Occult Hand Signs and the Cult of Mary
Grace and peace to my fellowservants who have the testimony of Jesus Christ (He is Lord of all), and greetings to the servants of Satan.
According to Chapter 19 of the Book of Acts, the idol known as Diana of Ephesus was worshipped all over the world. Alexander Hislop, in The Two Babylons, writes that Diana was merely another name for Semiramis, the queen of ancient Babylon and the wife of Nimrod. Nimrod, the great-grandson of Noah, was the first person in history to be deified:
“And Cush begat Nimrod: He began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it as said, Even as Nimrod, the mighty hunter before the Lord.”
Genesis 10:8,9
(“Mighty one” is the Hebrew word el, which means a god.)
It was Nimrod and his father, Cush, who built the tower of Babel. According to Hislop, Nimrod was a very evil man, who practiced many abominations before the Lord, including child sacrifice. For this, he writes, Noah’s son, Shem, the father of the Jewish race, killed Nimrod. He then cut Nimrod’s body into fourteen pieces, which he then burned and sent all over the world as a warning to all who would dare to worship Nimrod.
Consequently, Nimrod’s worshippers took their religion underground, where it was kept alive through occult secret societies. Because of this secrecy, it became known as the Mystery Religion. The members of these societies used secret handshakes, passwords, tokens, and other symbols to secretly identify themselves to one another when in the company of the “profane” (those who were not initiated into their secret religion). This practice continues today in secret societies such as the Freemasons, and in many religions.
Semiramis became the head of this occult system of idolatry, and was also deified like her husband. Eventually, she became the principle object of worship. Being the wife and counterpart of Nimrod, who was worshipped as the Sun God, Semiramis was worshipped as the Moon Goddess.
Since Semiramis was worshipped all over the world, she was known by different names all over the world, depending on the country, the language, and the particular personal quality, or, attribute, under which she was worshipped. She was thus called Myrianimus, “the goddess of ten thousand names” (Hislop). In Greece, for example, she was known as Demeter, which means “Mother of God.” It is believed that Semiramis was given this title because her husband, the deified Nimrod, was also her son.
Demeter was also the Greek goddess of cereal grains (Oxford Dictionary), and, as such, she was worshipped among the Romans as Ceres. It is from this word that we get our modern word, cereal. Ceres was symbolized by an ear of wheat (Oxford). NOTE: The reader may find it interesting that ears of wheat appeared on the reverse side of the American one cent piece from 1909 to 1958. The pennies were thus called “wheat pennies.”

The present obverse side of the penny features the image of President Lincoln; but, given the original design featured the head of Liberty (another name for the goddess), it is a given that the wheat symbolizes Ceres.
The Romans also called the goddess Diana, the goddess of virginity and of the moon. Diana was also the goddess of the sea, and, as such, the Greeks called her Aphrodite, which means, “foam born.” The Latin or Roman word for sea is mari or mare, which, Anglicized, becomes Mary.
It is under the title of Mary, the goddess of the sea, that the Roman Catholic Church worships Diana or Semiramis, the Queen of Heaven. This is why seashells, water, the color blue (as well as blue-green), and waves of the sea are all symbols that the Catholic church uses for Mary.
During the Dark Ages, so-called because the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was almost completely extinguished, the Roman Catholic church, through its brutal Inquisition, virtually suppressed all knowledge of salvation through our Lord Jesus. During this time, the ancient pagan worship of Nimrod and Semiramis resurfaced with a vengeance. Then Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses on the door of All-Saints Church at Wittenburg, and the Protestant Reformation was born. With the Reformation, came the knowledge of the True Savior, Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, and the Light of the Gospel illuminated the dark recesses of the world. With the worship of Jesus Christ, the One True God, came the knowledge that goddess worship is idolatry. So, again, the Mystery Religion, as it did upon the death of Nimrod, went underground.
But Rome has never stopped working to destroy the Reformation and again bring the world under the iron fist of the Papacy. The devotees of the Mystery Religion of ancient Babylon have infiltrated key areas of society and have slowly but surely succeeded in subverting the true knowledge and worship of God while simultaneously indoctrinating the world into paganism. Their light workers have infiltrated all spheres of society: government, education, the arts and sciences, sports, entertainment, the military, and even religion.
The Hollywood Motion Picture and Entertainment industry has arguably been Mystery Babylon’s most successful tool to indoctrinate the masses into the Mystery Religion of ancient Babylon. Many celebrities can be seen flashing peculiar hand signs, which I believe are a means of communication between initiates of the Mysteries. We will discuss two of these hand signs, both of which can be traced back to the worship of the goddess Diana.
Note the left hand of this illustration of Diana of Ephesus from page 29 of Alexander Hislop’s The Two Babylons:

Notice that the baby finger is held apart from the others, forming a “V.” Now examine the following photos:

A variation of this sign is formed by extending the pinky finger…

or curling the pinky finger:

Sometimes the hand sign is formed by separating the index finger instead of the baby finger:

That both forms of the hand sign are displayed by the goddess in the famous painting “Birth of Venus,” is further proof that this hand sign is associated with the worship of Semiramis.

