Deceitful Workers: Carlos Santana
Grace and peace to a peculiar people, and greetings to the rest of the world.
As Christians, we know that Roman Catholicism is not Christianity, but is, in fact, the ancient, pagan, Babylonian worship of the goddess, Semiramis, and her husband, Nimrod. In fact, the Bible calls the Roman Catholic church “Mystery Babylon, the mother of all harlots and abominations of the earth.” This means it is the fount from which all idolatrous religions flow. It is for this reason that Roman Catholics are generally very comfortable in the company of others not of their religion, and quite often an individual raised a Roman Catholic will practice another religion, yet still claim to be a Roman Catholic.
For example, I was once involved with a Roman Catholic who also practiced Buddhism. In fact, she had a small, wooden Buddhist shrine in her closet similar to the one Angela Basset used when she played Tina Turner in the movie loosely based on her life. Yet, this woman claimed to be a Roman Catholic, and even had small figurines of saints in her house. She had no problem reconciling Buddhism with her Roman Catholic faith. There is a reason for this: Roman Catholicism and Buddhism both have the same origin: Babylon.
I was reminded of that fact today when, as I was cleaning up my office, I came across a magazine promoting the annual Tollwood music festival held each year here in Munich. This year, several well-known artists were slated to perform including George Benson; ZZ Top; Crosby, Stills, and Nash; and Carlos Santana. I was going to throw the magazine away, but decided to flip through the pages first. As I was doing so, I happened upon the following spread of Mr. Santana:

You may notice he is wearing what appears to be a Roman Catholic saint medal around his neck. This is nothing unusual, as many Roman Catholics wear a medal of their favorite patron saint around their necks. It is idolatry, but it is common. But look closely at the symbol on Santana’s guitar neck just visible below his left index finger. Do you recognize it? I did. It is the symbol below:

This symbol is known both as Brahma, the chief deity in the Hindu pantheon, and as Aum, Om or Ohm. It represents the Hindu Trinity. In reality, Ohm is a demon.
Can Carlos Santana, a Roman Catholic, also be into Hinduism? Well, his use of this symbol would seem to suggest this. The video below also presents a strong argument that Carlos Santana is into spiritism and even devil worship:
Incredibly, Santana says that “the energy of the angels and the devils is the same energy. It’s how you use it.” What an interesting statement for a Roman Catholic to make! Did you know that this was the same message of the movie Star Wars? Notice that both the “good” Jedi Knights and the “evil” Darth Vader used the force, but whereas the former used it for “good,” the latter used it for “evil.” What Santana is really saying is that there is no such thing as good and evil, or moral and immoral. It is your intentions that makes the difference. An action is only wrong if you meant to do wrong. If you meant to do “good,” then no matter what you did, you were right because you thought you were doing right.
This teaching can be found in a New Age book (that just happens to promote Hinduism) called Secret Societies and Their Power in the Twentieth Century. Concerning good and evil, the author says this:
“The terms good or bad, valuable or worthless are not justified and at best are expressions of our own subjectivity.”
Secret Societies and Their Power in the Twentieth Century, p. 340
This is the core teaching of Values Clarification, a Humanist doctrine. It is actually Satanism. Values Clarification teaches that whatever you believe to be right is right, so long as you believe it to be right, and you came to that realization without any outside help from anyone else, especially parents or the clergy. You can read more about it here.
In saying that the energy of the devils and angels is the same, Santana is saying that the angels and devils are themselves the same. The Bible says that angels are sinless, and, therefore, good, while the devils are sinful, and, therefore, evil. Therefore, if angels and devils are the same, then there is no good and evil. If there is no good and evil, then there is no God and there is no Devil, because God and the Devil are the personifications of good and evil. If there is no God and no Devil, then, who makes the rules? We do. And that is what Santana is really saying: that we are gods. Interestingly, according to this video, John McLaughlin, with whom Santana collaborated, also said that his goal was to “make everyone aware of his own divinity.”
