Babylon Go’on Fall!
Grace and peace, believers, and greetings to my many enemies.
Today I watched CNN’s coverage of President Barak Obama’s historic “coming out” in support of gay marriage—a first for a sitting president—with great interest, and, to tell you the truth, I wasn’t the least bit surprised. It was only a matter of time.
With all due respect to our president, Barak Obama is a tool of the Antichrist and a herald of the New Age, as his actions clearly demonstrate. Though I didn’t vote for Obama, I pay him due deference, because the Bible tells us that we should respect those in government, and, as the head of the government of the United States, President Obama is entitled to our respect. But more than that, President Obama is entitled to—and very much in need of—our prayers. The man is in profound darkness.
What was remarkable about CNN’s coverage of Obama’s coming out was how often the word “evolution” was used with respect to the President’s announcement. A few of Pierce Morgan’s guests, for example, referred to public opinion on same-sex marriage—including President Obama’s—as having evolved. And the President himself said that his opinion’s on same-sex marriage were always “evolving.”
Understand that CNN’s repeated references to evolution with respect to gay marriage was no accident. Evolution stands counter to the Bible on every issue—including marriage, as homosexuals know all too well. In their belief system, those who hold to the biblical idea of marriage as being exclusively between a man and a woman are deemed to have not yet evolved as far as the rest of the world, and are keeping the world in the Dark Ages.
This is very important, because the centerpiece of evolution is the doctrine of “survival of the fittest,” which holds that some species of animal have not evolved apace with others, and that the weaker, less evolved animals are killed by the stronger or simply die off to conserve resources for the higher evolved. This idea has been applied by evolutionists to human beings (whom they consider only higher evolved animals) to mean that those humans that have not yet evolved far enough in their thinking should be eliminated for the benefit of the “higher evolved.” This is what is meant by “the greater good”: that some human beings are burdening society with their outmoded thinking and are simply not viable. Therefore, they should be eliminated for the benefit of the higher evolved.
To New Agers, this means Christians, who are considered a hindrance to the evolutionary advancement of mankind because of our “antiquated” and dogmatic thinking. We are thought to be holding back the human race from making the jump to the next step in its evolutionary journey towards perfection. So is it with the homosexual same-sex marriage movement. Christians are viewed as the enemy, because we worship the God of the Bible, Who says that homosexuality is an abomination and that marriage is to be exclusively between a man and a woman. Those homosexuals who support gay marriage, of course, hate God and anyone who loves Him.
Jesse Tyler Ferguson, on the Pierce Morgan show, said that homosexuals are not trying to change the definition of marriage. But this is a lie, because not only have some homosexuals stated openly that they are, in fact, working diligently to change the definition of marriage, but the homosexual movement’s efforts to legalize same-sex marriage, if successful, would achieve this very thing.
To illustrate my point, Pierce Morgan today interviewed the head of the Catholic League and a homosexual gentleman who was for same-sex marriage. The proponent for same-sex marriage said that the only criteria for marriage should be that the two people love each other, while the president of the Catholic League said that the danger in this is that if state constitutions (or, God forbid, the Constitution of the United States) were altered to reflect this thinking, there would be no way to prevent a brother and a sister from marrying. This would amount to government acceptance of incest. And he is absolutely right.
But there is a greater danger. If marriage were redefined as merely a civil union between two people who love each other, then there would be nothing to stop an adult from marrying a child, or even worse, an animal. There is a clear and present danger in this, because Humanism, evolution, and the animal rights movement, to name a few, all believe human beings to be nothing more than a higher evolved species of animal. Conversely, the animal rights community is pushing for animals to be granted the same rights as human beings. This would make animals “persons” in the legal sense and pave the way for human beings to have the right to marry them.
Clearly then, the same-sex marriage debate has farther-reaching implications than appear on the surface. The end game is not only to redefine marriage, but to ultimately do away with all prohibitions against homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, and all immorality: in short, to eliminate all of God’s rules. This has Satan written all over it.
Moreover, homosexuals say they only want the rights that all heterosexuals enjoy, but what they are actually doing is trying to get rights that no one else has. This is wrong.
Homosexuals have been planning this for a long time. That is the reason for the media’s incessant coverage of divorce statistics and child abuse among married heterosexual couples. Pierce Morgan, playing devil’s advocate, cited those very issues when asking the head of the Catholic League why loving homosexual couples should not be granted the same rights as heterosexual couples. We have been set up.
So, if you are a Christian, but you support same-sex marriage, I implore you to rethink this issue very carefully. Same-sex marriage—all the feel-good, oneness rhetoric notwithstanding—is not the will of God.
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination” (Leviticus 18:22).
“If a man shall take his sister…it is a wicked thing…they shall be cut off in the sight of the people” (Leviticus 20:17).
“Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion” (Leviticus 18:23).
Thus saith the Lord.
The Still Man
I have until recently been looking for anouther church to go to, and my batstim was not my choice as i was a infint and have been praying for forgiveness.
Hi, Sean. If you have already prayed for forgiveness, then you have been forgiven. But you must understand that Roman Catholicism is idolatry and idolatry is an abomination unto the Lord: an abomination that will earn you a generational curse. You must confess this sin, if you haven’t done so already. Next, you need to ask the Lord Jesus to become your Savior.
I did but I’m not sure I did it right I asked god and Jesus to forgive me and asked Jesus to be my lord and savior then I just started talking and talking to god I know he is listening to me I just hope that he understands me I tend to not make sennce when I talk to people but I do think god and Jesus understands what I’m sayin if some onpe was to watch me pray the would not know what I’m saying as I tend to wor
There is no wrong or right way to pray, Sean. If you were serious when you asked Jesus to forgive you, then you were forgiven. Romans 8:26 tells us that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us because we don’t know how to pray as we should. “With groanings that cannot be uttered,” the Spirit translates our words into what God needs to hear. So don’t worry about what you say; rather, concentrate on what you mean.
i know this is a late responce too but i feel like your on to somthing, i was raised catholic and i still kind of am though i prefer to call my self a non idol worshiping catholic but i digress i see what you mean, Personly i think obama is trying to get votes i think its decipicable (not sure if i spelled that right) but all this stuff on the news im seeing our beautiful country go done the hole, and im all for anmail rights but calling animals human is to much personaly i belive god would punish uf for hurting and abusing animals but giving them the same status as a human i think thats a little crazy.
god bless
If you have been baptized into the Roman Catholic church, you are guilty of idolatry. Roman Catholicism is idolatry, so if you are a Catholic, you are in danger of eternal flames. Obama is no Christian as his actions clearly prove. And the animal rights movement is definitely satanic.
and i never prayed to the statues or to mary
but what does it say about animal abuse does god condone the abuse of animals (im not trying to start a argument just asking a question) like what mike vick did to those dogs?
What Mike Vick did was inexcusable as the Bible clearly teaches that “a righteous man regardeth his beast.”
Good thing, too.