Is Steve Harvey a Christian?
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Grace and peace to you Brothers and Sisters.
I woke up this morning (thank God) with health and strength and with a sound mind, and turned on the radio and listened to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I have been doing this for about a month. It seems Mr. Harvey has become somewhat of an Ann Landers in the black community due to the success of his two relationship books. So, while flipping through stations one morning I came across his show, and have been listening to it every morning during my workout, hoping to get a glimpse of what has made Mr. Harvey such a celebrity.
You see, my only previous experience with Mr. Harvey was when he was the host of the “Kings of Comedy” series, where he acted as a “master of ceremonies” of sorts introducing three popular comedians (one of whom died a few years ago). His job was to get the audience pumped up and ready for the other comics, which he would do by telling a few jokes, playing popular R&B music, making fun of people in the audience, and speaking on different topics. He then gave them a fantastic introduction. I guess you could compare him with a talk show host minus the interview (and I have no doubt he is working towards this).
He was a great showman. He was also very vulgar. In fact, the use of profanity was as integral a part of his show as were his jokes. So, I wondered how good his show would be under the restrictions imposed by the FCC, though these restrictions are eroding daily.
Well, I wasn’t very surprised to discover that Mr. Harvey’s radio show is almost exactly like his Kings of Comedy show. He plays a combination of classic and contemporary R&B, which is generally not too bad. His co-host is a lady named Shirley Strawberry, who also hosts a segment called “Strawberry Letters,” a play on the title of a popular song by the R&B duo, The Brothers Johnson, called “Strawberry Letter 22.” This segment features Mrs. Strawberry reading on-air letters sent in by people seeking advice on relationship issues, to which Mrs. Strawberry offers her advice, often deferring to Mr. Harvey’s “wisdom.” Mrs. Strawberry also just published a book called “Strawberry Letters,” which I gather deals with the same subject matter.
To be sure, I would not consider the relationship advice given by either party to be Christian advice. Yesterday, for instance, a young lady called wanting to know what to do about her boyfriend who apparently had left the relationship, leaving her with a small child. “God has a plan for the child,” Harvey said, “You and the man is [sic] just the vessel.” Doubtless, God does have a plan for the child, but Harvey made it sound as though it were God’s plan for the young lady and the man to have sex and create a child out of wedlock, which was certainly not the case.
As a matter of fact, the Morning Show crew seems to hold untraditional views on just about every matter of importance. One morning, for example, an individual called in to ask what the show’s hosts had against traditional marriage. There was a guest on this particular day (a young black male), who I believe was an entertainer. This guest lambasted traditional marriage and vehemently protested against the notion that marriage should be a monogamous relationship, adding that marriage partners should be able to have extramarital affairs without censure. Mr. Harvey and company agreed with the gentleman. For her part, Mrs. Strawberry asserted that she was in a monogamous marriage, though she only weakly contended the guest’s opinions and even laughed at his remarks.
Sexual innuendo is also a major part of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Mr. Harvey and a third host, whose name escapes me, make frequent and overt references to sexual intercourse using Black slang. Since Black slang is no longer Black slang thanks to the Hip-Hop movement, Harvey’s remarks would be intelligible to all but the very young, the very old, and aliens. But what is most upsetting about the show is a segment wherein Mr. Harvey plays a character called “The Pastor.” This segment features him portraying the classic caricature of the Southern black preacher replete with superfluous “A-mans!” (Amen!), sexual innuendo, and allusions to misappropriation of church funds.
Yesterday, “The Pastor,” among his other ramblings and Sambo-esque buffoonery, said, “Praise me. Lift me up.” Another member of the cast, named Eugene, who gives birthday shout-outs, played his sidekick and said that he was “saving people through horoscopes.” How blasphemous! This is upsetting because the Christian church has come under attack for years in the media: from gun-toting, Scripture quoting psycho-killers, to hypocritical, woman-chasing preachers. This is merely Satan doing what he does best; that is, “accusing the brethren.” But, it is especially distressing to see a black celebrity of high visibility making a mockery of the Christian church, which was always on the vanguard in the struggle for black civil rights, as well as the abolition of slavery. Harvey is the first black I’ve seen caricaturing black preachers since Arsenio Hall did it years ago in “Coming To America.” (There are probably others, but I rarely watch television or go to the movies).
