My Thoughts on Pope Francis’ Visit
Grace and peace, Saints.
Well, the Roman Catholic pope came to the United States amid much fanfare, pomp, and gaiety. The American press hailed it as possibly the greatest moment in our country’s history. I, however, believe it to be the most tragic moment in America’s history: the moment when America gave a hero’s welcome to one of the greatest enemies of freedom in the history of the world.
CNN dedicated much airtime to the coverage of the pope’s visit, and I couldn’t help but notice that they did everything they could to differentiate their coverage of the pope from their coverage of any other world leader.
I’ve talked to my children at length about why CNN dedicates so much airtime to covering the Roman Catholic pope. As I told them, the Roman Catholic church believes that it’s pope is the substitute for Jesus Christ on earth and that he is actually God on earth. Now, if you love God, then everything that God says and does will interest you. Therefore, if you believe that the pope is God in the flesh, then everything the pope says and does will interest you.
CNN has always had an intense interest in all things popish. On one of CNN’s promotional commercials, Christianne Amanpour even addresses Pope Francis as “Holy Father!” Now, a non-Roman Catholic does not have to address the pope as Holy Father, as it is a spiritual title. Only one who acknowledges him as his spiritual authority would address Pope Francis or any pope as Holy Father. A true Bible-believing Christian certainly would not address Pope Francis as Holy Father, because it is a blasphemous title. Holy Father is reserved for God the Father ALONE. The title of Holy Father occurs only once in the entire Bible: Chapter 17 verse 11 of the Gospel of John. In this verse, Jesus is praying to God the Father on the behalf of the Christian church. Listen to what He says:
“And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be as one, as we are.”
Jesus says several times in the Gospel of John that He and the Father are one. That is why Jesus has almost every title that God the Father has: Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, Savior, Lord, etc. Etc. The title of Holy Father is the one title which Jesus Christ does not claim for Himself. In John 10:39 Jesus says, “My Father…is greater than all.” Though Jesus and the Father are one, Jesus places God the Father above Himself. The title of Holy Father places God the Father at the head of all righteousness. For the Pope of Rome to allow himself to be called Holy Father is to blaspheme the name of God the Father.
One could simply address Pope Francis as Pope Francis just as one may address a president named Smith as President Smith, a king named Jones as King Jones, or a judge named Johnson as Judge Johnson, though they may have other titles. When one therefore, calls Pope Francis Holy Father, he is doing more than acknowledging the pope’s position; he is acknowledging him as his spiritual leader. Christianne Amanpour represents CNN and is one of their highest-regarded journalists. When Amanpour addresses Pope Francis as Holy Father, therefore, she is not just speaking for herself; she is speaking for CNN. It should therefore be no surprise that they would dedicate a great deal of time covering Pope Francis.
The only religion in the world that does not have a human leader is the true Christian Church. The Roman Catholic church has its pope, Buddhism has the Dalai Lama, Islam has its imams, Hinduism has its gurus, Jehovah’s Witnesses have their presidents, Mormonism has its prophets, and on and on it goes. The only religion that has no human head is Bible-based Christianity. Our head is God Almighty, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
Now, if you watch CNN, you will notice that though they do occasionally cover the major doings of some religious leaders, they never cover any other religious leader like they do the Pope of Rome. This makes sense if CNN not only believes that the Pope is God, but that he is the spiritual leader of every other religion on earth. CNN wouldn’t so brazenly publish this belief if they didn’t know that all other religions (except true Christianity) believe the same thing. They are promoting Pope Francis as the greatest spiritual leader on earth.
So when Pope Francis, the greatest religious leader on earth came to America, CNN went to great lengths to do more for him than they have done for any other world leader that has ever come to the U.S. CNN, as well as virtually every other news outlet, always covers when a world leader first sets foot on U.S. soil, and is right there when the leader lands at a U.S. Airport or military base. However, to distinguish Pope Francis from every other world leader and to give him the ultimate star treatment, CNN did something that to my knowledge they have never done for any other world leader. CNN actually announced that Pope Francis had entered U.S. Airspace!
That was truly a first.
