The Occult Significance of the Norway Shooting
“And He brought me into the inner court of the Lord’s house, and behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces towards the east; and they worshipped the sun towards the east.”
– Ezekiel 8:16
Grace and peace to the brethren in Christ Jesus and greetings to my brothers and sisters in Adam.
This has been a very significant weekend.
You may recall that in our post entitled, “In God We Trust, All Others We Monitor,” we told you how the media uses the term “fundamentalism” to describe Biblical Christianity and Islamic terrorism, and in so doing, imply that the Biblical position is extremist. Now the media has implicated the man accused of killing 92 people in Norway with being associated with so-called Christian fundamentalism.
First, I must offer my wishes for a speedy recovery to the surviving victims and my condolences to the families of those killed in this senseless tragedy.
Now, the Associated press reports that Anders Behring Breivik, believed to have killed 92 people at a youth retreat on an island in Oslo, Norway and to have detonated a bomb at the Norwegian government headquarters, resulting in seven deaths, was on an “anti-Muslim crusade,” and had posted his views on “Christian fundamentalist websites.” There are serious problems with these allegations.
First of all, just because he posted his views on some Christian websites does not necessarily mean that the websites held the same views Breivik did. It is easy to post comments to websites, as most moderators do not prohibit people from expressing their opinions, so long as it is done in a clean, respectable way. Furthermore, it has only been reported that Breivik “posted to Christian fundamentalist websites.” It has not been alleged that he expressed any anti-Muslim sentiments in those postings.
Lastly, we don’t even know what was the nature of his postings. For all we know, he could have posted “Nice post” in response to someone else’s post. But because of the media’s savvy word jockeying, many who read this article will not only assume that Breivik posted anti-Muslim rhetoric on these websites, but that the websites themselves were anti-Muslim (or at least the forum on which he posted), and this has not yet been established. He will already be tried and found guilty in the court of public opinion with the media as the prosecutor.
I see nothing in the body of the article that justifies the headline that Breivik wanted an “anti-Muslim crusade.” If anything his anger was vented at the government because he thought they supported “islamization.” There is a big difference. Besides, if he had truly wanted to hurt Muslims, the Norwegian government building would have been the last place to plant a bomb.
The article went further and reported that “[b]oth targets [the youth retreat and the government building] were linked to Norway’s left-leaning Labor Party.” The juxtaposition of the Christian right and the Labor left presents a curious and not accidental role-reversal. The so-called left wing—which gave us Marxism, Socialism, and Communism, all of which throughout history have been responsible for violent revolutions worldwide, resulting in the death and enslavement of millions upon millions of people—is being portrayed here as the victim, while so-called Christian fundamentalism—which was the basis for Western civilization, was responsible for the majority of the medical and scientific breakthroughs of the last century, and which was the basis for our Constitution—the document that gave us our freedoms—is being portrayed as violent and revolutionary.
Another indictment of the Christian church is the article’s mention of the “mixture of fertilizer and fuel” used to blow up the government building as being similar to that used to blow up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995; an act attributed to Army veteran, Timothy McVeigh, who is said to have been associated with the militia movement. The militia movement has been associated with so-called Christian fundamentalism. Coincidence?
The combined effect of the media’s efforts is to make Christianity seem a menace to peace and security. A threat to Islam. A threat to labor. And in that many innocent civilians and youth were killed and injured by Breivik, a threat to the innocent. All by an implied and totally unsubstantiated connection between Breivik and Christianity.
This crime also bears a resemblance to another tragedy: The Columbine massacre. Witnesses to the shooting at the island retreat claim that there was a second shooter, though Breivik’s lawyer, Geir Lippestad, says his client claims to have acted alone. Similarly, witnesses at Columbine also claimed that there were at least three shooters, and this was covered in the first media reports. Later reports, however, focused exclusively on Kliebold and Harris.
I am reminded that witnesses to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center claim to have heard bombs going off in the buildings before they collapsed. One gentleman, a janitor, claimed that he heard an explosion after which he found and assisted a man whose clothes were on fire. What is curious is that all of this happened in the basement of the tower. The fire was on the top floors. Even more troubling is that many who claimed to have seen or heard explosions in the twin towers seem to have met with mysterious deaths.
Moreover, Eric John Phelps, the author of Vatican Assassins, claims that over 100 witnesses to the Kennedy assassination were killed over a 20-year period. Just food for thought.
A very important element of this story is the allegation that Breivik supposedly penned a 1500 page “manifesto” entitled, 2083 – A European Declaration of Independence. Besides the nominal similarity with our own Declaration of Independence, a document that was modeled after several Christian documents, is its similarity, at least in this context, with the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a document falsely claimed to have been written by Jews and which was later used by the Nazi government to justify the murder of over two-thirds of Europe’s Jews in the Nazi death camps. Will the media somehow try to tie this “manifesto” to Christian “fundamentalism?” Only time will tell.
