Animal Rights and the New World Order
Grace and peace, saints.
Since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and understood that many of the fantastic things going on in the world are actually a part of Biblical prophecy, I have always tried to view the world in the context of the Bible.
I know, for instance, that the goal of the ecumenical movement is to unite all churches into a One World Church under the pope. So when I see events such as the Episcopal parish that wants to join the Catholic Church, I understand that this is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. When the media accused Norway shooter Anders Breivik of being a “Christian fundamentalist,” I understood that this was a part of the prophesied great persecution of the Christian Church. I also understand where various movements like the environmental movement fit into the Biblical picture.
What I could never understand, however, was what role animal activism played in prophetic events. I know that Satan likes to take the word of God and twist it to suit his purposes, so I thought that this unnatural affinity and reverence for animals was merely Satan profaning God’s commandment. For God said:
“Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things” (Genesis 9:3).
According to the Bible then, every animal on the face of the earth is suitable for consumption, including dogs and cats—animals that we have come to think of more as friends and family than food. Yet God’s Word is clear: dogs and cats are edible.
Don’t get me wrong: I am in no way suggesting that keeping a dog or cat as a pet is going against the Bible, and I don’t think God disapproves of the practice. After all, dogs have more than proven themselves invaluable in many capacities, and in the case of the disabled, they are not only viable as companions, but are also a means for them to maintain some kind of independence. And the soothing and comforting qualities of cats have made them an ideal companion for the infirm, the elderly, and those who live alone.
But the animal rights movement has gone so far in their activism that they seem almost to be trying to win the same rights for animals that human beings enjoy. Listen to this statement from PETA, the animal rights organization:
“People often ask if animals should have rights, and quite simply, the answer is ‘Yes!’”
They go on to explain that, by this, they mean “animals deserve to live their lives free from suffering and exploitation.”
But they also make the following statement:
“Only prejudice allows us to deny others the rights that we expect to have for ourselves.”
This seems to suggest that animals are entitled to civil rights—just like human beings.
They go on to identify animals with groups such as blacks and women by suggesting that they are being similarly discriminated against:
“Whether it’s based on race, gender, sexual orientation or species, prejudice is morally unacceptable. If you wouldn’t eat a dog, why eat a pig? Dogs and pigs have the same capacity to feel pain, but it is prejudice based on species that allows us to think of one animal as a companion and the other as dinner.”
According to this statement, they believe that those who eat pigs and cows, but not dogs, are discriminating against those animals, and violating their rights! And they don’t base animals’ entitlement to civil rights on their capacity to reason or talk, but on their ability to suffer.
“Suffering [is] the vital characteristic that gives a being the right to equal consideration. The capacity for suffering is not just another characteristic like the capacity for language or higher mathematics.
“All animals have the ability to suffer in the same way and to the same degree that humans do. They feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration, loneliness and motherly love. Whenever we consider doing something that would interfere with their needs, we are morally obligated to take them into account.
So the decision to eat or not to eat animals is no longer simply a matter of personal preference, but a moral consideration.
This next statement goes even further:
“Supporters of animal rights believe that animals have an inherent worth – a value completely separate from their usefulness to humans. We believe that every creature with a will to live has a right to live free from pain and suffering.”
Do not mistake what they are implying here. A will is a human characteristic and entails the ability to choose and to distinguish right and wrong. This statement redefines animal behavior from what was previously thought of as instinctual to intentional and effectively makes an animal not an animal, but a person. The next statement makes it crystal clear that this is exactly what they have in mind:
“Animal rights is not just a philosophy – it is a social movement that challenges society’s traditional view that all non-human animals exist solely for human use. As PETA’s managing director, Ingrid E. Newkirk has said, ‘When it comes to pain, love, joy, loneliness and fear, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. Each one values his or her life and fights the knife.'”
By calling animal rights a social movement, they are comparing it to the civil rights movement and the fight for women’s suffrage. Social movements involve people, so by considering animal rights a social movement, they are calling it a human rights issue. Moreover, by grouping a human boy with a rat, a pig, and a dog, Newkirk is putting us all on the same level. This is unscriptural, because God clearly distinguishes man from animals and has given man the dominion over animals:
“All that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered” (Genesis 9:2b).
Besides having major implications for society, this actually has prophetic significance. There are two possible scenarios that could occur whether the animal rights agenda is realized or not, simply because it has become such a major issue:
If the animal rights movement succeeds in gaining civil rights for animals and they become legal persons, then it could be considered murder to kill an animal and cannibalism to eat an animal. This sounds fantastic, but it is totally possible given the great strides the animal rights movement has made in the past decade. I don’t believe such a law would be accepted internationally, but countries that signed a United Nations resolution in this regard could accept it. There are a number of U.N. resolutions that have not been accepted by all the member states, but are enforced in those countries that have accepted and signed the resolution.
The prophetic significance of this is that Daniel 8:12 tells us that the Jews will again practice animal sacrifice:
“And a host was given him (the Antichrist) against (in preparation for) the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it (the host) cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced and prospered” (Daniel 8:12).
