Are You Going To Believe Me Or Your Lying Eyes?
Grace and peace.
Adolf Hitler is reported to have said, “If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough, and often enough, the people will believe it.” I am a witness to this phenomenon of deception. I have known someone to give a completely false account of an incident that everyone present knew was a lie. Nevertheless, this person continued to tell his false version of the incident for so long–literally years–and so often, that after awhile, some of those who witnessed the event came to doubt what they actually saw, and to believe the false account.
Indeed, I know two people who actually said that they never admit guilt to anything, and that if someone were to see them commit a crime, the person would have to prove without a shadow of a doubt that the they were guilty. No matter how trivial the infraction, they have determined never to admit guilt.
I heard a story once where a woman caught her husband in the very act of infidelity. “It’s not what it looks like,” her husband said. “What do you mean, it’s not what it looks like,” his wife answered, “What else could it possibly be?” “I’m telling you it’s not,” he retorted. “Now are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?”
This seems to be the attitude that the media takes toward the public. Often, they will report on an incident and that report, which often takes place during, or immediately after the incident, will be truthful. Oftentimes, however, shortly thereafter, a new report will come out denying what the initial report either stated openly or implied. This is probably because someone in a powerful or influential position didn’t like the way the original report made something or someone look. It’s a cleanup report.
Take for instance the riot that occurred the other day in Vancouver, British Columbia when the Kanucks lost to the Boston Bruins in the Stanley Cup finals. Rioters took to the streets, overturning cars, smashing windows, and setting fires. The scene was of absolute chaos and anarchy. And over what? A game. Turns out they have done the same thing before. This damning portrait is in stark contrast to the media’s perpetual portrayal of Canadians—especially those in Vancouver—as laid back, easy-going people. Yet, they are obviously capable of terrible violence for the most trivial of reasons. No different than anyone else.
I saw a glimpse of this hypocrisy a couple of months ago at a press conference for a UFC card featuring a title bout between George St. Pierre and Jake Shields. Jose Aldo, a Brazilian, was also fighting on the undercard and appeared at the press conference, held in Vancouver, which was also attended by Lyoto Machida, Randy Couture, GSP, and Shields, among others.
Jose Aldo is one of the fastest-rising stars in the UFC and is considered by many to be pound-for-pound the best fighter in the UFC. Yet, amazingly, not one question was asked of Aldo by the many journalists in attendance. Not one question.
I personally wanted to hear what the dynamic and explosive Aldo had to say, but no one at the press conference seemed to care. It is extremely rare that a fighter of Aldo’s caliber would not be asked a single question at a press conference. In fact, I had never before seen such a thing. So this made me wonder about the Canadians, or at least, these Canadians. I chalked it up to the UFC crowd though, having been myself for a long time brainwashed into believing that the Canadians were “laid-back, easy-going people.”
Now, this senseless riot happened to snap me out of my media-induced slumber and into the real world. The Canadians are just as bad as the rest of us. Canada must have realized that they could stand to lose millions of dollars in tourist revenue if they didn’t act quickly.
Enter The Media. A new story has come out of Vancouver to put a happy face on that shameful incident. Amidst tear gas being hurled, bottles being tossed, expletives being thrown, cars being overturned, and fires being set, apparently a young couple was photographed kissing on the ground: a placid, tranquil, and tender oasis of love amidst the carnage.
I’m no media expert, but this photo looks fake as all get-out. The circumstances of their tender encounter make it all the more implausible. The words of a journalist reveal the real purpose of this “feel good” story:
“Brett Jones [the young man’s father] now says the couple is being besieged by media requests from outlets around the world.
“All, of course, are interested in knowing the circumstances that found the couple smooching as cars were burned and windows were smashed around them.” [Boldface and brackets mine.]
So, according to this journalist, everyone now wants to know why this couple was kissing, rather than what in the world made these “laid-back, easy-going people” lose their minds. Uh-huh.
But the depth to which a media clean-up effort will descend is reflected in this dubious statement:
“But despite some of our initial assumptions, the kiss seen ’round the world wasn’t the product of a riot-fueled, uncontrollable passion. Brett Jones instead notes that Thomas was injured and his son was coming to her aid.”
Please look at the photo one more time. Look at the position of their bodies, especially the young man’s legs, and tell me if it appears he was just “coming to her aid.” And believe me, the view of a particular part of the young girl’s anatomy would make the average red-blooded male forget all about the riot. Just as it is intended to.
Now, I’m not trying to come down on the Canadians. I know for a fact, based on two Canadian guys I used to know, that they are as nice and friendly as anyone. But just like anyone else, there are elements who can be excited to violence for the slightest of motives. Despite the media’s efforts to make Canadians look uber-angelic, we should not forget this. The Bible says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). That includes Canadian hearts.
Brethren, in these last days, we are going to have to be especially careful of what we see, hear, and read in the media, as there will be a lot of clean-up reporting going on. They are going to be asking us, “Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?”
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
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