Perhaps most interesting is the connection between this incident and Freemasonry. It is reported that a video on YouTube believed to have been posted by Breivik features “symbolic imagery of the Knights Templar and crusader kings.” It is widely believed that Freemasonry is merely the modern day manifestation of the Knights Templar, though Freemasonry claims to be much older. This is very important.
Freemasonry contains practices similar to Kabbala, which is Jewish ritual magic. The Kabbala places great emphasis on numerology and “sacred numbers.” Certain numbers are considered powerful and hold significant meaning. Among the many numbers of Kabbalistic importance the numbers 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, and 33 seem to come up the most often.
Nine is one of the most important numbers because for one, it holds the triple number of Antichrist, the Beast, which is 666. Now, 6+6+6=18. 18=1+8, and 1+8=9. Thus, the number 9 holds the hidden number of Antichrist. For this reason, 27 is also important, because 2+7=9. Also, 27=9+9+9 and 999 upside down is 666. And lastly, the number 27 is a multiple of the numbers 3 and 9 (3 x 9 = 27), both powerful occult numbers.
Multiples of any sacred number are said to be even more powerful. So, 22 is important because it is 2 x 11. It comes up a lot. Three is the number of the pagan trinity, so most any multiple of three is important. 33 is important because it holds the sacred numbers 3 and 11 (3×11), and is the sacred number 3 doubled. 33 also just happens to be the number of the ostensibly highest degree in Freemasonry, the 33rd degree.
13 is the number of rebellion, so besides 18 it is a very important satanic number.
Someone once said that everything Satan does is based on the Bible, and I have found this to be true. For example, Jesus had 12 disciples. But at one crucial point, there were actually 13 disciples. That crucial point can be found in John Chapter 13 at the Last Supper.
This is the scenario: Jesus and the disciples were at supper. Jesus is troubled because he knows that soon Judas will betray Him into the hands of His enemies. So He tells His disciples that one of them will betray Him, and they are all wondering whom it is going to be. Simon Peter then asks John, who is leaning with his head upon Jesus’ chest, to ask Jesus who the traitor is. We pick up at this point:
“He then lying on Jesus’ breast saith unto Him, Lord, who is it? Jesus answered, He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it.
“And when He had dipped the sop, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. And after the sop, Satan entered into him.
“Then said Jesus unto him, that thou doest, do quickly” (John 13:25-27).
As you can see, at this crucial juncture, there were actually 13 people sitting at the table with Jesus. One of them was The Great Rebel, Satan. This is why I believe the number 13 is important in occultism. If you have a better explanation, I would be interested to hear it.
Notice something else very important: All of this happened in Chapter 13 of the book of John, and the verse where Satan entered Judas is verse 27. Both very important occult numbers. I could give you other examples that make a very good case that what Satan does is based on the Bible.
I’ll give you another example. As we have seen, 18 and 27 have great occult significance. Now remember that in the book of the Revelation Jesus talks about the Synagogue of Satan, men who claim to be Jews, but actually worship Satan, whom they call Lucifer. (By the way, these are who I believe are Zionist Jews, not God’s chosen people. The difference is Zionist Jews worship Lucifer, while true Jews worship Jehovah.
Also, Zionist Jews support the pope, not God, and want to give Jerusalem over to the Vatican, hence the current effort to make Jerusalem an international city. Well, Jesus mentions the Synagogue of Satan twice: in Revelation 2:9, and at Revelation 3:9.
“[I] know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 2:9)
“Behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie…” (Revelation 3:9).
2 x 9 = 18, and 3 x 9 = 27.
The numbers 18 and 27 show up again. Coincidence?
So, as you can see, numerology plays an important role in the occult. Perhaps now you can understand the occult significance of 9/11. It was not just an arbitrary date. Many, many events just happened to have occurred on September 11. Look it up. You will be amazed.
What have Freemasonry and Kabbalistic numerology to do with the Norway shootings? Let’s take a look.
First of all, as you can see below and from the article, Breivik is dressed in Masonic formal attire, with the Masonic apron around his waist.
It is also interesting that Breivik is 32 years old. The 32nd degree just happens to be the highest degree that most Masons can make. The last degree, the 33rd, is only acquired after meritorious contribution to “The Great Work.” Only a select few obtain the 33rd. There is also an honorary 33rd, but it is not the same as the meritorious degree.
Now let us look at the date of this tragedy, for it is very “illuminating.”
The incident happened on July 22, 2011, or 7/22/2011, or 7/22/11.