Mr. Harvey loves religion. He loves it so much that he is currently touring with “Gospel” singer Kirk Franklin in what Harvey described as a “comedy and Gospel show.” This is probably the ultimate oxymoron, and speaks volumes about Franklin, whose music has always tiptoed on the line between The Gospel and The World (he himself has essentially acknowledged this), but in recent years has seemingly fallen headlong onto the worldly side. What does the Gospel have to do with comedy? What fellowship hath light with darkness?
No true Gospel singer would affiliate himself professionally with a man as vulgar as Steve Harvey, who even admitted that someone attending the Harvey/Franklin show might hear him using profanity from time to time (which I took as a guarantee that he would be using profanity). Click here for reviews of the show. It seems his “Christian” comedy is just as vulgar as the “Kings of Comedy.”
A few years ago, someone sent me a video clip of Mr. Harvey during a show telling the audience what he would say if he were opening for “Christ.” Using some of the names of Jesus such as the Rose of Sharon, Harvey proceeded to whip the audience (many of whom had their hands in the air looking towards heaven) into a frenzy as though he were opening for Chris Rock.
UPDATE 7/27/11. YouTube has since removed the video of Steve Harvey introducing “Christ” on [ahem] “copyright grounds.” Uh-huh.
UPDATE 6/6/2012. I found this video today on YouTube. Let’s see how long it lasts.
Say what? Does Mr. Harvey realize just Whom it is that he is “opening” for? In that whole self-aggrandizing diatribe, Harvey only got one thing right: Jesus needs no introduction. Folks, this is blasphemy of the highest order. Jesus is no rock star. He’s not even a celebrity. He is The Creator of the Universe and Sovereign Lord of All. And Steve Harvey just tried to reduce Him to the level of a fake, egomaniacal, narcissistic, publicity-seeking celebrity. What’s worse, is that on the longer version of this clip, Mr. Harvey prefaces his introduction of “Christ” with a laundry list of his own accomplishments. So much for Christian humility.
UPDATE 7/7/12: This video has also been removed from YouTube.
Mr. Harvey loves to appear Christian. A couple weeks ago he was bragging about how televangelist Joel Olsteen (who has some curious beliefs himself) texted him to congratulate him for doing a great job at an awards show where Harvey spoke. Dropping Olsteen’s name was a clever ploy to garner the acceptance of those with Christian leanings who are aware of Harvey’s decidedly non-Christian character. But, any Christian with even a spoonful of discernment would doubt that Mr. Harvey worships the God of the Bible.
Who then, is the God that Harvey serves? Well, yesterday, Harvey was speaking on the “Law of Attraction,” which he explained as a fundamental law of nature wherein a person’s thoughts, words, and actions “attract” similar realities to that person. In other words, what a person thinks, what a person says, and what a person does determines his or her outcome in life. He said that this “law” is neutral, and does not recognize “positive or negative,” but only acts on what a person puts out. According to Harvey, If you think “positive” thoughts, positive things will happen to you. If you think “negative” thoughts, negative things will happen to you. Harvey says that it does not matter if you believe in this law or not. If you just think or speak these things, you will think or speak them into existence.
This teaching is not Christian. It is the first of several “cosmic laws” which the New Age calls The Law of Causality. In his New Age book, Jan Van Helsing (a pseudonym) describes this law thus:
“You have a certain idea, and the more you think about this idea, the stronger it gets. Thus you establish a cause. The effect thereof is that whatever that idea was, it will enter your life sooner of later. To clarify: You are afraid that some time you might be raped…The energy created by this thought is a command to the subconscious and the cosmos, and it will be complied with 100%.” [Boldface mine.]
Secret Societies and Their Power in the Twentieth Century, p. 341
What? I thought God was in charge? This is totally inconsistent with the Bible; yet Harvey, who claims to be a Christian, espouses this belief. And many people, including Christians, are buying into it.
Unfortunately, this teaching does not square with reality. Try explaining this law to a five-year-old girl who has been raped by some pedophile predator. What could a little girl possibly have been thinking to have brought this upon herself? Try explaining this law to the poor of India, who because of the caste system, can never hope to overcome their situation and attain to a better life. Try telling these people that their circumstances are the result of “negative” thinking.
This is a New Age belief and comes from the pit of Hell. It is actually witchcraft. You see, witches don’t believe in a personal God or a personal Devil. They believe in “The Force.” (Now where have we heard that before? Star Wars perhaps?) This impersonal entity, like Harvey’s “law” is neither “positive nor negative.” It just is. That was the message of Star Wars, where both the “good” Jedi Knights and the “evil” Darth Vader utilized the force. So-called white magic is supposed to be the benevolent use of the force, while black magic is the malevolent use of the force. This is what witches teach their unwary initiates.
