A Relationship With Jesus: The Reason For The Season
Grace and peace to the Saints of God and the sons of Adam alike, on this, the season of our Lord’s birth! Hallelujah! Glory to God in the highest!
Whew! Man, am I ever in the Spirit today! God is good all the time! Ok, slow down Homes…
I meant to have a Christmas message posted before Christmas day, but, for various reasons, it never happened. But I thank God that at this moment I have a sound body and am clothed in my right mind, so I can take this opportunity to extend this message to the Body of Christ and our brethren in the world.
Today I heard a man preach today on the “reason for the season,” and I have to say, he hit the nail right on the head: Jesus is the reason for the season.
(By the way, I heard this sermon on “Gregory Gospel,” a gospel station I found on iTunes. This is an unsolicited endorsement of this station, meaning I don’t personally know them or they me. So, they have no idea that I am doing this. But I know that there are others like me out there who are always looking for genuine Gospel music, which is hard to find in today’s apostate climate. So, if I find something that appeals to me, I’m going to share it with the Body of Christ.
Now, they blend classic and contemporary Gospel, so occasionally they may play something that may not appeal to the Gospel purist, but those selections are few and very far between. The important thing is that the music is pure Gospel: meaning that the songs constantly quote Scripture and praise that worthy name of Jesus: things which are sorely lacking in much of today’s contemporary Gospel music.
Artists I’ve heard include the Rev. James Moore, the Canton Spirituals, the Racy Brothers, and the Might Clouds of Joy. There are also many that I have never heard before but can’t wait to hear again. And the quality is excellent. The programming also includes Bible teaching, and from what I have heard thus far, they are straight Bible. So you not only get soul-stirring, Jesus-uplifting music, but sound Bible doctrine that ought to keep you going in between your Sunday and Wednesday evening worship services.
Now I’ve only been listening to them for a few days, so this endorsement is not based on a complete study. But, I can usually tell pretty quickly if a work is anointed or not, and so far, Gregory Gospel has passed muster.
Now, to continue, Jesus is the Reason for the Season. You know, at this moment, we are blessed in this country to be able to worship Jesus without fear of reprisal. Our brethren in other countries are not as fortunate. Scarcely a day passes that Christians are not martyred somewhere in the world. Christians in Communist and Muslim-dominated countries would give anything to be able to worship the Lord Jesus freely and without fear for their lives.
We have that freedom in America—at least for the time being. For now we are able to openly celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Christmas is a barometer of America’s apostasy, for the name Christmas is derived from Christ—the surname of our Lord Jesus. You will know when the end is come: when America completely divorces itself from the Lord Jesus, and a clear sign of this will be when the antichrist forces succeed in eliminating Christmas. And they are working hard towards that end.
One way they are doing this is by spreading the propaganda that December 25 is not really the birthday of Jesus Christ: that this day is actually the celebration of the winter solstice. Be that as it may, I say to you that it makes no difference what day He was actually born. The important thing is this: Jesus died for our sins, and if He had never been born, He could never have died.
The very fact that Jesus died means that He was born, and if Jesus was born, then the witness of the Apostles is true:
“And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14).
Our salvation hinges on Jesus’ death and resurrection, this witness is true. But His death and resurrection could never have happened had He not been born. Therefore, the day our Lord was born is irrelevant. What is important is that HE WAS BORN.
So, let us be glad and rejoice during this Christmas season. The Savior of the world is come!
By the way, do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ? If you don’t, you have no idea what you are missing. You will never know love until you taste and see that the Lord is good. Salvation is not about religion. It’s about a relationship with the One who died for your sins and mine. Jesus already knows you. He just wants you to know Him. Why? Because He loves you.
Come on and get to know Him. Never mind what people have told you about Him. Find out for yourself. Begin a relationship with Jesus today. And make a new start.
Click here if you would like to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.
Be encouraged and look up; your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Copyright © 2011 Anthony Keeton, The Still Man ®. All rights reserved.
Speaking of relationships, for your listening pleasure, I give you this selection by the incomparable James Moore, Enjoy.
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