Revelation 13: The Mark of the Beast

“And he causesth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number the beast: for it the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
Revelation 13:16-18
Grace and peace, Saints.
Most of us are familiar with the mark of the beast associated with the Antichrist and the “cashless society” mentioned in the thirteenth chapter of the Book of the Revelation.
I believe that much of the concern over the mark—in and out of the Christian community—is the result of fear, since the Bible teaches that anyone who accepts the mark will be damned. Christians need not be concerned, however, as the Bible clearly teaches that everyone EXCEPT those whose names are written in the Book of Life will accept the mark. But though we need not be concerned, we all need to know what the Lord Jesus has to say about the mark of the beast, especially since He took the time to tell us about it. This is particularly true considering the consequences of accepting or rejecting the mark are eternal and will affect every living human being.
Moreover, it behooves us as Christians to discover what this mark will be to help us to better witness to the unsaved. Recall that Jesus often told His disciples about things before they happened, to the end that when those things came to pass according to His word, they would believe that He was the Christ. I believe He is doing the same thing with regard to the mark of the beast. Just about everyone has heard at least something about it, and I truly believe that many, who will not believe the Bible now, will believe later when they see this prophecy fulfilled.
We will, therefore, attempt to discover what the mark of the beast will be.
Myths About the Mark
Because there are so many theories about it, many of which only engender fear, let us first dispel any myths about the mark.
Myth #1: Everyone will be forced to wear the mark.
Let us revisit Revelation 13:17:
“And he causesth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads…”
Revelation 13:17
The passage states that the False Prophet will cause all to receive the mark, not force all to receive it. What this says to me is that he will orchestrate events in such a way that people will feel compelled to receive the mark to survive. It will not be mandatory. Proof of this is the fact that Christians will not accept the mark:
“And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship [the Antichrist] whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb…” (Revelation 13:8).
Everyone whose name is not written in the book of life will worship the beast. And everyone who worships the beast will receive the mark. Christians, however, whose names are written in the book, will not worship the beast, and will not accept his mark (Revelation 20:4). Furthermore, Revelation 20:4 says that Christians will be beheaded for their witness of Jesus (soul-winning) and for the Word of God (owning a Bible). They will also be put to death for not worshiping the goddess, the Virgin Mary. But I don’t read in the Word of God that people will be put to death for refusing to accept the mark. That doesn’t mean, of course, that it can’t happen.
I believe that the reason a great portion of humanity has been deceived into believing that they will be forced to accept the mark of the beast is due to the corrupted translation of Scripture found in the New International Version (NIV). The NIV translates Revelation 13:16-17 thus:
“He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.”
The reader will see that the meaning conveyed here is entirely different from that of the King James. There are two lies being promulgated here: 1. that everyone will be forced to wear the mark, and 2. that the mark is “the name of the beast or the number of his name.” We will discuss the second lie later. As for the first lie, that everyone will be forced to accept the mark, we saw in the King James Version, everyone will be caused to wear it. There is a difference.
If I arrived late to my job because I could not find my keys, it would be correct for me to say that the lost keys caused me to be late, but it would be incorrect for me to say that the keys forced me to be late. When one says that he is forced to do something, he usually means that he was made to do the thing against his will. And this usually implies violence or the threat of violence. To cause someone to do something, however, generally means that someone or something made it necessary for another to do something or react in a certain way. Though we often use the two interchangeably, there is a difference.
This is a great example of why Satan hates the Authorized Version of the Bible, the King James. Satan doesn’t want you to know the truth, because the truth will set you free. So, he prints thousands of Bible versions under the pretense that they are easier to understand because they use colloquial language or some other hogwash. But what is actually going on is that Satan manipulates the language of those versions to hide the truth about what’s coming.
The NIV’s translation of Revelation 13:16-17 more than likely is responsible for the proliferation of two other myths. The first is the second most common myth: that without the mark, “no man might buy or sell.” But, this too is false. Scripture does not say that the mark of the beast will be the only way one will be able to buy or sell. Close examination of Revelation 13:18 in the KJV will reveal that there will be two other means: by using the name of the beast, or by using the number of his name:
“That no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
Let us carefully dissect this verse to better grasp its true meaning.