On September 24, 2015, Pope Francis made history by addressing a joint session of Congress. The significance of the United States Congress allowing the Pope of Rome to address them was not lost on me. For you must understand that for Roman Catholics, the voice of the Pope is the voice of God. Pope Francis, therefore, didn’t fly all the way to the United States and appear before Congress in the nation’s capital just to give us his opinion. As the Pope of the Holy See, the Pope was putting the full weight of the Vatican, the most powerful organization in the history of the world, behind whatever issue he was speaking on. And he spoke on several issues.
We published on our YouTube channel, The Gospel Light and Truth Crusade, the Fox News coverage of Pope Francis’ address. In the description box I listed a number of quotes the Pope made relative to the issues he addressed that I thought were rather revelatory and that held particularly ominous portent for the future.
Francis begins by implying that biblical Christianity (also referred to as “fundamentalism”) is the source of friction and discord in the world and a hindrance to global unity:
12:00 – “We must be mindful of every type of fundamentalism.”
13:40 – “We must combat every form of polarization.”
Then he makes a reference to the ecumenical agenda:
15:00 – “We must move together as one in solidarity.”
16:57 – “We must pool our resources and talents, and resolve to support one another with respect for our differences and our convictions of conscience.”
Francis then implies that all religions need to work together to combat Christian fundamentalism. After pointing out that all religions have contributed to making America great, Francis says:
“[Interfaith] cooperation is a powerful resource in the battle to eliminate new global forms of slavery…”
Because this statement was still in the context of fighting fundamentalism and polarization, he is implying that Christianity is a form of slavery that must be eliminated.
He then implies that new legislation and social programs need to be put in place to aid in this battle:
“…which can be overcome only through new policies and new forms of social consensus.”
Don’t overlook the fact that Pope Francis is addressing the United States Congress, the highest legislative body in the United States. So when he speaks of new policies to combat Christian fundamentalism, Pope Francis is urging the Congress to enact laws to curtail the activities of Christian fundamentalists. In that our main activities are evangelization through preaching and witnessing, then Francis is suggesting that laws be enacted to stop those activities.
But there’s more. Preaching and witnessing are protected under the First Article and Amendment to the United States Constitution: it is protected speech. In order to curtail protected speech, the First Amendment would have to be eliminated or drastically altered. We ought to be on the lookout for this. Moreover, since the authority for our activities is the Bible, then you can also look forward to seeing legislation that will further demonize and even outlaw the Bible.
Francis then goes on to imply that the ultimate goal of the political process is to build a a New World Order, free of the prejudices of fundamentalism (Christianity):
18:11 – “Politics is instead an expression of our compelling need to live as one in order to build, as one, the greatest common good…”
The “greatest common good” also called “the greater good” is a code word for democracy, which is a code word for the New World Order. You must understand that a democracy is not the same as a republic. The United States was founded a republic. In a republic, the rights of individuals takes precedence over the rights of the whole. In other words, the belief was that if you take care of the needs of every individual, then by extension, you will meet the needs of everyone. The individual was the most important factor. In a democracy, however, the needs of the whole–the majority–supersede the needs of the individual. In a democracy, individuals are only needed to support the state. It is from democracy that we get the term “human resource.” The individual is only seen as a resource, a commodity, which needs to be managed like every other resource: to be planted, harvested, consumed, and discarded. Webster’s Dictionary says that a democracy is the last step before communism. In short, a pure democracy is socialism.
It is from democracy that we get the terms minority and majority with respect to society. Blacks are considered minority, not because they are fewer than whites, but because in a democracy, the needs of blacks are secondary to the needs of whites, who are considered the majority. So, even in a city like Washington, D.C., where the majority of its inhabitants are blacks, they are still considered the minority.
Christians will not be welcome in the New World Order because the New World Order, like the Tower of Babel, will attempt to exalt itself above all that is called God.
Now let’s get back to Pope Francis’ address. This is where it gets scary. Francis then defines the New World Order:
“…a community that sacrifices particular interests in order to share, in justice and peace, its goods, its interests, its social life.”
You must understand who is speaking and what he is saying. If you substitute “eliminates” for “sacrifices” and “whoever doesn’t fit into our utopian society” for “particular interests,” then it is clear that Pope Francis is suggesting that Christians and all who will not bow down to the Roman Catholic pope and his idol will not be allowed to share in the benefits of the New World Order utopia they are trying to build. They will be eliminated. This is a literal fulfillment of biblical prophecy!
