Election 2016 and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America
Grace and peace, Saints.
Many of you are aware that the Roman Catholic Takeover of a country involves three phases:
1. A crusade of prayer, claiming a country for the Virgin Mary,
2. Dedication or consecration of that country to the Virgin Mary,
3. A Holy Warfare to claim that country for the Virgin Mary.
Phase Three, A Holy Warfare, occurs in five steps:
1. Secession: (The formation of an independent Roman Catholic state)
2. The formation of a Roman Catholic army to pound the populace into submission
3. A governmental decree that only Roman Catholics may serve in government
4. Confiscation of all weapons
5. The Inquisition
As we discuss in The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, the plan to take over the United States for Rome has almost reached fruition. Steps one and two have already been accomplished (Washington D.C. is in Maryland–MARY LAND–and the U.N. Security Council has every army in the world, including our own, at its beck and call), while steps three and four are progressing steadily.
2016 is set to be a monumental year in Catholic government, as the following video will show. As Stephen Schneck says, “All three of the major branches of our government have extraordinarily high Catholic representation.”
Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
Blessings in Jesus – The Still Man,
Finding a believer in the Lord Jesus that understands the dangers of the Catholicism is rare these days, thy do stick out like a sore thumb among the Jesuitized ecumenical movement brainwashed sheep. Praise the Lord for you though and I just wanted to thank you for your work for Jesus.
Last election I didn’t understand the Catholic threat like I do today, I remember Rick Santorium seemed like a good candidate. The deception is so thick unless Protestants can understand the Pope is the Anti-Christ! That puts things in perspective so much more, and is why the Reformation had teeth.
God bless brother, I know you’re here now and I’m subscribed to your YouTube channel as well. Check out my blog and Youtube if you want, God bless, sincerely in Jesus Christ.
God bless you too, Robbie. Yes, the time is indeed short and the Great Wolf is slowly taking off her sheepskin. I will be checking out your blog and YouTube channel in the very near future.
We also need to remeber the demographics of america ar changing too, the large latino population that is primarly catholic is anouther reason too.
That’s absolutely true, Sean. I wrote about this in The Roman Catholic Takeover of America. I also believe that’s the reason behind the restoration of U.S./Cuban diplomatic relations.
Washington, DC is next to Maryland, and Virginia, but not part of either state, which was done so that no state would have greater claim than any other on the national capitol. As for taking over, the RCC is in collusion via the Jesuits, with the Freemasons, Illuminati, banking houses of Europe and the Federal Reserve, and is indeed part of the NWO, but not for the pope. If they believe that, they’re in for a great surprise! That agenda is Satan’s all the way: call it Babel Redux! But the good news is that God’s plan is also unfolding RIGHT on track! Babel won’t work this time either.
Thanks, for the correction, Sandra. And the worst part is I know that.
If H.R. 292 is passed, Washington D.C. would become the 51st state, and being already the seat of government, it would be the likely choice for the Roman Catholic state within a state. The Roman Catholic church is fully in control, make no mistake about that. True, the Jesuits and Freemasons (as well as all secret societies) are in collusion, but at the top of the pyramid sits the Great Whore of Babylon, if the Holy Bible can be believed. The agenda may be Satan’s, but Rome is the instrument being used.
God is using Rome as His instrument of justice upon a rebellious world. “Babylon hath been a golden cup in the Lord’s hand” (Jeremiah 51:7). Ultimately, The Whore herself will be judged (Revelation 16:19).