“No man might buy or sell save (except):
1. “He that had the mark [of the beast], or
2. “[He that had] the name of the beast, or
3. “[He that had] the number of [the beast’s] name.”
As one can plainly see, there will be three options for people to buy and sell. The mark will only be one of them. The NIV promotes this lie by rewording Revelation 13:16-17 in such a way as to make the mark appear to be the only way one might buy or sell. Here is the relevant passage again from the NIV:
“[N]o one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.”
As one can see, the NIV accomplishes this by hiding “the name of the beast” and “the number of his name” in a relative clause modifying mark. In other words, the NIV makes it appear that the mark of the beast, the name of the beast, and the number of his name are all the same thing. But as we have seen, they are not.
The NIV’s false interpretation of Revelation 13:16-17 is also responsible for the third most common myth: that 666, or, “the number of the beast,” will be the mark of the beast. Again, the NIV implies this by saying that “the mark…is the name of the beast or the number of his name.” But the King James, the perfect Word of the Living God, proves this also to be a lie:
“And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name” (Revelation 14:11).
As the reader can plainly see, the mark of the beast represents his name, but it is not his name. This totally bogus translation in the NIV has caused much confusion in the Christian community, because it says that the mark is both a name and a number. And this has turned what is a fairly simple explanation of the mark into a Rubik’s Cube. As Revelation 14:11 tells us, the mark of the beast will not be a name or a number. It will be a mark that represents a name.
This is an important distinction, because besides believing that the mark will be the number 666, many also believe that the mark will be a bar code, an RFID chip, or an implant. But in that all these are digital (based on 1s and 0s), they are numbers-based, and so could not be the mark of the beast, which is the mark of the Antichrist’s name. They could, however, be in some way used to represent “the number of his name,” and we will discuss this later. We can, therefore, safely eliminate the “number of the beast” or 666, from the list of possible marks, as well as the bar code, RFID chip, or implant, for that matter.
The fact that the mark of the beast will be based on his name dispels yet another myth: that it will not be a physical mark. Former witch turned Christian evangelist, John Todd, said that when the Bible speaks of a mark, it is speaking in prophetic language, in much the same way that the beast will not really be a beast, but a person. However, in that the mark will be based on the Antichrist’s name, and he does have a real name, then the mark will be an actual physical mark. When I explain its significance, the reader will understand why the mark of the beast will be, and, in fact, has to be an actual physical mark.
To help us to understand the significance of the mark of the beast as “the mark of his name,” let us consider that names are very important in the Book of the Revelation. In fact, the word name shows up no fewer than twenty-nine times. This is because the Book of the Revelation is the culmination of the great battle of the ages: the war between Satan and the Lord Jesus Christ. You see, Satan wants to make a name for himself:
“I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit also in the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north, I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:13-14).
Satan wants to be like God. He wants the worship that God enjoys. And he wants to exalt his name above that of the Lord Jesus Christ. But the Bible says that the name of Jesus is above every other name (Philippians 2:9). Satan knows this, but it doesn’t stop him from trying. So, the Antichrist, who is Satan’s man, will not only try to exalt his name above the name of Jesus, but will also exalt the name of Satan (Lucifer).
It is in this way that Satan will eventually get the worship of man that he so desires, for the Bible says that the world will not only worship the beast, but “the dragon which gave power unto the beast” (Revelation 13:4). That dragon is Satan. Now the Bible tells us that God will put his seal on His followers who are left on the earth before He brings His judgment upon this world:
“And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice…saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads” (Revelation 7:2-3).
Likewise, Satan will put his seal on his people:
“And [the False Prophet] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads…” (Revelation 13:16).
We have already seen in Revelation 14:11 that the mark of the beast is actually “the mark of his name”:
“And they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name” (Revelation 14:11).
While God’s seal is His name:
“And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having His Father’s name written in their foreheads” (Revelation 14:1).
