A Letter To Jack
Grace and peace to those who have the blessed hope, and greetings to those who have no hope at all.
As you may recall, we wrote an article a couple of years ago entitled, Man You Don’t Know Jack! wherein we reveal the fact that a few of Jack Chick’s tracts depict characters clearly displaying Cult of Mary hand signs.
The above image was the first such image that I found with this occult imagery. Because it was just the one tract, I decided not to write Jack concerning it, and opted to just write the article concerning this issue for the edification of the Body of Christ and to warn soul winners who use Chick tracts to carefully consider before using them in their evangelism efforts toward Roman Catholics.
Unfortunately, however, to date, I have found three Chick tracts containing Cult of Mary occult imagery:
At this point, I believe it is safe to conclude that something is desperately wrong at Chick Publications.
The most troubling aspect of this affair is that two of the three tracts containing these images target Roman Catholics and Muslims, and both Roman Catholics and Muslims revere “Mother Mary,” as the Roman Catholic “Virgin Mary” is called. If these tracts are used to evangelize Roman Catholics and Muslims involved in the occult, it is possible that our witness to these people will prove fruitless, as they will doubtless believe that the true Christian Church is as steeped in occultism as are their religions.
For this reason, I was compelled to write Jack Chick a couple of days ago and bring this issue to his attention. Below is an image of the letter that I wrote him.
I have asked Jack to publicly address this issue, and explain how occult imagery made it into Chick gospel tracts. It is my hope that he will do so, and that he will then take the appropriate measures to eradicate all occult imagery from Chick gospel tracts.
Let me say, for the record, that my intention in bringing this issue to the fore is not to malign Chick Publications. As one will read in my conversion testimony, a Chick gospel tract was instrumental in bringing me to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. My purpose in doing this is to ensure that, by policing ourselves, we avoid giving the enemies of Christ the ammunition they need to further demonize the Christian Church and to blaspheme the worthy name of our Lord Jesus. I also want to alert both Chick Publications and soul winners everywhere with a burden for Roman Catholics and Muslims that they should avoid using these particular tracts in their evangelism efforts, and that they should henceforth carefully examine each tract they use to ensure that there is no occult imagery in them.
In that Chick Publications is arguably the best known Christian Publication house in the world, then one would think that they are ordained of God to equip the saints for Kingdom work in these last days. It is imperative, therefore, that we hold them accountable.
So let us pray that Jack Chick will acknowledge this grievous error and take the necessary actions to correct it; for judgment must begin at the house of God.
“For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?” (2 Corinthians 5:12).
Update: Click here for Chick Publications’ response to my letter.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
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