Is the President of the United States the Holy Roman Emperor?
Grace and peace, Saints.
I’ve made some interesting discoveries in the past week.
The first discovery happened last weekend, while watching the disaster movie 2012 for the second time. When I first watched the movie some years ago, I had only been saved about five years; so the only thing I noticed that was of any spiritual importance was that a global inundation of such apocalyptic proportions is pure fantasy from a biblical perspective, as God promised that He would never again destroy the world with a flood. Watching it the second time, however, after being saved for fourteen years, I noticed quite a bit more. One of those things occurred in the scene where President Wilson, (Danny Glover), is in the chapel of the White House praying, when the Chief Science advisor comes to the White House to tell the President that he needs to board Air Force One immediately, as a huge tsunami is en route.
You may have noticed that in the corner of this chapel was an image of the Roman Catholic Virgin Mary. I was not aware that the White House even had a chapel; but, if it does, then this is yet another proof that the formerly great republic called the United States of America is in its death throes.
You must understand that the separation of church and state is vital to the freedoms we enjoy; and, therefore, cannot and must not be destroyed, if we are to remain a free nation. Most of us did not learn in school that when the founding fathers declared independence from England, they were primarily declaring independence from the British monarchy, which, along with other monarchies and the Roman Catholic Church, hated (and still hate) the idea that people can rule themselves. Their hatred of popular government was in fact the basis for the Secret Treaty of Verona.
The Treaty of Verona, for those of you who do not know, was a secret treaty wherein the “high contracting parties,” Russia, Prussia, Austria, and the Roman Catholic Church under Pope Pius VII, entered into an agreement to prevent popular government from taking root anywhere in the world and to destroy it wherever it had already been established. It should come to no surprise to you that since its inception, their principle object of hatred was the United States of America.
NOTE: Read more about the Secret Treaty of Vienna in the book, The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, available here.
The American system of government is based on the principle that “all men are created equal.” Popular government is the hallmark of this principle. In his famous Gettysburg address, President Abraham Lincoln said, “government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.” The idea of popular government, however, is in direct contrast to the beliefs of the high contracting parties, who believe that the common man does not possess sufficient wisdom, intelligence and illumination to govern himself, and should therefore be governed by those who have the “divine right” to rule, by virtue of royal blood and because they were ordained by the Pope, who they believed to be the Vicar of Christ.
The Roman Catholic Church is violently opposed to both popular government and the separation of church and state, because the Pope believes himself to be sovereign over both. The marriage of church and state is embodied in the most visible symbol of the Papacy, the so-called keys of Simon Peter. Here’s what the Vatican has to say about this emblem:

“Since the XIV Century the two crossed keys have been the official insignia of the Holy See. The gold one, on the right, alludes to the power in the heavens, the silver one, on the left, indicates the spiritual authority of the papacy on earth. The mechanisms are turned up towards the heaven and the grips turned down, in other words into the hands of the Vicar of Christ. The cord with the bows that unite the grips alludes to the bond between the two powers.”
Note that the keys represent spiritual and temporal authority; that is, the Church and the State, and are symbolically united by the red cord. By this, the Roman Catholic Church signifies that it does not believe in a separation of church and state. To them, the Church is the State.
I searched the internet for any reference to a chapel in the White House, and I could only find one, from a Google newsgroup. The individual said that he had also heard that there was indeed a chapel in the White House.

As the workplace of the President of the United States, and the symbol for our democracy, the White House should be kept devoid of any religious association, as this would show religious bias. A chapel in the White House would be bad, but a statue of the Roman Catholic Virgin Mary would be even worse: not just because it shows bias towards Roman Catholicism, but because the Virgin Mary is an idol. Our Lady of America is supposedly a movement to place that apparition of the Virgin Mary in the National Cathedral. I have always suspected that its real purpose was to place the Virgin Mary in the White House, and this revelation confirms my fears. Could this have been the true significance of the movie 2012? Did anyone even notice?
The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. is called the National Cathedral, already making Roman Catholicism the de facto religion of the United States; but a statue of the Virgin Mary in the White House would make it official.
While searching for information about the chapel in the White House, I made the second discovery, when I came upon an article that discussed the fact that prior to taking office, President Trump, at the insistence of his wife Melania, a Roman Catholic, had the White House exorcised by a Roman Catholic priest. I was not aware of this.
The article, taken from the Catholic online newspaper, The Remnant, featured a photo of President Trump holding an image of “Our Lady of Fatima.” The article stated that after the exorcism, President Trump asked the Catholic priest who performed the ritual if he could keep the statue of Fatima, which just happens to be desk-sized. Where do you think he keeps it?