One lady, in a book devoted to witchcraft, echoes this teaching:
“Many people think that all witchcraft is black magic. It’s not. Black magic is worked for an evil purpose…The magic in this book is white. Generally, this means that it’s worked for a good end.” [Boldface mine.]
Everyday Witchcraft, p. 3
But Anton LaVey, the late founder of the Church of Satan, wrote in The Satanic Bible:
“There is no such thing as a ‘white witch.’ White witchcraft is pure mythology. All witches are drawing upon occultic [sic] power to do their bidding, and that power does not originate with God.” [Boldface mine.]
If a top Satanist says there is no such thing as “white witchcraft,” I think we can take him at his word. All witchcraft is evil and comes from the devil. So, the doctrine that Harvey is proposing, which is a witchcraft doctrine, actually comes from Satan. This shouldn’t surprise you. Our culture has been inundated with witchcraft. Witchcraft concepts and terminology have pervaded our language and culture for years without our knowledge. For instance, the phrase “more power (force) to you” is an old greeting among witches (Everyday Witchcraft, p. 2). Betcha didn’t know that.
Further proof that Harvey’s God is not the God of the Bible can be found in the manner in which he describes how he prays. Speaking of himself in regard to the “Law” of Attraction, Harvey said that when he prays to his God and asks Him for a financial blessing, “it” will give it to him. Harvey didn’t say that He (as in God) would give it to him. He said that “it” would give it to him. What is “it?”:
“The LAW OF CAUSALITY—which some call God.”[CAPS in original, Boldface mine.]
Secret Societies and Their Power in the Twentieth Century, p. 366
Harvey is a New Ager. And, like all witches, New Agers always disguise their true beliefs with Christian terminology.
Recall also that Harvey did not say The Force was neither good nor bad, but that The Force was neither “positive nor negative.” This is because witches don’t believe in good and bad:
“The terms good or bad, valuable or worthless are not justified and at best are expressions of our own subjectivity.” [Boldface mine.]
Secret Societies and Their Power in the Twentieth Century, p. 340
You see, if witches believed in good and bad, then they would have to admit that there is a God and a Devil—the personifications of good and bad. Witches believe in neither, so they use the terms positive and negative. Incidentally, Oprah also believes and has stated that God is not a person, but a force. It should also be noted that the Bible calls Satan “The Prince of the Power of the Air” (Ephesians 2:2) and “The God of Forces” (Daniel 11:38). I’ll let you ponder that for a moment.
I must add that I do not have anything personal against Steve Harvey. I do not know him personally. He may be a very nice person. But he claims to be a Christian, and, because of his immense popularity, he has a bully pulpit. Scripture says that we should test everything. Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh” (Luke 6:45). Based on this and what I have heard from Steve Harvey’s mouth, I have my suspicions about the nature of Steve Harvey’s heart.
The United States as well as the world, is in the final birth pains before the New World Order finally creates the ultimate police state. It should be clear to any thinking person that something is terribly wrong. The engineers of this revolution (or violent paradigm shift) are endeavoring to bring in the Antichrist; and to do so, they have to re-educate (READ Mind Control) the mass of humanity into the Luciferian mindset. People in education, entertainment, the arts, and ALL media, including radio, have been contracted to facilitate this re-education. Make no mistake, Mr. Harvey is a part of this agenda. If you are a Christian and you enjoy listening to Steve Harvey and others like him, know that you are being subtly wooed into Satan’s camp.
Comedy is a major part of the plan to re-educate America. Comedians have been used for years to Satan’s advantage. People are usually too busy laughing to pay attention to what the comedian is actually saying. If you think about it, the subjects comedians most like to talk about are politics, religion, race, and sex, all of which just happen to be the most divisive of issues. This is no accident.
Everyone has heard of the phrase “divide and conquer.” If someone wants to destroy an organization, a corporation, or even a family, the most effective method is to get the organization to destroy itself from within. Conquering it is elementary from that point. There is a plan afoot to destroy the United States of America by destroying her from within. This is being done by transforming the United States from a nation of people united by a common interest—FREEDOM—into a nation of quarreling, fighting, hateful factions divided by self interest. Can there be any doubt that this has happened?
Now, while this fact is fresh in your mind, think about how comedians are always talking about race. While both black and white comedians are guilty of this, my experience is mostly with black comedians, who are especially guilty. Think about how black comedians are always talking about whites as though they’re stupid, naive idiots, who can’t dance and talk funny.