A host in this sense means a group of priests whose commission will be to begin the sacrifice of animals again for sin atonement; for, as we know, the Jews reject Jesus as the Last Sacrifice. That is what is meant by, “casting the truth to the ground.” The practice of animal sacrifice is denying that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross was sufficient atonement for sins.
Now the devil has always demonized the Jews and gotten the support of the people before he tried to kill them. In Germany, the Jews were blamed for the hated treaty of Versailles and they were accused of being the authors of the Protocols of Zion and the founders of international Communism. All this was to turn international opinion against the Jews in preparation for the great “cleansing” perpetrated by the Nazis.
In America, the media has for years launched its own assault on the Jews. They are constantly accused of being the true power in the world and ultimately responsible for all of its problems. More recently the Jews have received bad press over the issue of circumcision, which is portrayed in the media as a barbarous and satanic practice.
Now, if animal rights gains worldwide acceptance—and there is every reason to believe it will—then when the Jews start practicing animal sacrifice again, then the whole world could be against them. We know this could happen because the Bible says that in the middle of the seven-year agreement the Antichrist will make with Israel (a tenet of which will be their permission to practice animal sacrifice) he will renege on his word (Daniel 9:27), and put a halt to the sacrifices. This will coincide with the Antichrist placing an idol in the Jewish Holy of Holies (Daniel 11:31). His change of heart could ostensibly be a result of worldwide outrage at the practice of animal sacrifice.
It is conceivable that Americans can be beguiled into turning against the Jews for animal sacrifice. It has been said that Hitler offered to let America take the Jews and America refused, though I cannot substantiate this. If anti-Jewish rhetoric increases, and Americans continue in their militant zeal for animal rights, one can see the possibility of this scenario.
Even if animal rights does not succeed, there is still the potential for trouble. If the idea that humans are merely higher-evolved animals ever gains public and God forbid, legislative acceptance, cannibalism can be legalized. After all, if human beings are merely a species of animal, and it is legal to eat all kinds of animals, then it should be technically OK to eat humans.
This is barbarous, but under these circumstances, totally conceivable. The likelihood of this scenario is increased by the fact that cannibalism is actually being discussed in the public forum.
This would agree with Scripture, for Daniel 8:25 says that the Antichrist will cause witchcraft to prosper, meaning it will be government approved. Since witchcraft is a religion, and human sacrifice is a practice of witchcraft, then human sacrifice could become a religious privilege—with government sanction.
Think about it: if the Jews are allowed to sacrifice animals for religious reasons, and if human beings are also animals, then technically witches could also be allowed to sacrifice humans as a religious privilege. All that is needed is:
- For witchcraft to gain legislative acceptance as a religion. This is almost the case. Military and prison chaplains receive training in Wicca so they can minister to witches. The military and prisons are taxpayer funded and this means that the government recognizes it. And since we pay taxes, it essentially means we do too. If this seems a stretch to you, consider that theUnited States Air Force Academy recently dedicated an $80,000 outdoor pagan worship center.The dedication was presided over by two witches. Convinced?
- For witchcraft to gain public acceptance as a religion. With the success of Harry Potter and Twilight, and all the witchcraft programming on T.V., witchcraft is already enjoying enormous public approval. This is because the majority of the public has no idea that human sacrifice is a major part of witchcraft.
- For humans to be considered just another species of animal. This is being taught to our children every day in anthropology classes all over America, and being reinforced by Hollywood, the media, the Discovery Channel, and in many of our churches through evolution theology. Just a cursory glance at most of our children and one will plainly see that they have bought into it.
- For animals to be granted human rights.
Now do you understand all the media coverage and movies about animals like chimpanzees, gorillas, and dolphins that exhibit human qualities? Now do you understand the wave after wave of news stories lately about animals attacking human beings? The one thing that has differentiated humans from animals is our capacity for senseless violence. Animals, on the other hand, have always been seen as instinctual creatures that only kill for food and to defend their young. With the media’s coverage of unprovoked attacks on human beings, however, people will soon begin to see animals as indiscriminate killers—just like us. There will soon be no difference between the two. And that will play right into the puppet masters’ hands.
All this is frightening when you consider that the Bible says the Antichrist will “cause craft (witchcraft) to prosper.” He will give it his seal of approval. Then it will be Hell on earth. I hope that you now understand the danger of the animal rights movement. Humanizing animals de-humanizes human beings. I also hope you understand that it is actually a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. From now on, when you see an animal related story in the media, consider it in the context of Biblical prophesy. You may come to believe that animal rights is not such a good idea after all.
The first rabbinically-approved Jewish sacrifice in over 1500 years was performed in June of this year in Israel. My thanks to Craig Boliek for providing that information. It’s coming down to the wire, folks.
If you are reading this and you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, but you have come to realize that if the Bible is right about Jewish sacrifices starting up again in Israel, then it is probably right when it says that Jesus is the Christ—the only way to salvation. And if the Bible is right about that, then it is also right about God’s coming judgment on this sinful world.
If you want to escape that, plus have the added bonus of peace in this life and the assurance of spending an eternity with Jesus Christ free of want, pain, sadness, or loneliness, then click here.
Be encouraged and look up; your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Copyright © 2011 Anthony Keeton, The Still Man ®. All rights reserved.