More Spiritual Wickedness in High Places
Grace and peace, Saints.
As many of you may know, I originally started this blog subsequent to learning that I was under surveillance by the forces of darkness, which have been attacking me and my family for years.
I believe this is largely due to my evangelism work among Roman Catholics and Muslims and because we preach the pure, undiluted, hard-core Gospel of Jesus Christ, which Gospel Satan hates. We reveal Satan’s schemes and expose his machinations, and enable anyone who is willing to not only be set free from bondage, but to wage an effective warfare against Satan and the forces of darkness with the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
Because Satan constantly exposes me to his light workers, I take the opportunity to evangelize them also. And, because the attacks upon me are so relentless, my spirit tells me that some of these poor souls may have even been reached with the Gospel. Whether this is the case, I cannot say for sure, but my spirit tells me that there is some truth to this. I at least hope there is.
Psychological warfare operations (commonly known as mind control) plays a major role in the attacks upon me, as well as extremely low frequency electromagnetic or directed energy weapons used against my body. Because these weapons are known to be used by the United States military, this can only mean that the U.S. government is somehow involved in the attacks upon me. As I have related previously, the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Senate both have paid a visit to my website. Last week, I was staying in a hotel on Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. When I tried to access this blog using one the hotel’s courtesy computers, a security banner identified my website as a “hate/violence” website and prevented me from logging on:
This is not unusual, given that this ministry involves revealing the true nature of Roman Catholicism as well as the Roman Catholic plan to take over the United States of America and the world. In that the United States government is controlled by the Roman Catholic church, and there are many Roman Catholics in the United States military, then it is not unreasonable to conclude that the Romish elements of the United States military would be hostile to my ministry.
Many of you are aware that the attacks against me have, wittingly or unwittingly, involved my wife, who was born and raised a Roman Catholic.
Only the love that I have for my wife and children and the grace of our Lord Jesus, to whom I owe my love, unwavering obedience, and allegiance, have thus far saved my family from utter destruction. All praise, honor, and glory be to God, who giveth us the victory through Christ Jesus our Lord.
After the St. Louis Circuit Court returned my children to my wife in August 2009, after I had taken them from Germany to the U.S. for their safety in February 2008, I remained in the U.S., while my wife and children returned to Munich, Germany. At this point, you should know that my wife is not German, but black African: born and raised in Angola and the Congo. My children are black and look black, and are not altogether indiscernible from the average black American child. You can imagine, therefore, how three black American children, who look like three black American children, and talk like three black American children (although they do speak fluent German), must appear in Munich, where black American children, who are not of mixed race, are a rarity, if they exist at all outside my family.
The significance of this last testimony involving my wife and family is that since April 2012, following an urgent plea from my son to come to Germany, I have been living on two continents: maintaining a residence in the United States, while residing in Germany. I had been planning since my arrival here to go back to America and tie up any loose ends before returning to Germany. But certain factors made me reluctant to totally commit to living in Germany. A recent addition to the family this year made it further necessary for me to postpone my trip a few months.
I had planned to leave when the baby reached three months of age, and if she were healthy and had no physical or medical issues. I would then go to America to close out that chapter of my life, and subsequently return to Germany to resume my activities as a full-time missionary, leaving the rest in the hands of the Lord Jesus. With this intent, I left Munich Wednesday April 2, 2014 en route to Ramstein Air Force Base, where I hoped to get a space available flight to the United States.
This is where it gets interesting.
This is not the peak travel season, so space available, commonly called Space A, flights are usually not very difficult to get. Space available means that if any seats on a military aircraft are left after all official travelers have been seated, then those seats will be released to travelers based on select criteria. It is also used to fill empty space on cargo aircraft. Space available travel is available to active duty military, military retirees, and others in select groups. I left Munich at approximately 7:30 a.m. April 2, and arrived at Ramstein Air Base five and a half hours later. There was no flight out that day, so I got a room at the hotel and hoped that I would get a flight out the next day. I didn’t, however, so I had to wait until Friday, April 4.
Now I showed up bright and early for that flight and it looked like I would be flying out. But it was announced that all seats were filled before they got to me. So, back to the hotel room I went. When I didn’t make it out on any of the several flights that Saturday, I became suspicious. So I went to my facebook feed to look for the 24hr. historical data of Ramstein Passenger Terminal. Many Air Mobility Command (AMC) Passenger Terminals post historical data as well as 72 hr. projected flight schedules. I subscribe to Ramstein’s facebook feed as well as several others. The 24hr. historical data lists what flights went out, how many seats were released and how many were filled, the lowest category (out of six categories) that was chosen and the sign up date of the person in that category, and the number of people who competed for a seat and the lowest category person who competed.
The 24hr. historical data is the best way of determining how close a person who was not selected was to being selected. One does this by comparing his category and sign up date with the lowest category and sign up date that was selected.
Now a person can sign up for as many destinations as he chooses, and his name will be automatically considered for every flight he signs up for. Since I was trying to go stateside, then I was eligible for any flight and would be considered for every flight. In that most flights on a given day have a different departure time, it is important to show up plenty of time before the “roll call” for a particular flight to make sure that passenger service personnel know that you want to be considered for that flight. They will then mark you as present, and, at roll call, your name will appear with the names of everyone else marked present for the flight, on a big screen monitor along with your category, sign up date, and number in line.
Category VI, the last category, is retired personnel. If all Category VI personnel who signed up for a flight are selected, it means that there were plenty of seats. I showed up an hour early before the roll call for the flight to McGuire Air Force Base, NJ, on April 4 and was marked as present. I am Category VI and had a sign up date of February 20, 2014. I was not selected for the flight.
