Buffalo’s Snow “Woes”: Is Somebody Angry?
Grace and peace.
Buffalo, NY is digging out from under a ton of snow that was dumped on it and the rest of New York and much of the Northeastern United States earlier this week. As I watched CNN’s coverage of the event, I could not help but ponder its significance in light of Scripture and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America. For, you see, the RC T of A is supposed to culminate in a colossal “triumphal” Marian arch, which, it just happens, is scheduled to be built in Buffalo, NY. I use the term marian, because the arch is to commemorate the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of the Roman Catholic Virgin Mary over the former bastion of Protestant Christianity, the United States of America.
You may read more about the Marian Shrine here.
Extreme weather events, like this one in New York, have become so commonplace that they go largely unnoticed by all but those who experience them. But for those of us who know our God, the significance of such events is not lost on us. We know that God is in total control. So, when floods, drought, earthquakes, landslides, tornadoes, and severe snowfalls occur, we know that it is not “nature run amok,” but “God is angry at somebody.” And that somebody is us. God is angry that America is giving Him her back and embracing idols of stone.
So, while we should feel sorry for those who are going through this and pray for them, we ought not miss the spiritual significance of this event. God is angry. And the residents of Buffalo should be on their knees praying to the Lord Jesus for forgiveness, not to the Virgin Mary, as most are likely doing.
This is especially important given that they are not completely out of the woods yet, as a warm trend is predicted, and severe flooding may follow as a result of the melting snow.
Read more about the Roman Catholic Takeover of America here.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
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