This is a start contrast, the significance of which we will discuss shortly. But first, we should understand that, in this instance, the mark of the beast and the seal of God serve the same purpose: they signify ownership of a servant. The act of marking one’s servant with one’s name represents a very old principle: He who names a thing owns a thing.
It has always been the practice for one to name those things that one owns. Slave masters, for instance, would put their name on their slaves, and cattle owners would brand their cattle. In the case of slavery, the master would select and buy his slave and was given a bill of sale, making him the slave’s new owner. He could then do what he would with the slave, including marking or branding him. In fact, branding slaves was a common practice among many slave owners. As he was the slave’s legal owner, the slave master could, and, in fact, often did then give the slave a new name of the slave master’s choosing. He could do this because he had bought the slave for a price, and the slave was now his personal property.
This principle can also be seen in the Bible. In the Old Testament, God renames Abram Abraham. In the New Testament, He surnames Simon Peter (Cephas), and Saul he later renames Paul. And we are told in the Book of the Revelation that Jesus will one day give us a white stone with a new name written upon it (Revelation 2:17). God can do this because He is God, and everything and everyone belongs to Him. But, more importantly, Jesus paid the blood for our sins at Calvary, and so all who believe on Him have been “bought for a price”: the blood of Jesus. We now belong to Jesus and are no longer our own.
There is a major difference, however, between the master/slave relationship in the temporal world and in the spiritual. In the temporal world, the master chooses his servant. In the spiritual realm, however, it is the servant that chooses his master. Once the servant has chosen whom he will serve, it is then the master’s prerogative to give the servant another name and/or put his mark upon him.
This is the principle behind the mark of the beast. It will be a seal of ownership and not merely a means to buy and sell. Inasmuch as we have determined that ownership in spiritual matters is determined by the servant–as each must choose whom he will worship–then it must be understood that by choosing to accept the mark, one will be choosing whom he will serve. And as the mark of the beast is the seal of Satan, then the one who accepts this mark will, in fact, be serving Satan. It is for this reason that all who accept the mark will be damned to eternal flames.
So, the mark of the beast is a brand of sorts, designating the owner of the wearer. This designation will help us to understand the true nature of the mark. Now, as we discussed before, a major difference between the mark of the beast and the seal of God is that the Antichrist’s mark, or seal, is “the mark of his name,” while the seal of God is, in fact, His name. This is of major importance. God’s seal is His name because all power is His. He cannot be promoted, as He is the Most High, and He cannot be demoted, because He was before all authority, and, in fact, sets up and deposes rulers at His leisure. The name of God therefore, suffices as His seal, because His authority lies in WHO HE IS. He is the great I AM (Exodus 3:14).
The Antichrist’s seal, however, cannot be his name, because his name has no intrinsic value. It has no power. The Antichrist was elected by other men into his place. His power, therefore, rests not in his given name; that is, in who he is, but in his office; that is, in what he is. Pontius Pilate, for instance, ordered a seal be placed on the stone that covered the entrance to Jesus’ tomb. The seal was the mark of Pontius Pilate, and was a sign to all that the stone was placed over the tomb by his authority and should not be moved. The authority of the seal, however, was not derived from the name of Pontius Pilate. It was derived from the office of Pontius Pilate, who was the governor of Jerusalem.
Thus, the mark of the Antichrist’s name is really the seal of his office. And if the seal of Antichrist represents his office, as the phrase, “mark of his name” would seem to imply, then the name in question would not be the Antichrist’s given name, but the name of an office: a title.
Pope Benedict XVI, who I believe is the Antichrist, has many titles, among which are Bishop of Rome, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the State of Vatican City, and Servant of the Servants of God. To discover which title the mark of the beast will represent, then, it will be necessary to examine what else the Bible says about the name of the beast. Recall that the Apostle John saw a beast rise out of the sea. The Bible says this about it:
“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy” (Revelation 13:1).
The beast that rose out of the sea, of course, is the Antichrist, and he wears a blasphemous name on his head. The Bible says that the Antichrist will “open his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven” (Revelation 13:6). The specific way that he will blaspheme the name of God is illustrated in the following passage:
“[He] opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God” (2 Thessalonians 2:4).
