Climate Change and the Socialist Agenda
Grace and peace, Saints.
By now, most of us know that one purpose for the media is to divert our attention away from what is really important onto something less significant. You may recall, for example, that last fall, while the media were covering Eric Snowden and the whole NSA spying fiasco, Pope Francis, in a Vatican ceremony the media conveniently failed to mention, dedicated the world to the Virgin Mary.
Well, while the media have been covering the battle against ISIS, on September 23, 2014, the United Nations sponsored the 2014 Climate Summit in New York. Invited were heavy-hitters and chief muckety-mucks from government, industry, finance, and even entertainment (actor Leonardo DiCaprio was also invited to speak).
CNN covered the event, but not in great detail. So, I went to the Summit webpage at the United Nations website, to get more information. The website includes the full texts of the statements delivered by all the representatives of the various countries in attendance. I must tell you that I was very alarmed when I read them; for it was clear after I had read a few that Climate Change is not at all about climate change. Climate Change is about redistribution of wealth–socialism.
I will let the words of a few of the delegates speak for themselves, but before I do, I simply must begin with this statement by the President of the 69th Session of the U.N. General Assembly, H.E. Sam Kahama Kutesa:
“There is no longer scientific argument about the fact that the planet is heating up.”
One cannot help but notice that Mr. Kutesa doesn’t say that there is irrefutable scientific proof that the planet is heating up. He merely says that there is no longer scientific argument over the issue. This simply means that all scientific opposition against global warming has been silenced. In that the majority of the scientific community are not God-fearing people, and are, by all appearances, intolerant of the biblical worldview, then it is not difficult to imagine how this was accomplished.
We continue with the statements of some of the summit attendees. Please pay particular attention to the areas in boldface.
“We have the capacity to start and strengthen a true and beneficial process which will irrigate, as it were, through adaptation and mitigation activities, the field of economic and technological innovation where it is possible to cultivate two interconnected objectives: combating poverty and easing the effects of climate change.”
— Pietro Cardinal Parolin, Vatican City Secretary of State
“Combatting poverty,” or words to that effect, was a recurring theme in virtually all the statements I read. In fact, climate change actually took a back seat to the fight against poverty. As I read, I quickly realized that climate change is merely an excuse to institute laws and regulations the goal of which will be to socialize governments all over the world.
None of the statements I read made this clearer than that of President Evo Morales Ayma of Bolivia (a Socialist country). Pay close attention to what he says:
“The Earth and its ecosystems are our home and we are convinced that, in order to achieve a just balance among the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations, it is necessary to promote harmony with nature and the Earth.”
A “just balance” is merely code for redistribution of wealth: Socialism.
“We consider that mitigation of and adaptation to climate change are contingent upon different sociocultural contexts, taking particular account of indigenous peoples and local communities and their traditional knowledge systems and practices, including their holistic view of community and environment, as a major means of adapting to climate change.”
The indigenous people in just about every country in the world were agrarian societies who lived very close to the land and used primitive methods of farming and agriculture. They were also very superstitious and were into witchcraft and folk magic. What is being suggested here is the dumbing down of civilization, and the reduction of the average person into little more than an illiterate, superstitious serf. On an economic level, this probably entails the implementation of austerity measures, such as we have seen recently in Greece.
“Sustainable development involves a change in the order of priorities from the generation of material wealth to the satisfaction of human needs in harmony with nature. The excessive orientation towards profit neither respects Mother Earth nor takes into account human needs. The continuation of this unequal system will lead to further inequality.”
“Generation of material wealth” is code for capitalism, while “satisfaction of human needs” refers to the basic human needs of food, clothing, shelter, and security. “In harmony with nature” implies that capitalism goes against nature, and that man’s primary preoccupation should be merely with eating, sleeping, working, security, and sexual gratification.
Notice the term “order of priorities.” The word “order” is not needed here because it is not a reordering of priorities that is being suggested, but a shift in priorities. The “generation of material wealth” is to be replaced by the “satisfaction of human needs.” The word order is code for the New World Order: a socialist state that will supplant the current world order, which is based on capitalism.
Capitalism, by the way, originated in the United States, and was a direct product of the Protestant Reformation. That ought to give you a clue as to who is really pushing the climate change agenda.
This last statement by President Ayma brings it home:
“Climate Change is by its nature a phenomenon that deserves our special attention, dynamism, and dedication. Accordingly, it is for my government a privilege to be engaged in the negotiation of a new global climate agreement, since this process gives humanity the opportunity to build a fair climate regime, ensuring the reduction of disparities in the quality of life of all people, and to protect the climate system for present and future generations.”