7/22/2011: 7 + 22 + 4 = 33
7/22/11 (three occult numbers): 7 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 13
July 22: 7/22 = 7 + 22 = 29, 2 + 9 = 11 and 2 x 9 = 18
July 2011 the 22nd day or 7/2011/22: 7+4=11 + 22(11x2) = 33
7/2011/22: 7 x 2 = 14 + 2 = 16; 16 + 22 = 38, 3 + 8 = 11
7/2011/22: 7 + 2 = 9(11) = 99(9 + 2 = 18); 22 = 2 x 11; 99 + 11 = 110 + 11 = 121; 121 = 12 + 1 = 13
7/2011/22: 7 + 2 = 9 x 2 = 18 x 22 = 396; 3 + 9 + 6 = 18
7/2011/22: 7 x (2+1+1+2+2) = 56, 5 + 6 = 11
I’m sure there are more here, but I just wanted you to see how this works. Now, I ask you, what date could yield this many combinations of the same specific numbers? When you get the same occult numbers over and over like this, it is no coincidence.
And that’s just the date. We haven’t even gotten into other details of this crime.
There were 92 total people killed (as of this article). 2 x 9 = 18.
There were 97 wounded. 9 x 7 = 63; 6 + 3 = 9; 6 x 3 = 18
There were 85 killed on the island retreat. 8 + 5 = 13.
There were 7 killed in the bomb explosion.
Breivik ended his “treatise” on the internet with a note dated 12:51 p.m.
1 + 2 + 5 + 1 = 9; 12 + 51 = 63; 6 + 3 = 9; 6 x 3 = 18
And remember, the number nine contains the triple number of the beast, or 666.
Recall that the name of the manifesto starts with the number 2083.
2 + 8 + 3 = 13
2(8 + 3) = 2 x 11 = 22
8 – 2 = 6; 6 + 3 = 9
20 + 8 + 3 = 31; 31 reversed is 13
3 x 8 + 2 = 26; 26 = 2 x 13
80 + 2 + 3 = 85; 8 +5 = 13
38 + 2 = 76; 7 + 6 = 13
2 x 83 = 166; 1 + 6 + 6 = 13
32 x 8 = 256; 2 + 5 + 6 = 13
Remember, 13 is the number of REBELLION! And the Bible says, “Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft.” The article gives the number 2083 another significance. But what are the odds that almost every combination of this number yielding 13 is a coincidence? Ask a mathematician.
The article states that it took 90 minutes for police to reach the island.
90 = 9 x 10
Now common sense should tell you that the odds of the same numbers popping up time and again in the same event are astronomical; unless of course, that event were planned.
This is just one more planned event towards the New World Order, and I believe that at least one of its goals is gun control, meaning the total disarmament of the populace. It is also being used to stoke the fires of resentment in the Muslim community against Christians. It is also my belief that the Muslims will be part of the persecution of the Christian church during the Great Tribulation.
There’s one more thing to think about. Often when the occult forces pull off something significant that they don’t want us to think about too hard, they will stage another event as a smoke screen. Did you know that Amy Winehouse died this very weekend? Do you know that she died on Saturday 23 July? Did you know that she was 27 years old? Do you know that running the math on the day of her death turns up some more interesting numbers?
Saturday, 23 July 2011 or 6/2/3/7/4
6 + 2 + 3 + 7 + 4 = 22 (11 x 2)
Saturday, 23:
6 + 23 = 29; 2 x 9 = 18; 1 + 8 = 9
Saturday, 23 July:
6 + 23 + 7 = 36; 3 + 6 = 9
6 + 2 + 3 + 7 = 18; 1 + 8 = 9
One could go on and on with this, and the same numbers will keep coming up.
Did you know that the police were called “shortly before 4:05 pm (1505 GMT)?”
4 + 5 = 9
1 + 5 + 5 = 11?
Can you see 9/11?
9 x 11 = 99; 9 + 9 = 18; 1 + 8 = 9
Did you know that the original report of Amy’s death listed the cause as “unexplained?” Is it a coincidence that the name Amy Winehouse just happens to have three and nine letters, respectively? Don’t 3 x 9 = 27? Don’t 2 + 7 = 9? Is it yet another coincidence that the day and month of the Oslo shooting add up to 29? (July 22 or 7 + 22 = 29.) Don’t 2 x 9 = 18? Don’t 1 + 8 = 9? Is it merely yet another shocking coincidence that we have the numbers 18 and 27 (which both equal 9) again?!
You see the same numerology in the birth and death dates of singer Whitney Houston, who also died under mysterious circumstances.
The number of the Beast and the number of the Synagogue of Satan!