No single word better describes the Antichrist than the word blasphemy. The Antichrist will blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ by exalting himself in Jesus’ place. For a mere man to exalt himself into the position of God is blasphemy of the highest order. When Jesus said, “I and my Father are One,” the Jews charged Him with blasphemy saying, “Thou being a man maketh thyself God” (John 10:30-33). The Antichrist will do the same thing.
Now, as the mark of the beast is “the mark of [Antichrist’s] name,” and that name is blasphemous, then the title that gives the mark, or seal, of the Antichrist his authority would also have to be blasphemous. That means that the name of the beast would have to blaspheme Jesus by exalting Antichrist into the place of the Lord Jesus.
The titles that we have mentioned thus far are not blasphemous, but there are a couple more titles that we have not looked at. One of those titles is Vicar, or Substitute of Jesus Christ. Is there anything blasphemous about that title? You bet there is. You see there can be no substitute for Jesus Christ. He is One of a kind. Jesus was Himself a substitute—our Substitute. He shed the blood you and I should have shed, and He died the death that you and I should have died. There never was nor shall there ever be anyone else qualified to die for the sins of man. Only Jesus was sinless. No one, therefore, could ever serve as a substitute for the Lord Jesus Christ. No one.
There are many examples in the Bible which prove this, but I think the most poignant can be found in the Book of the Revelation Chapter 5:
“And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.
“And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?
“And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.
“And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.
“And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
“And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain…
“And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne…
“And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation” (Revelation 5:1-9).
As we can see, only the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David, was found worthy to open the book. Who is this Root of David?
“I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the offspring of David, and the bright and Morning Star” (Revelation 22:16).
The Lord Jesus Christ was the only one in Heaven, in earth, and under the earth who was found worthy to open the book with the seven seals, which book contained the judgments of God upon sinful man. Why? Because God the Father has given Jesus the full right to judge (John 5:22). Why? Because Jesus “was slain, and has redeemed us to God by His blood.” Only Jesus’ sacrifice satisfied God’s requirement for atonement and only the Lord Jesus could, would, and did offer His life for the sins of mankind. Only Jesus rose from the dead, thus showing his supremacy over sin, over death, and over Satan, and only Jesus ascended into Heaven, showing that He is God. There can be no substitute for Jesus Christ. This is why the title, Vicar of Jesus Christ is blasphemous. It purports to substitute a mere man for Someone for whom there can be no substitute: the One and Only Jesus Christ.
There is another name by which the pope goes, and that name is Vicarius Filii Dei, or the Vicar of the Son of God, and this is important. For one, it is said to have been inscribed upon the tiara of the pope, though this is disputed by some who consider it no more than “anti-Catholic” propaganda. Additionally, many, such as the Seventh Day Adventists, claim that the numerical equivalent of this title is 666, or the number of the beast, a claim that Rome also disputes.
Most of the attention given to the title Vicarius Filii Dei has been centered on the contention that its numerical equivalent is 666. But little, if any, attention has been paid to the fact that it is a blasphemous title. Vicar of the Son of God means exactly the same as Vicar of Jesus Christ. Both titles are blasphemous, attempting, as they do, to exalt a man into the place of our Savior, and both of these names have caused much controversy.
But even if neither of these titles is the “name of blasphemy,” there is yet another name that the pope goes by, the existence of which, cannot be denied. Neither can it be denied that this name is blasphemous. That name is “Holy Father.”
Because Jesus said that we should call no man our father, this name is clearly blasphemous. But did you know that Holy Father is one of the titles of God? Well, it is. In Chapter 17 of the Book of John, commonly known as Jesus’ Great Priestly Prayer, Jesus says the following while praying to God the Father. Listen to this very carefully:
“And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are” (v. 11).
That’s right: the title of Holy Father is a title of God the Father, the Almighty God. You must understand why this is important. Jesus Christ, who is Himself God Almighty, called God the Father “Holy Father.” He placed the Father above Himself. Therefore, to call the Roman Catholic pope “Holy Father” is to blaspheme the name of God the Father.