Here is the historical data for that flight. This information was posted to facebook, so it is unclassified.
You will note that out of 10 seats released, only 9 were used, and the lowest category selected was CAT VI with a sign up date of April 3, 2014: only the day before the flight, and several weeks later than my signup date. I should have been selected for the flight.
On Sunday April 6, I went to the Ramstein Passenger Terminal to find out why I wasn’t selected for that flight when there were enough seats. I was told that someone “accidentally” put me in the system as desiring to go to Kuwait. So I wasn’t even considered for the McGuire flight or any other flight going Stateside. What makes this mistake dubious, however, was that my signup sheet clearly shows that I wanted to go Stateside.
I ultimately left Ramstein AFB on April 7, five days after I arrived, on a flight to Travis Air Force Base, CA. And I almost didn’t make that flight either. Because of what had happened with the McGuire flight, I signed up for the Travis flight, believing that hardly anyone wanted to go to the West Coast as it is easier to get connecting flights from the East Coast. I arrived very early, as usual, and marked myself present for the flight to Travis. My name appeared on the monitor this time, but I was still expecting the worse. During the roll call for this flight, an announcement came over the PA system that due to the large number of seats released, everyone who signed up for the flight would be selected. I immediately went to the passenger service counter to verify this. The sergeant in charge told me “there is no way you heard that.”
So I went back to my seat, but, sure I had heard correctly, I went back to the counter and asked how many seats were released, and what my number was. One person said that I was number ten of the retirees, so my chances looked good, while another said, “I’m not liking your chances.” Just then, the announcement came over the PA for me to go to passenger control. I had been selected.
In the past, I was never very diligent in things like checking the list and making sure my data was correct, looking for mistakes or discrepancies in destinations, or referencing the historical data, because I trusted the system, which, before the last five years or so, had always worked very well. Ordinarily, AMC personnel are incredibly efficient.
Right now, I’m in Hawaii. When I signed up for the flight going from Travis AFB to Joint Air Base Pearl Harbor/Hickam, it seemed there was going to be plenty of seats. There were 73 seats available, I had a signup date almost two months old, and who is going to Hawaii in April with Spring Break just about over and summer vacation still a couple of months away? Well, you can guess what happened. When I arrived at the passenger terminal at 5:45 a.m., it was teaming with people.
Again, there was a role call, again, my name appeared, and again, I wasn’t selected. The service agent announced that all the seats were filled, and the last person selected was right before me. In that this person was CAT VI, with a signup date of 24 February—four days later than mine—I went to ask about this. As I glanced up at the monitor, I noticed that my signup date had been changed from 20 February to 26 February! I told the service agent about this, and he told me it was too late, that there had been plenty of time to have had it changed before then. Again the plane left without me.
When I inquired how this error was made, the lady at the passenger counter told me that someone forgot to change the date from 26 February to 20 February. I asked her how that was possible when, as the date was entered for the first time only the day before, nothing needed to be changed. It was entered incorrectly to begin with. All I got was an apology.
Today, I went to Travis Passenger Terminal’s facebook page to look at the historical data for yesterday. The first flight to Hawaii is the one I would have been on.
As you can see, of the 73 seats released, only 71 were used. They list 71 people as having competed for the seats, and that the lowest was Category VI with a signup date of 17 February. Again, I’m Category VI, and my signup date was 20 February.
It is totally possible that these were all honest mistakes. But, in view of what I do, I seriously doubt it. I say again: the military consists of people; and people have agendas: some good, some bad.
If you consider this in light of the Roman Catholic Takeover of America, then it makes plenty of sense.
The purpose of my writing this is not to sling mud at our military, as there are some fine men and women there. I’m merely relating what is really happening to me. I have definitely been targeted by the forces of darkness, many of whom are in our military. This is a fact. Can I prove it? No. Does that mean it’s not happening? Definitely not. What may be considered proof of this, is the fact that two days after I left Ramstein, seats to the U.S. seemed to have became plentiful again:
Many of you may find what I am saying hard to believe, but others of you know that I speak the truth: maybe because it’s also happening to you, or maybe because you are making it happen to someone yourself.
Because so many spiritually interesting things have been occurring on this trip, I am going to chronicle the whole thing: day-by-day, play-by-play. I’m already way behind, because a lot has happened. But I’ll do my best to catch up. By the way, there was an upside to me not making that flight on April 4th. When I should have been flying out, the weather in St. Louis was terrible: thunderstorms and tornadoes. It was the same on the East Coast:

But this is what I saw from my hotel window:

What Satan meant for evil, God used for good. Please pray for me.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
I am pentecostal apostolic since 1986. I met Sister Charlotte’s real sister at a Pentecostal church in Illinois in 2000. she said she was not allowed to put the book into print until after her Sister died, because the Catholic church was always trying to kill her. They gave her gifts poisoned candy etc. So she is very true and existed and was in a convent for over 22 years. etc. all in the book is true. Her sister and her were pictured in the back of the back and i spoke to her personally. It is true what happens to this nuns, i have more examples of a plumber who went to clean out a convent plumbing once, and he said there were tons of baby skeletons jambed in the plumbing. He was horrified. i am writing a DVD to put out soon. I have a great testimony myself…… later keep up the good work.
Goodness! Skeletons of babies jammed into the plumbing?! That is incredible and frightening! What is the name of Sister Charlotte’s sister, and what is the book called? When your DVD comes out, please let us know. I would also like to hear your testimony.