Are you starting to see that very little that goes on in the world is a random event? Are you beginning to see that a human life has absolutely no value to these people? Can’t you see that these people are not playing games? Do you realize that the New World Order Kingdom of Antichrist will be characterized by the greatest wholesale slaughter of people the world has ever known? Do you know that the main target (but not the only target) of these people is Christianity and all Christians? Can you see that the Inquisition is about to return with a vengeance? Don’t you understand that is why Christians must get on their knees now and ask the Lord Jesus to prepare us spiritually for what is coming? All true Christians will have an opportunity to stand up for the Lord Jesus, and if necessary, to lay down our lives for Him the way He laid down His life for us.
The Oslo shootings and bombing was an occult planned and controlled event; one of many to bring about Antichrist. There will be many such events until their ends are achieved. Saints, you had better be on your knees daily praying for discernment. Get out and witness to this dying world while there is still time. One of the goals of constantly falsely implicating Christianity with these atrocities is to one day criminalize our ability to witness and to close people’s minds to the Gospel message.
Satan is at the bottom of this. Events are happening so quickly now that when you go to bed at night, you have no idea what the world is going to look like when you wake up in the morning. That ought to sober you up, you fence sitters! Researcher on the occult mystery religions, William Cooper, said some very important things:
“If you do not believe in God, Lucifer, or Satan, you must understand that there are great masses of people who do.”
—Behold A Pale Horse
“It makes no difference whatsoever if you believe it or dis-believe it. If they hold the powerful positions of the world; if they are pulling the strings that make you dance, then whatever they believe AFFECTS YOU.”
—The Hour of the Time, Mystery Babylon Episode #27, “Christianity to Babylon.”
Unbelievers, can’t you see that Satan is real? And if Satan is real, then Jesus Christ is also real. Even if you don’t believe, can’t you see that these people who do believe can and, in fact, do affect your life with their beliefs every single day? Whether those 92 people believed in Satan or not, their lives were permanently affected, as were the lives of the survivors.
Any thinking person should be able to see that there are things going on that just don’t make sense in any worldly context. Coincidences are a rarity, if they occur at all. But when there are too many coincidences, there are no coincidences.
Before the satanic education system destroyed our ability to think critically, people knew intrinsically that when something could not be explained logically then the explanation must be supernatural, and therefore spiritual, and they knew that the truth could be found in the Bible. There is a great war being fought for the hearts, minds, and yes, SOULS of the human race. Satan is waging all out war against the Lord Jesus and all humanity. You are going to have to make a decision, and to decide not to decide is to decide. You must choose.
Choosing Jesus is to choose eternal life. Choosing not to choose is actually choosing Satan, which is eternal death. Understand something: until we choose to accept Jesus’ free gift of salvation, we all belong to Satan, because we are sinful, and we will go to the Lake of Fire with him. Sin is a death sentence. God does not want us to die, that’s why He sent His Son Jesus to die for us. That’s Love.
The Bible teaches that all the world except those whose names are written in the Book of Life (Christians) will worship the Antichrist and the dragon which gave him his power (Revelation 13:3-4). The Dragon is Satan. All those who worship Satan are doomed to eternal fire (Revelation 20:15). The only way to get your name in the book of life is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. There is no other way.
Satan’s greatest deception is to convince the world that he doesn’t exist. For those who know better, his next deception is to convince those people that he and his people are the good guys, and that Jesus and His people are the bad guys. Whom will you believe?
Choose Jesus and live.
Oh, crooked and perverse generation! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
The Still Man
Disclaimer: I used these quotes from William Cooper because they are very appropriate. However, in his earlier research, William Cooper made some claims about the existence of extraterrestrials and their role in the global conspiracy. He later recanted these claims, when he found out that the UFO threat will be used in order to scare the world into accepting a One World government. That was the message of the movie, Independence Day. I will add that the existence of extraterrestrial life will also be used to discredit the Bible and Christianity. Never forget that this is their end game.
William Cooper eventually realized that he was being used to perpetuate the lie of extraterrestrial life and that he was being fed misinformation, and he subsequently left the UFO community. Unfortunately, his earlier research is often quoted by New Agers, those who believe in “reptilians,” the horribly deceived UFO community, and those who believe that the New World Order is merely a banking conspiracy of the “Global Elite.”
These people are either concealing the truth or have no knowledge of the religious and occult roots of the New World Order and that it actually fulfills Bible prophecy. In some ways, this discredits Mr. Cooper. Moreover, Cooper himself vacillated on his religious beliefs, claiming to be a Christian, yet sometimes doubting the inerrancy of Scripture and the deity of Jesus Christ.
Notwithstanding, William Cooper’s research concerning the occult Luciferian origins of the New World Order and the Mystery Religion of Ancient Babylon stands as one of the greatest contributions to Truth ever made.
Awesome article, God bless you brother.
Thank you, Shaunte. God bless you too.