You may read the original article here:
When the author can go so far as to say that President Trump acts more Catholic than most Catholic leaders, you know we are in trouble. Many so-called Protestants believe President Trump is a Christian, but not one of them, to my knowledge, has publicly asked him what kind of a Christian. Then again, it wouldn’t matter, as many baptized Catholics change their official religion.
Now consider this: if the United States is the most powerful nation on earth, and if the United States is also a Catholic country, then that would make the President of the United States the Holy Roman Emperor. Officially, the Holy Roman Empire is dead, but the Bible is clear that like The Terminator, it would be back. If the Holy Roman Empire will be back, then the Holy Roman Emperor will be back. And that would be the President of the United States.
If President Trump is not a baptized and confirmed Catholic, then I don’t believe he could ever be the Holy Roman Emperor. But if his successor is Catholic, he could be.
Years ago I downloaded a snippet from an article from the Catholic online magazine, Commonweal ( entitled, “The Roman Catholic Takeover of America is Almost Complete.” Here is part of it:

“Upon the passing of Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii (a war hero from WWII, leaving Senator Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey the sole remaining WWII veteran in Congress), Senator Pat Leahy of Vermont becomes the President pro tempore of the Senate and, I believe, the first Catholic to hold the position. Indeed, if Senator John Kerry is nominated and confirmed to be Secretary of State, the four offices in line of succession to the presidency will all be held by Catholics: Vice President Joe Biden, House Speaker John Boehner, Senator Leahy, and Secretary Kerry.” [boldface mine.]
The original article is here.
CORRECTION: What I downloaded from Commonweal was a commentary on the article from Mirror of Justice. It is here.
A faithful Roman Catholic, Joseph Biden had a priest bless his private swearing in in 2013.
In the article, The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, I explain that Roman Catholic Takeover of a nation happens in three phases:
Phase I – A crusade of prayer, claiming a country for the Virgin Mary.
Phase II – Dedication of the country to the Virgin Mary.
Phase III – A Holy Warfare to claim that country.
Phase II was accomplished in the United States in 1959, with the reading of a prayer at the dedication of the newly completed Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, in Washington, D.C. We are now in Phase III, which consists of four steps:
- Creation of a Roman Catholic independent state, where all religions will be outlawed except Roman Catholicism and Islam.
- Formation of a Roman Catholic army.
- Decree that only Roman Catholics may serve in government.
- Confiscation of all weapons.
When these steps have been accomplished, the Catholic Church will begin its Great Crusade to “Make America [Completely] Catholic.” In the book, Ravening Wolves, author Monica Farrell writes that in the newly-created Independent State of Croatia, Rome’s plan was to convert one-third of the Serb population, murder one-third (either by execution or a slow death in the concentration camps), and allow one-third to live. I don’t believe this will be true in the U.S.
While not all Roman Catholics may know what is going on, most do; and they are behind it 100%. Those who are not will not say so.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Pingback:I Told You So | The Still ManThe Still Man
Course Its been obvious for decades .Its exactly why they sent all the Irish Catholics and Italian Catholics in to takeover the Police in New York and why they used the Catholic Mafia to clear the path .Its why so many Catholics became lawyers and Judiciary.
It’s been obvious to you, me, and a relatively few others; but the majority of non-Catholics in America have no idea. Did you see the news item about President Trump standing in front of a supposedly fake presidential seal with a double-headed eagle? They said it was a mistake, but because the double-headed eagle is the symbol of the Holy Roman Empire, you know it was not. They are flaunting it in our faces.