Understand the importance of this. Most every other title that God the Father has, Jesus also has, including I Am, Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the Ending. But Jesus never called Himself “Holy Father.” Jesus reserved this title for God the Father alone: for Jesus said,
“My Father…is greater than all (including Himself)” (John 1o:29)
This makes the Roman Catholic pope’s title of “Holy Father” a “name of blasphemy” and a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. So, while the Roman Catholic church may argue that the pope is the substitute for Jesus Christ, there is no way on earth that he, being a created being, could be a substitute for the Creator. And there is no way on earth that he, being a sinful man, should call himself Holy Father; for the Bible says that God only is Holy (Revelation 15:4).
If the pope were really a God-fearing man, there is no way he would use that title. So, why is he using it? Because he is not a God-fearing man.
But what is most important is that all of these titles, including “Holy Father,” belong to one office: that of the Roman Catholic pope. And inasmuch as the mark of the beast is the seal of his authority and that authority is derived from his office, then it behooves us to look at the seal of the Roman Catholic pope; for that seal is a likely candidate for the mark of the beast.

Below are several coats of arms of the Roman Catholic church.
The reader will notice that these coats of arms all have one thing in common: the gold and silver keys, which the Roman Catholic church calls the keys of Simon Peter. Wikipedia describes them thus:
“The crossed keys symbolise the keys of Simon Peter. The keys are gold and silver to represent the power of loosing and binding. The triple crown (the tiara) represents the pope’s three functions as “supreme pastor”, “supreme teacher” and “supreme priest”. The gold cross on a monde (globe) surmounting the tiara symbolizes the sovereignty of Jesus.”
This is apparently borrowed from Matthew 16:18, where after Simon Peter declares Jesus to be “the Christ, the son of the living God” (v. 16), Jesus goes on to tell Simon that He would give to him the keys of heaven, and that whatsoever he loosed or bound on earth would also be loosed or bound in heaven.
Notice that the pope claims to be the “supreme pastor,” “supreme teacher,” and the “supreme priest.” Supreme literally means “highest” or “most high.” This, again, is blasphemy, because, again, Jesus Christ said that God the Father is “greater than all” (John 10:29). He then is The Most High.
You must understand that whatever his pretense to piety, by using these titles, the pope is not only claiming to be the substitute of Jesus Christ, but he is actually claiming to be Jesus Christ. And not only is he claiming to be Jesus Christ, but he is also claiming to be God the Father. Can anything be more blasphemous?
For its part, the Vatican says this about the Keys of Simon Peter:
“The symbolism is drawn from the Gospel and is represented by the keys given to the Apostle Peter by Christ.
The insignia is red with the two keys crossed as the Cross of St. Andrew, one gold and one silver, with the cotter pointed upwards and towards the sides of the shield. Two cords hang from the grips of the keys, usually red or blue.
The shield is surmounted by the tiara or triregnum.
Two ribbons hang from the tiara, each with a patent cross.
Ordinarily the keys have the mechanical part placed up, facing to the right and the left and usually in the form of a cross, not for the mechanisms of a lock, but as a religious symbol. The grips vary according to artistic taste, from the Gothic to the Baroque.
Since the XIV Century, the two crossed keys have been the official insignia of the Holy See. The gold one, on the right, alludes to the power in the kingdom of the heavens, the silver one, on the left, indicates the spiritual authority of the papacy on earth. The mechanisms are turned up towards the heaven and the grips turned down, in other words into the hands of the Vicar of Christ. The cord with the bows that unites the grips alludes to the bond between the two powers.”
(Holy See Press Office
Interestingly, the Bible mentions two other keys:
“I (Jesus) am He that liveth, and was dead: and, behold, I am alive for evermore. Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death” (Revelation 1:18).