Notice again that the issue of climate change has been completely subordinated to “building a fair [economic and social] climate” and “reducing [economic and social] disparities.” Socialism is the real goal of climate change.
This statement by President Ayma shows how expensive this “fair climate” agenda is going to get:
“There is an urgent need to have a clear commitment of Developed country Parties to provide at least USD70 billion per year by 2016 rising to USD100 billion per year by 2020 as “a floor for accounting,” and leading to further increased commitments on the provision of financial support for the post-2020 period.”
When you consider that the current U.S. deficit is over 17 trillion dollars, then you will understand why spending this much money to provide “a floor for accounting” is ludicrous. If I understand correctly, this money goes into a general fund, to be redistributed to the poorer countries. This statement by Angolan Vice President Manuel Domingos Vicente would seem to support this:
“In our country, we have in recent years witnessed the advance of desertification and drought…triggering an emergency program by the government. We believe that we need to be compensated with bilateral and multilateral funding to improve our outcomes and development projections.
“Protecting Tropical Forests…and financing programs that allow to compensate for the lack of funds to offset the efforts of African countries, as well as assessing the benefits of preserving ecosystems is vitally important.”
So over 70 billion dollars a year, from all the countries that are parties to the Kyoto Accords, will go over to poorer countries, such as those aforementioned in Africa, to “compensate” them for their efforts and fund their development programs. The American people, primarily the taxpayers, will never see a dime of that money, yet they are the ones footing the bill. And, as if 100 billion dollars a year weren’t bad enough, they are talking about increasing the amount after 2020!
I believe this program directly targets the United States of America, and is designed to bankrupt us completely and totally decimate whatever remains of the “middle class.” Socialist rhetoric may sound good on the surface: a fair, equitable solution to the world’s economic woes, a level playing field for all, the answer to crime, the elimination of poverty, the world’s wealth and resources no more concentrated in the hands of a select few. Everyone will be guaranteed a job, and there will be a chicken in every pot.
Sounds good doesn’t it? What they don’t tell you, however, is that Socialism will not level the playing field by bringing everyone up to the level of the developed nations, like the United States, but by bringing everyone down to the level of a third-world country, like Cuba and many in Africa. Socialism will enable one to survive, but not to thrive. And under Socialism there is never enough of anything.
Socialism is part of the Hegelian Dialectic. Capitalism is the thesis, and is seen as undesirable because it (supposedly) favors the rich at the expense of the poor. Communism is the antithesis, and is unfavorable for obvious reasons. Socialism is offered as the synthesis: the perfect melding of both systems. The greedy and ambitious are held in check (so they say) while the lazy, unproductive, and unmotivated are taken care of by the state whether they like it or not, whether they deserve to be or not.
But what is most unsettling about the whole climate change and “global warming” agenda is that it is a hoax. And not only is it a hoax, but it calls the God of the Bible a liar. In the book of Genesis, Chapter 8, after Noah and his family come out of the Ark, God makes them a very important promise:
“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22).
Did you get that? God said that as long as there is a planet earth, there will always be four seasons: There will always be Spring, there will always be Summer, there will always be Fall, and there will always be Winter. Forever!
If the Bible is true, therefore, then Global Warming, or the belief that the planet will continue to heat up until the polar ice completely melts, the earth is scorched so badly that plants cannot grow and there is a global drought, the seas overrun with the water from the melted polar icecaps until there is flooding on an unprecedented scale, and all the rest of these projected catastrophes, are pure science fiction. It ain’t happening!
Now, if the world believed the Word of God, the Bible, then they couldn’t be taken for a ride by the snake-oil salesmen in the U.N. They would know that Global Warming is a sham and that those scientists that preach the climate change gospel are charlatans. But because most of the world has turned its back on God, He has given them up to a “reprobate mind” (Romans 1:28): to do (and believe) things that are not convenient. God is letting them follow the god of their choosing.
So, be on the lookout for what will happen in June 2015, when the next climate change summit convenes in Paris; for it is there that they mean to (formerly) pen a comprehensive global agreement that will institute the changes they plan to implement. In my mind, that at least means that austerity measures will be implemented on a global scale. And by the statements of some of the speakers at this year’s Summit, they plan to bring considerable pressure to bear upon the world’s governments to agree in advance. God help us when they do.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
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