Mind Control, The Truman Story, and Us
Grace and peace, Saints.
In my last post, I explained that I would chronicle some of the strange occurrences that have taken place on this trip. I’m going to give you the sanitized version, because if I were to give you the whole story, you would definitely not believe me.
A few months ago, I wrote how everywhere I go, Satan’s light workers manipulate my environment, in an attempt to manipulate me by controlling my reactions. This is known as operant conditioning, pioneered by Ivan Pavlov and further refined by behaviorist B.F. Skinner. Skinner believed that people are going to be manipulated anyway, so he said, “I just want them to be manipulated effectively.” Operant conditioning is a form of mind control.
The movie, “The Truman Story” is a perfect example of mind control. In the movie, the title character, played by actor Jim Carey, has been under surveillance his entire life unbeknownst to him. His whole life is really a soap opera. Hidden cameras chronicle his every move, and everyone in his life is, in reality, an actor portraying a role. His mother is not really his mother. His wife is not really his wife. And his best friend is not really his best friend. His neighbors are actors, his boss is an actor, and absolutely everyone he meets on the street is an actor. His entire world is a fantasy. In fact, the entire town where he lives is actually a movie set.
Truman is fascinated by the sea, but he is afraid to go sailing, because when he was a small boy, his “father” was lost at sea during an “episode” of Truman’s life. Since that time, Truman has been afraid of the water. The drowning at sea was a planned event to insure that Truman would develop a fear of sailing, and not attempt to leave the seafront community where he lived. If Truman had ever managed to leave the village, then he would have discovered that it was, in actuality, a movie set. This is being done to each and every one of us on some level.
Whenever Truman would get close to the truth, his “best friend” steers him away from it. If anyone tries to tell Truman the truth, as one young woman, who starts to care for him tries to do, that person is immediately apprehended and removed from Truman’s life. In fact, if events in Truman’s life had not been so meticulously managed and had been allowed to play out naturally, the young woman who tried to tell Truman the truth about his life would, in all likelihood, have become his wife. But the producer of the show, seeing Truman taking a liking to her, had another woman supposedly hurt her ankle and literally fall into Truman’s lap. This woman became his wife. How many of us found our spouses under the same circumstances? Does this, in some way, explain the blur that led to your nuptials?
This has happened to us and to almost everyone we know. Many of our lives have been deliberately and meticulously controlled at least as early as grade school. People have been placed in our lives to manipulate events in our lives to bring about a desired result, and have intentionally derailed many of our futures. That is why many of us, no matter how hard we try, just cannot seem to reach our full potential. There seems to be an invisible wall that is so wide we can’t get around it, so low we can’t get under it, and so high, we can’t get over it.
I believe, and have seen evidence to support this, that Satan has placed people in the schools in order to identify children who are highly intelligent and natural born leaders. Once identified, it will then be determined if such a child can be used for Satan’s agenda. If he can be, then he is called “exceptional” and “gifted” and it is suggested that he attend a school where his gifts can be properly developed. Teachers and administrators cater to his every whim, and all the students love and admire him. If he cannot be, then his life will be managed in such a way as to insure that he will never reach his full potential. He will be treated differently, possibly even cruelly by teachers and administrators, and students will be placed in the school to harass the child and to persuade other students to treat him like a pariah. Many children so treated have ended up in a life of crime. God willing, I will one day give a testimony of something that happened in my children’s school to substantiate what I am saying here.
In reality, Truman was an allegory for the common man. Our reality is being manipulated in order to achieve a specific result, and ultimately, to keep us from ever coming to a knowledge of the truth. I believe, and have stated many times, that Satan is compelled by God to tell us the truth. Jesus said the truth is not in Satan, and the Bible teaches us that no lie is of the truth. Satan, then, never tells the whole truth, but will tell some truth to make his lie more palatable. He will tell the truth, but he will tell it slant.
Hollywood is Satan’s way of telling us what is really going on, but one has to have the discernment of the Holy Spirit in order to see it. Through The Truman Story, Satan was telling us that our realities are being manipulated and that virtually nothing that we think is real really is real.
This is especially true of Christians. Truman was really an allegory for all Christians, and this is evident by the ‘X’ or cross, behind Truman’s head in the photo above. We know that the cross is a symbol for Christians. We are being told, in a subtle way, that we are being spied upon, surveilled, studied: however you want to term it, we Christians are being watched most intently by the enemy. And our realities are being shaped in such a way as to beguile those of little discernment into thinking that everything is OK, and that our old enemy, the Roman Catholic church, is really our friend, when, in reality, Rome is still plotting our destruction. If you haven’t already, you had better read The Roman Catholic Takeover of America. The time is almost here.
Of several clever hints that what I am saying is exactly the case, is the following photo of Christoff, played by Ed Harris:
If you try, it would not be difficult to see that Cristoff’s collar is remarkably similar to that of a Roman Catholic priest. Wouldn’t you say? In fact, his whole demeanor, speech, and philosophy are very “priestly.” This is no accident. Add to this the fact that his right hand is clearly displaying a Cult of Mary hand sign, and you will see the message that is being conveyed here.
Those who realize what is really going on are demonized and made to look crazy or paranoid so that others will not listen to him. We saw this in the Truman show as, every time he would get close to the truth, his friend would convince him that he spent too much time thinking and needed to relax.
If, for instance, the enemy wants a person to become a sociopath, he can place people around the person to ensure that virtually every contact that person has with people is a bad experience. Many people who have been so manipulated have ended up recluses. I believe Satan does this to people who have figured out how the world really works and he wants to make sure that this person doesn’t influence others.
This same technique has been used to create anyone from social activists to sociopaths. Want to create a racist? Then place people of the target race in this person’s life from childhood into adulthood that will make sure that every contact the child has with this race will be bad. Then put other people in the child’s life: parents, relatives, teachers, etc. who will reinforce the opinion of the target race that is being developed in the child. Then groom that person for success and influence so that he influences other people to think as he does.
Have you ever noticed that some of the most successful and most popular people today are some of the most despicable people you will ever meet—people of questionable morals and character, while some of the most interesting, insightful, and moral people are labeled by the media and others as crazy or strange? This is no accident. Satan wants his people to influence the status quo to bring about the type of society conducive to his ends. He doesn’t want people listening to those whose eyes have been opened and from whom one could actually learn a thing or two.
The enemy uses mind control to accomplish many ends. In my case, it is used to try to control where I go, what I do, and how I act. In your case, it is being used to keep you from listening to people like me
Our lives are being manipulated.
Now, I said all that to build the context in which I am going to recount many of the things that have happened on this trip. Without me giving you this short primer on mind control, which takes many forms, you would not have been able to digest what I am going to tell you. Believe me, most of us have had our realities completely shaped by the puppet masters so that we will close our minds to anything that does not fit into our worldview: a worldview, by the way, that did not develop naturally, but was deliberately shaped and molded by the puppet masters of Mystery Babylon.
The Still Man
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