Doctrines of Devils: Global Warming
Grace and peace, Saints.
This morning, one of my daughters remarked that this winter in Munich has been unseasonably warm. She’s right: this is the warmest winter I have ever experienced in this city. Usually grey and cold this time of year, Munich has seen the sun shine practically every day since summer began.
I told my daughter that someone may be tampering with the weather, because the COP21 Climate Change summit was held last week in Paris, and it’s just possible that the string-pullers wanted to make sure that, while the world’s attention was on Paris, the actual weather supported the stated agenda of COP21.
This was a lot for my daughter to handle. She doesn’t understand that the true state-of-the-art of technology is much more advanced than what we are led to believe. That it may actually be possible to manipulate the weather was something she could not yet get her head around.
When I explain things to my children, I try to make sure that whatever I’m saying can be backed up by the Bible. It is very important to me that my children understand that the Bible is not a book only to be picked up on Sunday and disregarded the rest of the week. The Bible is the breath of the Living God: it is the book of Life, and, as such, it is a roadmap through life, especially in these perilous times. If we trust in the Word of God, we will neither be misled by the myriad deceptions running amuck in the world, nor troubled by the fear-mongers with their false doctrines and arguments of science, falsely so-called.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any biblical proof that the weather can be manipulated through technology. What I could prove, though, is that Global Warming, according to the Bible, is a hoax.
So, I told my daughter that God promised Noah there would always be four seasons: a planting season (Spring), a hot season (Summer), a harvest season (Fall or Autumn), and a cold season (Winter). If this is true, I said, then Global Warming (and the theory of a coming ice age, depicted in the movie, “The Day After,” for that matter) is a lie. True to form, my daughter asked me where she could find that in the Bible. I directed her to Genesis 8:22 where God says,
“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”
My Bible says that God is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should repent. When God says something, you can take it to the bank. Global Warming then, is a lie.
If Global Warming is a lie, then the world is spending billions of dollars for nothing. Everyone is crying about the global hunger problem, when it could be solved overnight by taking the money that is being wasted in “green” research, technology, and programs (and paying the salaries of those involved in those endeavors) and applying it to the hunger problem. It could be used, for instance, to subsidize farmers, and help them stave off losses experienced during times of drought, flood, freeze, blight, plague, etc. This would keep the cost of food production down and the benefit would trickle down to the consumer the same way farmers’ losses (which translate to higher food prices) trickle down to the consumer. Moreover, because many plants and factories have to be refitted to comply with new “green” environmental regulations, the cost of food production increases to pay for these modifications, and food prices have to be increased accordingly. By raising the price of food, you make it that much harder for many to survive.
And don’t forget the poorer countries, many of which are bound by the Kyoto accords to implement the same green technology the richer countries have to implement. These countries are already broke, so whose going to pay for this? We are: the United States and other western countries. The problem is that the U.S. is already trillions of dollars in the hole. We can’t handle such a financial obligation. Nevertheless, that is exactly what’s coming. COP21, I’m sure, has seen to that. Global Warming, then, besides being used as a tool for the redistribution of wealth, or socialism, will be used to bankrupt the United States and other countries. Goodbye middle class. Hello slavery.
It gets much deeper than this. But even this cursory view of the effect the Global Warming hoax is having on the economy ought to convince you that while we are killing ourselves supposedly to save the environment, we are destroying the global economy and starving millions of people to death. What good is the planet without people to inhabit it? Global Warming, then, is a means of population control.
Now you know that there are some pretty smart people who have already figured all of this out and more. That they are still going forward with the Climate Control agenda, therefore, means that they know exactly what they are doing. That should worry you, because many of the people you voted for have signed onto the Climate Control agenda. Don’t you just love how your tax dollars are being spent?
Global Warming is not only bad, it is satanic. And why wouldn’t it be, when it is contrary to the Word of God?
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man