In The Eye of the Hurricane
“Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass…” (Luke 21:36).
Grace and peace unto you, elect of God.
I hate to say that He told you so, but He told you so. We’ve written a couple of articles on surveillance: a brief one covering Apple’s iPhone allegedly tracking where its users go, and another about the government’s surveillance of Americans under the USA PATRIOT Act. We also wrote an article about the growing problem of children murdering other children.
Now, these articles are not nearly as extensive or as well-researched as others you will find out there (though some good research went into our essay on government surveillance), and they were not intended to be. Their purpose was to get you thinking and to get you to consider these issues in light of Scripture. It is to help you understand that the Lord Jesus told us these things would happen, because once you understand that, it should have a calming affect upon you, when you see things going absolutely crazy around you. (And believe me, if you are walking in the Spirit, you will. I Gar-On-Tee).
In my continuing effort to edify, inform, and encourage the Body of Christ, and to get non-believers to understand that Jesus is The Real Deal, I submit for your approval yet two more articles to support the aforementioned. It seems that a British tabloid has been hacking into the cell phones of private citizens and deleting certain calls. It is interesting to note that the tabloid is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the media mogul who also owns Fox News.
Now, besides the obvious privacy issues involved (which is actually a joke because England is a Socialist country as America will soon ostensibly be, but I digress), this may be a potentially criminal act, because many of the alleged victims of this cell-phone-peeping-Tom-age are relatives of murder victims, some of whom were killed by terrorist acts. I will not speak any further to this, because you should have already seen enough to know by now that privacy is a thing of the past.
In another story, an 11-yr-old Ind. boy is accused of murdering his brother by shooting him in the head. As the children’s mother and her boyfriend were not home at the time, there may also be child negligence charges pending. Children killing children again. Saints, are we not living in perilous times?
Now, I know that this is a pretty negative way to start the day, but I did it not to alarm you, but to sober you up. Now that you are sober, let me offer you a little comfort. When we see things like this going on in the world, we should consider them, because they are happening for a reason. But we shouldn’t think about them too hard. Remember, Jesus said that these things must come to pass (Luke 21:9).
We are not to be troubled. We are in the midst of the storm, not in the storm. We are in the eye of the Hurricane. To give you some comfort, let me share with you one of my favorite verses of Scripture in the entire Bible.
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8). [Boldface mine.]
Did you get that? Man, if it is beautiful, lovely, and virtuous, that’s what we ought to be thinking about. The devil wants us to see these things and be afraid for our lives. He wants us to live in fear. Jesus said, “Watch and pray,” not “Watch and be afraid.” When we see these things happening, we are supposed to remember that Jesus told us about them centuries ago. We should realize that if we can trust Him about the present, then we can certainly trust Him about the future, and that’s what it’s all about!
Be encouraged and look up, your redemption draweth well nigh!
The Still Man
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