Christ Is Risen! Yes, He is Risen Indeed!
Happy Resurrection Day, Saints!
Man, are we blessed in this country to be able to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Say whatever you will about America, but it is one of the few places in the world where we can say “Christ is Risen!” without fearing for our lives, and this reason alone is enough to call America blessed.
The same cannot be said for many countries. such as Communist Russia, where many have been martyred for their faith. Still, persecution does not prevent the faithful Russian Christian from saying, “Christos voscres! Da, soversheno voscres!”
America, the 21st century Babylon, is becoming more and more like Communist Russia, and the name of Jesus Christ is becoming more an offense to the pagan masses. There will come a day when we will not be allowed to utter the name of Jesus in public without consequences.
But thank God that day is not today!
So while we are lifting our hands in praise of the Lord Jesus and celebrating his resurrection, let us thank Him for making it possible for us to celebrate His resurrection openly one more year.
Happy Resurrection Day!
Christ Is Risen! Yes, He is Risen Indeed! — No Comments
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