Affliction Can Be A Blessing
“It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.” –Psalm 119:71
We are living in some of the most economically, socially, and spiritually challenging times in history. Many are disenchanted, unhappy, and fearful. They are afflicted. We don’t normally consider affliction a blessing, but it can be. It can be an opportunity for tremendous growth.
Prosperity almost always results in a spiritual deficit. When our marriages are going well, things are fine on the job, and we are in excellent health, we sometimes get complacent. When this happens, our prayer life weakens and we neglect to get into the Word of God.
But when faced with a challenge such as a job loss, a failing marriage, separation or divorce, a health crisis, persecution, we are forced to slow down and reevaluate, prioritize and reorder our lives. It is during these times that many of us realize that we have forgotten our First Love. We understand that we were so busy with our lives that we forgot the One who gave us life: The Lord Jesus Christ.
We all know that God is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, but God has many other attributes as well: He is also a God of comfort, a God of providence, and a God of protection, as well as many other things. He would like us to know these things about Him also.
Now, it is one thing to read about these attributes of God, but it’s something more to experience them personally. And we will often not fully appreciate these aspects of God’s personality unless we are put in a situation that prompts Him to reveal Himself thus.
This is one purpose of adversity. While we are looking for a job; while we are separated from our spouse; while we are in the hospital, or while we are just feeling down, we can use this time to get into the Word of God and learn more about Him.
As we grow in the knowledge of Him, we draw closer to Him and He with us. And as He draws closer to us, He meets us at our point of need: He becomes our Comforter. He becomes our Provider. He becomes our Help. He becomes our Shield and Buckler. He becomes our Strength. And we learn to love Him and His Word even more.
If you are going through a rough time, it can be difficult to get into the Word of God. But do it. Without a doubt, you will grow closer with God, and He will minister to your needs.
The Still Man
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