Why is this important? It is important because Santana says that the demons that gave him his message told him that it is intended for high school and college children. And in that he is enjoying huge commercial success, it’s a good bet that his message has been well-received. But get this: while Carlos Santana embraces Humanism, spiritism, Eastern Mysticism, and even devil worship, and promotes this poison to our children, he is still very much a Roman Catholic. He makes that crystal clear by wearing that Roman Catholic saint medal around his neck. That means his actions are endorsed by the Roman Catholic church. Don’t you doubt that for one minute.
Now, if Roman Catholicism is Christianity, why do Roman Catholics, like Carlos Santana, embrace pagan religions like Buddhism and Hinduism, which worship idols? The Bible says,
“What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? But I say that the things that the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. “Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be the partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils.”
1 Corinthians 10:19-21
The message is clear: idolatry is devil worship. Why, then, do Roman Catholics, like Carlos Santana, embrace Hinduism? Simple: because Roman Catholicism, like Hinduism, is idolatry. They get along like peas and carrots.
Carlos Santana is on a mission, which he makes very plain: “To validate angels and devils with the same reverence.” Incidentally, it is believed that Santana also practices Santeria, which is a mixture of Roman Catholicism and Yoruba, an African religion. In fact, it is said that Santana has “incorporated Orisha themes and rhythms into several songs, including ‘Hannibal,’ which includes a Yoruba chant to Shango.” Orishas are demons, and Shango is an Orisha. Ironically, the Roman Catholic with whom I was once involved, and who was a practicing Buddhist, also practiced Santeria. Now, if Roman Catholicism is Christianity, and Carlos Santana is a Roman Catholic, shouldn’t there be a conflict of interest? You bet there should be. The fact that there isn’t, however, should be a red flag for you. It certainly was for me.
Carlos Santana is leading millions of impressionable young people down the primrose path to perdition. If you or your children are a fan of Carlos Santana, you now know what he really believes and who he really works for. You now have a decision to make.
If you are a Roman Catholic, you should know that you are not pleasing the Lord Jesus by worshipping the idol known as Mary. When you meet him at the Great White Throne Judgment–and you will–you will hear Him say,
“Depart from me, ye wicked, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels!”
Matthew 25:41
And no one, not even Mary, will be able to save you.
Repent of your idolatry, while there is still time. Would you like to know more? Click here. I pray you will make the right decision.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
I hate to inform the author of this post – but Buddhism DOES NOT worship idols…if one did their research – Buddhism (which, BTW is not truly a Religion, per se – it is a Philosophy), it would show you we follow the writings of Nichiren. We “venerate” the document on which those writings contain, which is enshrined in an object called a Butsudan. I am a practicing Nichiren Daishonin Buddhist who was raised in the Catholic religion. In Buddhism, we don’t “worship” the little fat “Happy Buddha” as everyone thinks – a common misconception; we chant parts of the Lotus Sutra and the chanting channels that “energy” Carlos spoke of for good purposes, a lot like Wicca (another misunderatood sect) who believe that focused energy for the good of mankind is a good thing. Earth, the Universe, and everything in it is inextricably interconnected, so that “positive” energy – AKA Karma – helps everyone. There are no wicked spells and curses that Wiccans deliver..only the love & preservation of Mother Earth – which, by the way – the American Indians practiced for many years. Do some research and read up on these things before you go slamming any particular religion, philosophy, or group who exist only to make mankind a better place and promote peace and unity.
Mike, you are trying to speak for all Buddhists, though you are only one Buddhist. So, while you may not worship Buddha, millions of Buddhists worldwide do. In Japan and India businessmen and women even dedicate their businesses to Buddha, and, in Japan, it is not uncommon to hear “May Buddha bless you” and “May Buddha go with you.” Pretty good for a dead man who isn’t worshipped. Wicca, like Buddhism, Hinduism, and Roman Catholcism, is a mystery religion that worships Nimrod and Sammu-ramat, as those religions do, only under other names like Diana, Kernos, and Goddess Mother or Great Mother.
Wicca in fact practices human sacrifice in the Warrior on the Block rite, according to former witch John Todd. 33rd degree Freemason and scholar, Manly P. Hall, in The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, says this about the Warrior on the Block rite:
Notwithstanding all the feel good and “energy and light” rhetoric, Wicca is no friend of humanity.