Could the “keys of Saint Peter” actually be the keys of hell and of death? Given what the Roman Catholic religion believes and teaches, and that the Bible declares that the very first residents of the Lake of Fire will be the Antichrist and his False Prophet (Revelation 20:10), the chances are very good that this is the case. But you must decide that for yourselves. Another thing to consider is that since the pope considers himself the substitute for Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ has the keys of hell and of death, then the pope, too, must make this claim.
Saints, I truly believe that Pope Benedict XVI is the Antichrist, and that his mark will be the emblem of the Holy See, the so-called keys of Saint Peter.
Now, some last thoughts about the mark of the beast. First, if everyone will be required to wear the mark on his forehead or right hand, why the necessity for “the name of the beast and the number of his name? Would not the mark of the beast suffice? Second, if neither the name nor number of the beast will be a mark, then how will one “have” the name and number of the beast? And third, why will the mark of the beast be on the forehead or right hand?
The first question is the easiest to answer. As stated before, the mark will not be used solely for commercial transactions, nor will it be used simply to make financial transactions more convenient or safe, as many have come to think. It will be a way to distinguish God’s people from Satan’s. The Bible tells us that Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25:32-33). In other words, He is going to make a clear distinction between the servants of God Almighty and the servants of Satan. As before stated, the mark of the beast will not be mandatory. The mark will be offered to those who want it, and I believe that the incentive to take it will be some material benefit.
Throughout history, the enemies of Christ have always persecuted Christians by confiscating their property and by denying them jobs and state benefits, while the pagans were always given preferential treatment by the state. I believe that the mark will be offered to all those who are loyal to the Antichrist and accept the one-world religion by worshipping the Antichrist and his idol. All those who accept the mark, therefore, will be given access to free health care, housing, government assistance, and the like, while those who refuse the mark (Christians, for example) will have to fend for themselves. The pagans will depend on Big Brother Antichrist, while the Christians will depend on Jesus Christ, their God.
The purpose of the mark will be to distinguish God’s people from Satan’s.
Regarding the necessity for the name of the beast and the number of his name, I believe the phrase “save he that had…the name of the beast” in Revelation 13:18 refers to those who worship the Antichrist and accept him as their lord and master. Roman Catholics will be at the top of the list, for they already revere the pope. Christians are said to “name the name of Christ” (2 Timothy 2:19). Likewise, those who accept the mark will name the name of Antichrist, for the mark is “the mark of his name.”
The Roman Catholic pope declares himself the head of the “universal” church (catholic means universal), as the title, “Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church suggests. The one world church will consist of all religions (except biblical Christianity) under the headship of the Vatican. Those, therefore, who bow down to the pope—have his mark, his name, or his number—will be able to buy and sell, while those who do not recognize the pope as their leader will not.
There has been talk for years of a universal identity card that all citizens could wear. In that the New World Order will be a “global village” complete with global citizens indistinguishable from one another, then the universal identity card would be truly universal. Such a card could become a reality and, if so, may even state whether the holder is a member of the universal church. If he is not, then he will not be able to buy or sell.
As for the number of the beast, as we have discussed, the bar code, the RFID chip, and the implant are digital or numbers based, so they could be used in some way to conduct financial transactions. By this I mean that they could be used to buy and sell, not that they will be the mark of the beast. It is said that every bar code has three lines that correspond to 666. If this is true, then the bar code could very well be used as the number of the beast.
As for why everyone will be required to wear the mark of the beast on his forehead or right hand, let us consider that the choice of the right hand is not arbitrary: it has tremendous significance, and this significance can best be seen by way of comparison:
- The mark of the beast will be given by man, while the seal of God will be given by angels.
- The mark of the beast is the name of a man, while the seal of God is the name of God.
- The mark of the beast has a material purpose: to enable one to “buy and sell.” The seal of God has no material use.
- Those who receive the mark of the beast shall die. Those who receive the seal of God shall live.
As one can plainly see, though the mark of the beast and the seal of God share some characteristics, there is one very important distinction: the mark of the beast has both spiritual and material significance, while the seal of God is purely spiritual.
