The Media and the Christian Worldview
Grace and peace, saints, and greetings to those who are still in the world.
I didn’t use any Scripture references in this post, because I want to appeal to the thinking man who does not have the benefit of the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If it seems to be rambling to a degree, it is because it is. I started writing about the Rapture and ended up with this. The best explanation I have is that God laid this on my heart, so, I’m trusting that there is someone out there that this is intended for, and I pray that they will receive it. I took out the part dealing with the Rapture and will hopefully post it later today or tomorrow, God willing.
The term “the media” originated in advertising over 70 years ago, but has come to refer to all forms of mass communication. The word media is actually the plural form of the word medium, which Webster’s defines as, “a means of affecting or communicating something.” From this perspective, all communications: movies, television, radio, advertising, literature, and music are all forms of media, for they are a means of communicating something, and they certainly do affect us.
Human beings are sensory creatures. Our view of the world is shaped and affected by what we perceive through the senses, most importantly, what we see and hear. Moreover, the human brain is like a computer. All information taken in through the senses is stored in the brain for later retrieval. This is true whether an individual can understand the information or not. Therefore, even if a child cannot understand what he is seeing or hearing, the information is nevertheless stored in memory, and can be accessed later when the child is old enough to understand. These images and sounds, stored as memories, will be appended to current images and sounds, and the lot compiled and processed. These stored, compiled, and processed images and sounds form the core of our personalities and are the essence of who we are. But they lack one important component: a context. For the human being, that context is our worldview.
A worldview is like a computer program. It takes all the data and processes it within a particular frame or context and enables a person to 1) define the world around him, 2) relate to the world around him and 3) define his place in this world.
There are essentially two worldviews that are battling for control of the hearts and minds of men: the Christian worldview and the Humanist worldview. The fate of mankind rests on which worldview is adopted by the mass of humanity.
Let me give you an example.
- Data: murder
- Worldview: Christian
- Context: the Bible, which says, “Thou shalt not kill.”
- Conclusion: murder is wrong
- Result: a society that values human life and promotes peace
- Data: murder
- Worldview: Humanist
- Context: Man is God; therefore, he chooses what is right and what is wrong
- Conclusion: Murder is wrong only if a person believes it to be wrong.
- Result: a society that has little regard for human life and promotes death
As you can see, the consequences of a correct worldview are earth shaking. Our worldview is crucial to who we are, and who we are determines what society is. In order to control society then, it is important to control the sensory data that is coming in and our worldview, or the context in which we view this sensory data. If Americans desired a peaceful, orderly, and moral society, they would have to first ensure that the sensory data coming in through the media is peaceful, orderly, and moral.
The next thing Americans would have to do if they wanted a peaceful, orderly, and moral society is to adopt a worldview that clearly defined what is peaceful, orderly, and moral and what is not peaceful, orderly, and moral; in other words a clear definition of right and wrong: moral absolutes. And there would have to be an authority for this definition of right and wrong that eliminates all subjectivity. Currently, there are two choices being offered to us: the Christian worldview, whose authority is the Bible, and the Humanist worldview, whose authority is man.
History is replete with examples of the horror that results when man determines for himself what is right and wrong. If he likes apple pie and hates cherry pie, apple pie will be right and cherry pie will be wrong. Cherry pie won’t just be least preferred, it will be wrong. And with man to be wrong is to die. The Humanist worldview, therefore, must be rejected completely if man is ever to have a peaceful, orderly, and moral society.
The Christian worldview uses the Bible as its moral authority. All subjectivity is eliminated because man is seen as the flawed creature that he is: incapable of goodness and morality when left to his own devices. He then turns to the supernatural Author of the Bible, the Creator of the Universe, infinitely Wise and Good, and follows His advice. He lets God determine what is right and what is wrong.
Unfortunately, the Christian worldview has been rejected by the majority of society and is seen as outmoded and incompatible with the modern age. Man sees himself as having “evolved” to the point where he no longer needs a God to tell him what to do. He is a big boy now. He can determine for himself what is right and what is wrong.
