Deceitful Workers: Eddie Murphy
Grace and peace, Saints.
A few weeks ago after a long session at the typewriter (OK, computer), I went into the living room, where my wife was watching Eddie Murphy, One Night Only, a tribute to Eddie Murphy, on television. I decided to take a break and watch some of it with her. Apparently, it was made a couple of years ago, but I had never heard anything about it. Not surprising, given I rarely watch entertainment television.
As it turns out, there were only about twenty minutes left before the program ended. At the conclusion, Eddie Murphy himself takes the stage and talks to the audience for about a minute or so. I was amazed as, in quick succession, he flashed occult hand signs to signal to “those who know” that he is down with Antichrist. Of course, I had to preserve it for posterity.

Both of these hand signs are used by the Cult of Mary, and demonstrate that Murphy is an initiate into the Mystery Religion of ancient Babylon, more commonly known as the Roman Catholic Church.
I must admit that I was somewhat surprised by this, but I don’t know why. Eddie Murphy helped move along the occult agenda to make it OK to use profanity on television. For example, according to Wiki, in his first stand up television special, Delirious (1983), Murphy used the swear words f-u-c-(last letter omitted) and s-h-i-(last letter omitted) 230 and 171 times, respectively. In Raw (1987), he used the word f-u-c-(last letter omitted) 226 times.
Murphy also brought dressing in drag to a generation of youth with his characters “Mama Klump” and “Grandmama Klump” in The Nutty Professor (1996) and The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps (2000).
Comedians Chris Rock, Tyler Perry, Martin Lawrence, and Arsenio Hall all spoke at the tribute to Murphy, and praised him as a ground-breaker who paved the way for other black comedians. It should come as no surprise that all have also appeared in drag on television and in movies. Comedian, actor, and director, Keenen Ivory Wayans, who also spoke at the tribute, to my knowledge has never appeared in drag. However, Wayans was the director and host of the comedy variety show In Living Color (1991-1994), on which comedian Jamie Foxx dressed in drag playing the character of Wanda Wayne, the “ugliest woman in the world.” Wayans also directed White Chicks (2004), a movie featuring his younger brothers, Marlon and Shaun, playing white female police officers.
Think about this. We know that the moral destruction of America is deliberate and was planned well in advance. We also know that Hollywood plays a big part in it. Mystery Babylon, which is responsible for this, could have used any comedian. Why, then, did they use Eddie Murphy, a black comedian? Is it merely a coincidence that the first person to use the “N” word on television was also a black comedian (Chris Rock, Bring the Pain, 1996, HBO)?
Folks, blacks in America are being set up big time. And they have no idea that it is happening. Watch and wait for it. Soon, it will be publicly declared that blacks in America are depraved and through comedy, movies, and rap music, are destroying America’s morals. When the “final solution” is proposed, the same solution that Hitler proposed to the “Jewish question” in Nazi Germany, no one will be averse to it. In fact, the overwhelming majority of Americans will welcome it. At least those who will be polled.
In The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, we outline the Roman Catholic church’s three phase plan to subdue America for the Virgin Mary. We are currently in phase three: “a holy warfare.” The deliberate sabotage of Biblical morality and the subsequent restoration of “Christian” (READ Roman Catholic) values in America is part of this warfare. When Roman Catholics talk about “renewing America,” and restoring “Christian” values and morality in America, they are dead serious. But they don’t mean what you think they mean. If you doubt that Rome is sponsoring Murphy–and all of these sellout comedians–you had better think again.
This is why, for the moment, blacks have been given center stage in the media. This is why the media constantly covers the sordid and immoral lifestyles of black celebrities. This is why rapper 50 Cent was on the David Letterman show years ago bragging about how he had to train the producers in his first movie how to make crack cocaine. This is why bad-boy rapper Kanye West, in a completely staged event, snatched the microphone from tender-eyed Taylor Swift at the MTV Music Awards. This is why just this week the media have been abuzz about NBA center Jason Collins, who is black, coming out as gay. He is actually not the first athlete to come out, which is why he is being billed as the “first active player in a major team sport” to come out as being gay. But you just watch as that distinction disappears before our very eyes.
These deceived blacks are being encouraged to misbehave and allowed to appear on prime time in all their depravity. They are being given just enough rope to hang themselves. Blacks are walking around with a target on their backs; and Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence, Chris Rock, Arsenio Hall, Tyler Perry, Chris Tucker, Ving Rhames, Wesley Snipes, Denzel Washington, and Beyonce (oh, yes, America’s songbird) and others of that ilk are largely to blame.
And this is not just happening in the United States. Until the Sandy Hook tragedy, CNN International was devoting much coverage to racism in European soccer and the racial struggles of black Italian striker Mario Balotelli and others. On the one hand, they are depicted as being victims of racial abuse, while, on the other hand, they are making millions of dollars–on and off the pitch–in a sport they claim is racist. The irony is lost on no one, and the disparity is intentional. This is global.
God willing, I will talk more about this later. For now, suffice it to say that Eddie Murphy is part of the plan to destroy American morality and demonize blacks. And he did a great job, as evidenced by the grand tribute they gave him.
If you don’t believe me, find Eddie Murphy: One Night Only on the internet. Watch in horror as Chris Rock and Arsenio Hall use the “N” word ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Cringe as Arsenio Hall makes comments about him and white women that will make you blush. And feel your chin hit the floor as you see footage of Eddie Murphy on HBO and on Saturday Night Live and Arsenio Hall in drag in Coming To America and realize how ridiculous and depraved blacks were made to look on national television and before the world.
You’ll see what I mean.
Folks, these people are not at all what they appear to be. Believe that.
The Still Man
Notice how highly involved the Hollywood celebrities were in this presidential election? They truly think they are the beacons of light that others must look to for guidance on all issues. Even Gene Simmons, of the band Kiss, who I thought would be far-left liberal on this, has said Hollywood needs to stay out of politics and do what they do best….Act! He stated that as he watched footage of the riots that occurred after the results came in many people were interviewed and asked why they were strongly opposed to the president elect. Many, you could tell, were simply parroting what they’d heard others say. They were looking for an excuse to go out and tear down, rather than build up. Most of them, when asked if they voted this election, admitted they did not.
So we have troublemakers, and whiners, who are old enough to vote, but don’t, then have the nerve to protest something they literally have nothing to do with!! And then they are spurred on by liberals in Hollywood who so crave attention they will get involved in every arena just to keep their name “out there”. If a celebrity likes Donald Trump and believes in his ability to change this country for the better, they are blackballed and pretty much shunned by the Hollywood elite.
I’ll bet there are quite a few “A-listers” who would secretly love to play or perform at the inauguration but fear reprisal by these so-called “tolerant” celebrities. (Who, by the way, are showing themselves to be the LEAST tolerant people on earth!) Hollywood and celebrities, stay out of politics, please!! Yes, you have a right to believe in whatever candidate you want to. But so does every other American, whether you agree or not.
We are getting tired of your sticking your nose in every arena. Whether you know it or not, most Americans don’t agree with your far reaching leftist ideas. You are pretty much out of touch with American ideals.