A Portent of the Future?
Grace and peace, believers and unbelievers alike.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This morning I was reviewing the video of President Obama’s 2013 Inaugural Address, when the video cut to the First Lady and her family. Will you look at the deadpan looks on their faces? Now tell me: if you didn’t know the circumstances of this photo, where would you think they were? A funeral would be my guess.
It is painfully obvious that neither of these ladies was in the moment when this photo was shot. Look at M. Obama’s eyes. She seems to be off somewhere very far from Washington, D.C. And Malea, as usual, seems to be almost on the verge of tears. Between the two girls, she is the one I feel most sorry for. She is at an age to understand more of what’s going on than Sasha. I pray especially hard for her. She doesn’t seem at all like a happy child.
Now, I know that a mere frame captures but a fraction of a moment, and, as such, could be totally misunderstood and misinterpreted. But this shot lasts almost ten seconds. And, as you can see, the ladies’ faces remained fairly frozen.
It almost seems as though these ladies have a bad feeling about the future. And I think I know why.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
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