This, in a country where the racial hate on blogs and internet forums is red-hot. This, in a country where only a short time ago, blacks swung from trees like apples. This in a country where black slaves were bought and sold like cattle a mere 150 years ago and where blacks were granted civil rights less than fifty short years ago. This in a country where 13 years ago, in Texas, James Byrd, a black man, was chained by the ankles to a pickup truck by three white men and dragged for miles until his head was torn off. This in a country where the same crime was repeated in 2009, when two white men similarly dragged Brandon McClelland to his death not 250 miles from the town where Byrd was executed.
Racism is no laughing matter. A major war was fought in this country over slavery, and if you think people have gotten over it, then you are not playing with a full deck. Racism is a major issue. Yet, race is a major tool in the black comedian’s arsenal. Look how upset blacks get when a white celebrity uses the “N” word or makes some other racial comment, yet black comedians joke about whites on national TV. Is this why President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation (for which he was murdered)? To give blacks the freedom to taunt and belittle their former slave masters in public forums? Have you ever noticed how almost every black comedian after a few years appears in movies and has a television show? That is his and her reward for selling out their people. Steve Harvey is a case study in this phenomenon. Black comedians as well as white are being used to foment hate and animosity in the black and white communities and further divide this country, making it ripe for takeover. And the time is almost here.
Something is terribly wrong. Two weeks ago I attended a writer’s conference. One of the speakers, who was speaking on the importance of blogs for authors, mentioned that one of her favorite blogs was entitled, “The Crazy Things That White People Do,” or words to that effect. Ironically, the speaker was white. How long can this go on before something serious happens? Folks, I guarantee you. We are on the brink.
Comedians also constantly make light of drugs, premarital sex, adultery, and all kinds of social ills. Their excuse is that their making light of these issues takes our minds off of the problems of life. There is certainly a grain of truth to this, but only a grain. These are real problems; but comedians make us laugh at these problems, rather than admonish us to cry about them and pray over them.
Religion has always been a major target of comedians. The late George Carlin used to say that “Religion is bull*@!.” Ben Stiller once said that Christmas should be turned into a secular holiday (which it basically has been). Jamie Foxx was once asked during an interview who God was to him. He got visibly upset at this question and asked the interviewer who God was to her. She answered that God was everything to her, to which Foxx replied, “Then why are you asking me?”
I believe that Steve Harvey, like most comedians, is a change agent, who is being used to turn blacks away from God and indoctrinate them into the New Age religion of Antichrist. He often criticizes Christians as being judgmental in condemning his sinful ways. If he were not a Christian and tried to do this, he would be immediately rejected and seen for what he is. So, he tries a subtler approach, masquerading as a Christian, who is merely pointing out the many problems of the Church, using his position and influence to gain a wider following. Harvey is also making people comfortable in their sins, as he emphasizes a Christian being “a work in progress” rather than stressing holiness. He curses almost as much on his show as he did on the Kings of Comedy, and when his co-hosts mention this, he just laughs it off, seeming to glory in his sinfulness.
I seriously believe that the purpose of all of the “sudden” fame Harvey is enjoying is to help him to garner a large following based on his personality and charisma. Then Harvey will announce that he is going into the ministry and will ultimately start his own mega church. I believe this is the purpose for Harvey aligning himself with mega church pastors like Joel Osteen and TD Jakes, and the reason for his partnering with Kirk Franklin. He is establishing his credibility in the “Christian” community.

Harvey is going into the religion business. This is not a stretch, as a mega church is essentially a cult of personality. Many of Harvey’s followers will later be filling his pews, or in this case, auditorium seats, and Harvey will lead them down the side of a steep hill into a sea of perdition. If you are a Christian, you should know that Steve Harvey is not your friend. Steve Harvey hates Christianity and all true Christians. He is part of the problem and not the solution. Do not be deceived by this Trojan Horse. Remember, a good tree is known by his fruit.
Steve Harvey’s Third Eye
Prior to introducing “Jesus,” Steve Harvey makes mention of his “third eye,” while pointing to his forehead. The Third Eye refers to spiritual “enlightenment” that can be gained a number of ways including mind-altering drugs, Yoga, and even sexual intercourse. The Bible doesn’t say anything about a third eye. That, my friends, is because the Third Eye is not Christian, but comes from the ancient Babylonian Mysteries. It can be found in Hinduism, Yoga, and even Wicca: that’s right—witchcraft.