Karma may be a good thing if you’re a Brahman or one of the merchant or artisan caste, but if you are in the bottom caste (one of the so-called “untouchables,”) then you are not lauding karma, as no one is trying to lift you up out of the mire of poverty, disease, and sickness wherein you find yourself, as Buddhists and Hindus believe that such a person is merely paying his karma according to the law of darma. And you really blew it when you tried to commend Wicca by stating that the American Indians practiced it. It is an historical fact that the Indians regularly sacrificed their children and their enemies to the elements and the spirits, who at the end of the day, were demons.
Wicca, at the end of the day, is not much different from Satanism, only enjoying acceptance among the ignorant because they claim there is no God or devil, just energy, which can be used for good or ill. This is hypocrisy; for even though Wicca claims to believe in no God, Wiccans regularly invoke the names of pagan gods and goddesses like Diana and Ashtoreth in their chants, and constantly make references to the “Goddess Mother” and the “Great Goddess.”
Sorry, Mike, you can’t peddle your wares here. While I could always do more research, I’ve done quite enough to know better.
hi guys, please don’t get too much into arguments among yourself.
I don’t know Carlos Santana and if he follow some religions, its his wish to find ways to reach GOD. There is no one true god in this world anyway. Its all depends upon us who worship this. One more thing is for truely christians. I would suggest you stop doing false suggestions and saying only jesus is god and others are evil. This is very blind attitude that will lead you to evil ways. There is no open ness in it. I know lord jesus said everyone to love each other as we love him. We must remember that. In the name of religion dont make blunderous statements to the people just for the sake of conversion. Remember you are still going away from true god and authoring some Vatican city as great place and God only stays here. THis is absurd. Dont ever do that. God exists in everyone in the form of love. Please give love more if you can. May god bless you Amen
Satan is a god; Allah is a god; and Buddah is a god. Hinduism has over 350 million gods. If there is no one true god, as you say, then which of these are you asking to bless us? Or, are you invoking them all and letting them sort out the details?
“Open-ness” is very PC; but it’s only confusing at best.
With all respect to whoever helped put this article together: You my dear, are NOT better nor your religion. How about you and every other Christian stop preaching. There is no RIGHT way, Santana practices whatever it is He LOVES and what makes him HAPPY. GOD is love, God doesn’t want us to divide through religion, race, gangs, countries, status etc. When you judge your brothers and sisters YOU are sining. That is Only GOD’s job, not yours or anyone. Who do you think u are? You flip religions because being Catholic was wrong to u but whoever listens to you, the confused/blind is just as lost. I believe in GOD, i am not part of a church nor religion because GOD does NOT ask for money to hear his word. All the Church does is collect, it don’t matter what religion it is. I have a place for GOD in my home and whoever don’t like to see my other statues then don’t come in my home. I am who I am and I don’t care what everyone else believes in, I am their friend, their sister and I will love them the way GOD loves me. God is GOOD to me and I refuse to let followers dictate the way I should live my life. In the end if u did not live your life right, then you will stay in hell. My goal is god’s salvation, if he decides judgement day I shall stay in hell and suffer eternally then at least I tried and did not follow anyone.
You are wrong, Mari. It is the Christian’s job to judge–actions, not people. I cannot judge anyone for their sins, including Carlos Santana. But Jesus was very clear when he told us that by their fruits we would know them. Santana said that he was given a message by an angel named Metatron to give to the youth of the world. God sends messages to his prophets through angels, as the book of Daniel and the Book of the Revelation prove. What Santana is saying, therefore, is that he is a prophet.
Now there are two types of angels: Angelic and Demonic. In that Metatron’s message is that we are gods, then it is clear that Santana’s message does not come from the God of Heaven: the Lord Jesus Christ. There are also two types of prophets: true and false. If Santana’s message did not come from the Lord Jesus, then it must have come from the “God of this world”–Satan. That makes Carlos Santana a false prophet. It could not be any plainer than that.
Am I therefore become your enemy, sister, because I tell you the truth?