But it doesn’t stop there. Francis then turns his attention to the global disarmament agenda:
“Why are deadly weapons being sold to those who plan to inflict untold suffering on individuals and society? Sadly, the answer, as we all know, is simply money. It is our duty to confront and stop the arms trade.”
In most parts of the world, weapons ownership by private individuals has been severely curtailed. Only in America is gun ownership a legal right rather than a privilege. So, Francis was really voicing his desire to eventually ban gun ownership in America as well as the world. We can look for him to reiterate this sentiment when he addresses the U.N. General Assembly, during his visit to New York. It is through the United Nations that Pope Francis will eventually decide the gun issue in America. Disarmament is Step Four of Phase Three of the Roman Catholic Takeover of America.
In her book, “Ravening Wolves,” Christian evangelist Monica Farrell gives the blueprint for the Roman Catholic takeover of a nation, which she observed when the Nazis (who were the political and military cell of the Roman Catholic church) took over the former Yugoslavia. The phases of the Roman Catholic takeover are as follows:
- A crusade of prayer, claiming a country for the Virgin Mary
- Formal dedication by the Roman Catholic church of that country to the Virgin Mary.
- A Holy Warfare to possess that country.
Phase Three occurs in five steps:
- Secession: The Roman Catholics declare an independent state within the formal country. This is what happened in the United States and which preceded the Civil War. The Roman Catholic South, supported by the Vatican, seceded from the mostly Protestant Union and declared war upon it by firing upon Fort Sumter. It also occurred in Yugoslavia, according to Farrell, when the Roman Catholics seceded from that country and formed the Independent State of Croatia.
- The formation of a Roman Catholic army supported by other Roman Catholic armies. The current manifestation of this is the United Nations Security Council. Most, if not all, of the member nations in the Security Council are Roman Catholic or Roman Catholic friendly, including the United States. This is why most units in the United States army wear the blue U.N. beret and our army fights in wars that have nothing to do with defending the United States. Our army now belongs to the United Nations, which is headed by the Vatican. It goes where and does what the Pope says it goes and does.
- The government, which is by this time almost entirely composed of Roman Catholics, publishes a notice that only Roman Catholics may serve in government. This is about to happen in the United States. Our government has an “unusually high Catholic representation,” and virtually every candidate for President in 2016 is a Roman Catholic. Vice President Joe Biden is a Roman Catholic, and Barak Obama is a secret Roman Catholic.
- CONFISCATION OF ALL WEAPONS. This was the purpose for the University of Texas shooting; Columbine; Virginia Tech; Sandy Hook; Oslo, Norway; the shootings on military bases around the country and overseas, and every other mass shooting that has occurred in the United States. The Vatican wants to demonize weapons so that there will be a global outcry to ban weapons in the United States. This is in preparation for Step Five which is…
- The Inquisition. In Croatia, the Roman Catholic USTACHI (Catholic Action), led by priest, nuns, and monks, swept through that nation and horribly massacred the Bosnian Serbs, who are Eastern Orthodox. Interestingly, they did nothing to the Croatian Muslims. In fact, in the Independent State of Croatia, all religions were outlawed EXCEPT ROMAN CATHOLICISM AND ISLAM. This will happen in the United States.
You must understand that Pope Francis is not the friend of the United States. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit pope in the history of the Roman Catholic church, and that is no small matter. The Jesuit Order was specially commissioned by the Council of Trent to destroy the Protestant Reformation and Christianity. Though it was a pope who instituted the Jesuit order, the Society of Jesus, as the Jesuits are formally called, became a danger to all constituted authority in the world, including the Catholic Church. They have been thrown out of virtually every country in the world, except the United States, which gave them a safe haven from which to operate. They were finally disbanded by Pope Clement X, but they resurfaced again and have been tirelessly working ever since to complete their goal.
The warm welcome Pope Francis received by the American people showed just how far down the road to apostasy we really are. America, the former Protestant nation, welcomed the Roman Catholic pope with open arms. We will soon regret that move.
I will have more to say on the Pope’s visit and it’s implications for America in the coming days, God willing.
Click here to read more about the Roman Catholic Takeover of America.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
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