The Third Eye is also a symbol for godhood, as the eye on our one-dollar bill is often called the Eye of God or the Eye of Providence. It is also called the Eye of Horus, the pagan Egyptian Sun God. As you may recall, God struck directly at the Egyptian Sun God with the plague of darkness: a darkness so thick, it could be felt (Exodus 10:21-22).

The Eye in the Pyramid has been linked with the so-called Illuminati, an occult organization originating from the ancient Mystery Religions of the east, whom the Bible calls “Mystery Babylon.” The Illuminati is actually linked to the Roman Catholic church, as the eye in the pyramid atop this Roman Catholic church in Munich, Germany proves.

Click here to learn more.
Harvey’s reference to the Third Eye marks him as an initiate of the Mysteries. He is also saying that he is a god, as the New Age teaches that man can be a god, if he would recognize this and perfect his nature through alchemical transmutation. Need more proof? OK. Remember that in Exodus 3:14, God told Moses that His name was “I Am.” The Lord Jesus Christ, who is also God Almighty, claimed to be the I Am (John 8:58). Well, Steve Harvey makes the same claim.

In case you are still skeptical, notice that the center portion of the “W” is a pyramid with a capstone. The pyramid is pregnant with meaning, but what concerns us is the Freemasonic significance of the pyramid:
“DELTA. The name of the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. In form it is a triangle, and was considered by the ancient Egyptians a symbol of fire, and also of God.” [Boldface mine.]
A Dictionary of Freemasonry, p. 118
Notice he is also forming a triangle, or pyramid, with his hands. He thinks he is a god. But notice something else: Harvey says, “I Am Power.” Remember, the Bible calls Satan “The Prince of the Power of the Air” (Ephesians 2:2), and the eye in the pyramid is also called The All-Seeing Eye of Lucifer—Satan. Now we know the true identity of the “power” to whom Harvey prays.
Also note that Harvey is dressed in all black with a black and blue background. Black, as we know, is always associated with spiritual darkness. But the reader may be interested to know that blue is associated, among other things, with the first three degrees of Freemasonry, called the “Blue Degrees.”
It is also interesting that one side (the viewer’s left, or the West side) of Harvey’s face is in darkness, while the other side (the viewer’s right, or the East side) is “illuminated.” Interesting. Freemasons claim to be traveling from darkness to light, and Freemasonry purports to “illuminate” or enlighten its devotees by initiating them into the ancient mystery religions “by degrees.” Freemasons also claim to be traveling toward the East, which, as you have just learned, is the symbolic and geographical seat of the Babylonian Mystery Religions.
So, not only does the East have literal importance, as it is the place where the sun rises, but it also has the spiritual distinction of being the birthplace of all idolatry. This has biblical significance:
“And He (God) brought me (Ezekiel) into the inner court of the Lord’s house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.”
Ezekiel 8:16
I don’t know if Steve Harvey is a Freemason, but he is certainly a New Age light worker. This is the real meaning of Harvey’s tie, which is decorated with many whites dots; or, as they are known in the New Age “points of light.”
There is one more thing. The “W” actually forms three “V”s, two on the side, and one on top upside down. The numerical value of “V” in Greek is 6. I don’t have to tell you the significance of “666.” Harvey is an antichrist. Not The Antichrist, but certainly an antichrist. Right now, you should be making some serious connections.
This should silence any remaining skeptics who believe that Steve Harvey is truly a Christian. Beware of this Trojan Horse. Watch and pray, saints.
“Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.”
Matthew 7:15-16
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Stay encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
- Secret Societies and Their Power in the Twentieth Century, by Jan Van Helsing, Ewertverlag S.L., 1995.
- Everyday Witchcraft: Love magic, charms and spells, fortune telling: everything you need know to enjoy occult power!, by Delphine C. Lyons, Dell Publishing Company, 1972.
- The Satanic Bible, by Anton Szandor LaVey, Avon, 1969.
- A Dictionary of Freemasonry, by Robert Macoy, Random House Publishing, 1989.
You might want to check your info re V being the number 6. V is used in the Roman numeral system at 5.
Also, one more thing. While we are arguing about who and who is the Anti-Christ, we are losing people every day to Hell, which was intended for the devil and his minions (see Matthew 25:41). You guys can look around for the AC all you want, but I would recommend looking for the imminent return of Christ and reaching everyone you know with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I mentioned in the article that V=6 in the Greek. The article has nothing to do with the Antichrist, but with an antichrist: a deceitful worker transforming himself into a minister of Christ. Thanks for your recommendation, though it is a little superfluous, considering the name and content of this website. God bless.
Harvey is a vessel to dishonor.
Yes, he is.