Some believe that the forehead represents the mind and the hand represents a person’s works. If this is true, then the right hand may represent the law. In other words, the mark on the right hand may signify that the person has rejected the law of grace through Jesus Christ in favor of the law of works. And we know from the Word of God that the law is death (Romans 8:2). This is why the servants of God shall only receive the seal of God in their foreheads: they are saved by faith in Jesus, not works, and “follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth” (Revelation 14:4).
But there is something more. The right hand may not only represent works, because, according to the Bible, the right hand is a symbol of power and authority. This is why Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father (Hebrews 10:12): He sits at the right hand of power. Recall also that the Apostle John saw God the Father sitting on His throne holding the book with the seven seals in His right hand (Revelation 5:1), which Jesus took from Him. This act was very significant, not only because it symbolizes God giving Jesus the right to judge (John 5:22), but also because it symbolizes God handing His power and authority over to Jesus. Additionally, The name Benjamin (the youngest son of Jacob) means “son of my right hand,” in other words, “son of my strength.” The right hand symbolizes power and authority.
The Antichrist will attempt to have total control over every person on earth. He wants to control what a person says, where a person goes, what a person does, and even what a person thinks (mind control). By accepting the mark on his forehead, a person will be declaring that the Antichrist is the master of his will, and, by accepting the mark on his right hand, a person will be declaring that the Antichrist is the master of his actions. In short, the person is ceding total control of his being to the Antichrist. He is making the Antichrist his lord and master. And that’s the key.
The mark of the beast will be the seal of the Roman Catholic pope: Benedict XVI, the Antichrist. “He who hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”
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Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Your study is exhaustive; however, you have failed to not answer one very important question.
What therefore is the NAME of whom you refer to as God? Since you do not use God and Jesus interchangeably, God is by default (of how its used) a title. Further, the pagan symbols of the pope’s armor is Nimrod blasphemous pagan idols as well as Nimrod himself. See the black guy with lipstick and earrings on above.
Hello, Christina, and thanks for your comment.
I do use God and Jesus interchangeably, but not everyone who says god means Jesus. God (El or elohaa) means anything that is worshipped as a god. This is god with a small ‘g.’ God (Elohim) is the Godhead:
Jesus said that anyone who has seen Him has also seen the Father, because, as He said, He was in the Father, and the Father was in Him through the Holy Spirit. Jesus therefore is the Godhead. This agrees with Scripture which says:
“For in [Jesus] dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9). We may therefore call God Jesus.
According to the Bible, God has many names:
“Holy and reverend is His name” (Psalm 111:9)
But Jesus is also God Almighty:
“I [Jesus] am Alpha and Omega…the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8).
God has many names, but the Father has chosen to exalt the name of Jesus above all His names, because the Lord Jesus gave His life for the world, as the Father asked Him To. Listen to these beautiful words:
Dear Stillman,
Thank you for your site and presentation of the word. If someone has taken a RFID by being told that they were being given a vaccine…and knows they are being tracked, monitored, manipulated…would this be considered the mark of the beast??
There’s evidence that this person has been manipulated since birth (satanic abuse) as well.
The Mark of the beast will not be an RFID chip, EJ. To find out what the Mark of the Beast will be, click here.
As for satanic abuse, Jesus can heal this person if they call on Him.
*dear Still Man.
you mentioned…..”Now, though the Bible doesn’t say anything about any keys of loosing and binding, it does mention two other keys:”
please correct me if I am wrong, doesn’t Matthew 16:18-19 say:
“18 And I tell you that you are Peter,[a] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[b] will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[c] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[d] loosed in heaven.”
God bless
Dear Ricky:
You are correct, Sir! What I meant to say was that the Bible does not say explicitly (though one can argue that it implies) that the “keys of the kingdom of heaven” were to loose and to bind, or that Jesus gave any keys to Peter. At any rate, Ricky, I am most obliged to you: for in reviewing the article, I realized that there is important information that I neglected to include, and I will do so as soon as time permits, as well as make the necessary correction to the article that you so aptly pointed out. God bless you, and again, thank you.
Wow still man I thought you were gone for awhile, great artical I love the use of the pictures. I never relized the key parts in symbolms before its reather interesting.
with the grace of god
sean b