were persecuted, the stronger they became. So, Rome took a more subtle approach. Beginning with Vatican II, the Roman Catholic church ostensibly abandoned the incendiary rhetoric, and seemed to embrace Christians as brothers. Instead of Protestants and heretics, Rome began to refer to Christians as “evangelicals” and “separated brethren.” Under Pope John Paul II, a new era of cooperation and togetherness was born, as Christians and Roman Catholics sat down together at the table of fellowship (or not).
But a leopard cannot change its spots—and neither can the Vatican.
Pope Francis is the first Jesuit pope in history. The Roman Catholic church formed the Jesuit Order for the express purpose of destroying the Protestant Reformation and the Christian Church. Pope Francis’s namesake, Saint Francis of Assisi, was known as the Reformer. By his remarks, Pope Francis seems to be on a similar mission to reform the Roman Catholic church by returning it to its militant roots.
And I have no doubt that Roman Catholics understood that this was exactly what he meant. Proof of this is the following comment a Roman Catholic devotee left in response to my YouTube video “The Roman Catholic Takeover of America.” CAUTION: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE:
You will no longer find this comment, as YouTube has removed it. My reply, however, is still there. As you can see, Christians are still considered heretics by the Roman Catholic church. Absolutely nothing has changed.
Mother Church is the Widow, and the Widow is Semiramis, called The Virgin Mary. When Pope Francis, therefore, says that there is no salvation outside Mother Church, he is saying that there is no salvation outside The Virgin Mary. Given the historical enmity between Rome and the Christian church, the Pope’s statement was nothing less than a veiled declaration of war upon all Bible-believing Christians: veiled, that is, to the undiscerning Christian.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
The Still Man
Diana of Ephesus presented Wildlife of Nature not Virgins. (Its another Diana ).This deity has no place among ”Ladies” parade of Catholic /Orthodox church.
Thank you for this article. It has clarified some questions that I had. Brother, may our Lord bless you and guide you in everything that you do.
And yes…come quickly Yeshua.
You’re very welcome yokefellow! God bless you.
Thank you, starting to make sense now. However I’m still very confused by the virgin Mary thing. My fiancé is Catholic and myself Christian. It really complicate things from time to time. For instance, he has a statue of whom he believe to be the virgin Mary on his table in his study, amongst other things. However I might believe that’s it’s actually just semiramis. Guess the point I’m trying to make is……or actually more a question, is it possible for a Christian and a Catholic to get married?
Hi, Mandy. It is, of course, possible for a Christian and a Catholic to get married, but, remember that the Bible teaches that Christians should not be “unequally yoked” with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 14:6). Besides, depending on how Christian the Christian is and how Catholic the Catholic is, there could be problems, especially where it concerns children.
I know of instances, for example, where the Christian/Catholic couple was fine until they had a child; then, the Catholic parent insisted upon having the child baptized in the Catholic church. When a child is baptized in the Catholic church, the child is actually baptized into the Catholic church, and is considered a Catholic. The Christian parent, knowing this, refused, and that is when problems began.
At one time, I had a Catholic boss, whose son had married a Christian woman. The boss didn’t like the daughter-in-law at all, and used to complain about her all the time on the job. Though the boss never came out and said it, it seemed that the daughter-in-law was against the practices of the Catholic faith where it concerned her child. Ultimately, the son and daughter-in-law went through divorce proceedings, and the Catholic boss got involved to the point they were trying to get custody of the child claiming the mother was unfit. I believe the boss was trying to get support from me and others on the job in their bid to get custody of the child.
These sort of problems are very common with Christian/Catholic marriages. Understand that when you marry a Roman Catholic, you also marry his priest, as the priest is involved in even the most intimate aspects of the Catholic’s life.
Do Catholics not use the same bible as Christians?
Mandy, unlike in the past, Catholics are allowed to use certain Bibles that are authorized by their priests. The problem is not which Bible they use, but the fact that Catholics are taught that laypersons do not have sufficient enlightenment to interpret the Bible for themselves, and therefore must trust their priests to interpret it for them. Because Roman Catholic doctrine and practices such as the worship of statues, the veneration of dead saints, priests, nuns, monks, and the adoration of the Eucharist do not come from the Bible, but instead from the traditions, decrees and writings of men, then the priests’ interpretation of the Bible is always designed to support these unbiblical practices.
In my experience, those Catholics who have read the Bible have been taught certain passages that have been twisted out of context to support Roman Catholic doctrine. Catholics are taught that it is a mortal sin to doubt what their church teaches, so the average Catholic doesn’t dare go against what his priest says, even when it goes against what the Bible teaches.
Brother, the Lord graciously and lovingly saved me out of rc. I was under its yolk, as was my family. A curse indeed. If catholics were exposed to the Truth, more could be saved, more would be open to salvation. I thought they were deceived, kind of by mistake, just a very faulty theology if you will. But it appears the people at the top, ie the pope, are willingly deceiving them down the wrong path. This would explain why scripture is so noticeably absent in their educational system. Am I right in this logic? There is only one mediator bewteen God and man, Jesus. in rc they even call mary the mediatrix, a defiant direct contradiction of scripture!
Praise the Lord that you were saved out of that system of spiritual darkness! Absolutely, James, Catholics are deceived, but the primary reason that Scripture is absent from the Roman educational system is that Roman Catholicism is not based on the Bible in the first place. Of the Seven Sacraments, for example, only baptism is found in the Bible, and it is not called a “channel of grace.” According to the Bible, grace is unmerited favor that cannot be earned.
You are right: if Roman Catholics knew the truth as revealed in Scripture, the Catholic church would have no more hold on them, because the first thing the people would do would be to reject their priests and their Pope. The Catholic church would not survive such an awakening, of course, because the belief that the Pope is Christ’s Vicar and the priests stand in the place of God is the source of Rome’s power.
WOW – your work is very revealing and obviously much research has been done! Thank you
I’m very grateful that you appreciate our efforts here, Paul. And you are very welcome!