Or can he? Look around and decide for yourself whether man’s rejection of God as Supreme Authority is benefitting society. Do you feel safe? Do you feel secure? Are we at peace? Are we an orderly society? Are we a moral society? No. No. No. No. No. Who then is to blame? You are. How? Because you support the media by watching immoral movies and television programs glorifying crime, homosexuality, and immoral sex. Because you read books and magazines which in many cases are just soft porn. Because you have made pornography acceptable, which pollutes the minds of our children, young people and adults and is the number one cause of violent sex crimes. Because you believe you are God and you know best. Because you have rejected God.
There is no morality without God. There is no goodness without God. There is no hope without God. And there is no peace without God. If you don’t believe that, look at the history of every country, including ours, in times where the Gospel of Jesus Christ was not freely preached and widely accepted. Look at Communist Russia. Look at Nazi Germany. Look at Cambodia under Pol Pot. Look at Cuba. Look at North Korea. Look at China. Look at Yugoslavia. Look at Africa. And look at the United States during slavery, the Civil War, and right now. You will see unbridled debauchery, death, murder, misery, the absolute de-valuing of human life, and horror of unspeakable proportions.
You won’t understand how serious this is until it is at your doorstep. You won’t understand how dangerous is a worldview that allows an individual to decide for himself what is right and what is wrong, until such an individual decides it is wrong for you to live; or your daughter or your son, and that it is right for that individual to be the agent of your son’s or daughter’s demise. This is the hypocrisy of many Americans:
“I believe that there is no such thing as right and wrong, and I support your right to determine for yourself what is right and what is wrong as long as you do it to someone other than me and my family.” —John Q. Rebel
The United States knew this at one time. At one time the Gospel of Jesus Christ was embraced by this nation. And God blessed her with peace and prosperity. We are now losing our prosperity and Americans still haven’t awakened to why. Shortly, we will lose our peace. We will not have to watch war happen in other countries anymore. We will not have to watch screaming women carrying the bloody, limp bodies of their children and think, “How horrible!” Americans will be intimately familiar with pain and suffering. Then, and only then, will Americans truly be part of the human family. They will finally achieve the one-ship with the world that they have been brainwashed into parroting about for years. Something tells me though, that they won’t like it as much as they thought they would.
It all starts with the media: the means by which sensory data is transmitted to our hearts and minds. Incidentally, Webster’s also defines medium as “a channel of communication between the earthly world and a world of spirits.” Notice that the definition says “a” world of spirits rather than “the” world of spirits. The editors of this dictionary know full well that there are two spirit worlds: the angelic and the demonic. Which spirit world our media is communicating with is plain to see by the types of programs they put out.
Unfortunately, we can’t control that. There are very few, if any, true, Bible-believing Christian millionaires in the world and there are even fewer, if any, true, Bible-believing Christian millionaire media moguls in the world. This is important because there is a direct correlation between money, the media, and us. Money buys influence. The media is influence. And the media influences us. So, whoever has the money can influence us. And influencing us is what it’s all about. The values that those with the money and control hold dear are the values that they will be influencing us with. From what we see in the media there can be no question that those values are not Christian.
We can’t control the media, but we can control our worldview. We can decide that there are moral absolutes. We can decide that there is such a thing as right and wrong. We can stop puffing ourselves up to think that we are higher evolved than someone else. We can humble ourselves and let God tell us what is best. Only then can we begin to put incoming data into its proper context. Only then can we begin to call sin what it is—sin. If we do this, one person at a time, one family at a time, then we can postpone the inevitable. And we can give ourselves at least a couple more years to enjoy the precious few freedoms that God has allowed us to have.
I’m not sure whom this is intended for, but if it is you, please go to the Lord Jesus and let Him know that you want Him to be your medium to righteousness.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Copyright © 2011 Anthony Keeton, The Still Man ®. All Rights Reserved.
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