The second hand sign is formed by holding the middle and ring fingers together, leaving a gap between them and the index and baby fingers. This sign is also associated with the goddess Diana as illustrated by the following image:

The fact that the fingers are held in exactly the same position in both hands indicates something is happening here. Now examine the following photos:

Please resist the temptation to write this off as unimportant: it is very important. Goddess worship is alive and well; which should concern you, as goddess worshippers are not just entertainers or religious nuts, but also our family, friends, pastors, teachers, bosses, coworkers, babysitters, and others whom we trust. Whether they call her the Virgin Mary (Roman Catholics), Mother Mary (Muslims), Diana (Witches) or Rhea (New Agers), they all worship the same person, Semiramis.
Do not be deceived by appearances. Regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, religious affiliation, political party, or ideological bent, these people ultimately have only one allegiance, and that is to the Pope of Rome and his star goddess, the Virgin Mary. And I assure you that allegiance comes before everything else, including God, family, and especially country. The Bible says, “a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8). Many of these people claim to be Christians, but, regardless of their claims to love and follow Jesus Christ, they are not our brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus said that a man cannot have two masters, as he will love one and hate the other. If, therefore, they love Mary, then they will hate Jesus. And if they hate Jesus, then they will also hate all who follow Jesus–you and me. We will soon see the manifestation of this.
Now that you know what to look for, what follows is a running collection of people: famous and infamous, known and unknown, real and imagined, all showing their allegiance to the goddess. The Bible says that all the world, except for true Bible-believing Christians, will worship the Antichrist (Pope Benedict XVI) and his idol, the Virgin Mary. I therefore refer to these people as the Cult of Mary. In that a great many of them are Roman Catholic, and are influencing America’s morals and values, you may want to click here.
PS: Because a photo captures merely a fraction of a moment, a gesture that may appear occult could be completely unintentional. If, however, several photos depict an individual making a hand sign that appears to be occult in nature, or if the hand sigh is incongruous to the situation…well, you decide. The point is that we need to be paying attention. God bless you.

The above photos of Rachel Jenteel and George Zimmerman, both displaying Cult of Mary hand signs, ought to be a clue to you who was ultimately behind the whole Trayvon Martin affair. Trayvon Martin is a crucial part of Step 4 of Phase Three of the Roman Catholic Takeover of America. You can read more about it here.

A bit of history about the above photo. This is Charles Joseph Whitman, a former Marine and student at the University of Texas at Austin. On August 1, 1966, Whitman allegedly went on a shooting rampage from the observation deck of the university’s tower, killing 16 people and wounding 32 others. As you can see, Whitman’s body is displaying the Cult of Mary hand sign. The fact that Whitman was dead when this photo was taken, and other photos of the body, such as the one below, do not appear to depict Whitman’s fingers in this position, are certainly cause for reflection.

Whitman was killed by Austin Police Officer Houston McCoy, assisted by Austin Police Officer Ramiro “Ranger Ray” Martinez. The University of Texas shooting was one of the first so-called school shootings, and we believe that incidents like this as well as Columbine, The Norway Massacre, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, the Trayvon Martin shooting, and all similar events are all part of Step Four of Phase Three of the Roman Catholic Takeover of America, which is the total disarmament of the American people.

Now don’t be surprised about Tupac. Remember these lyrics? “Run wit’ me, Hail Mary…!”

Cult of Mary hand signs can be found in a number of Chick gospel tracts, including several volumes of the Crusader series of comic book tracts. I wrote Jack Chick to voice my concern about this and was told that the inclusion of the hand signs in those tracts was not intentional. This claim is dubious at best. In light of what you now know, you should understand that Chick Publications is controlled opposition.

Internet shock jock, Tommy Sotomayor, has caused quite a stir among many Blacks, particularly women, as he often speaks disparagingly of Blacks in general and portrays black women in a way that is very unflattering. He also uses a great deal of profanity. In that the Bible admonishes us to speak evil of no man (Titus 2:2) and to use “sound speech that cannot be condemned” (Titus 2:8), then we know that Mr. Sotomayor is not on a mission from God. Who he is on a mission for, however, should be obvious.

Now someone is bound to say, “No! Not the lovable Satchmo!” But read what Wikipedia has to say about Armstrong’s religious proclivities:
“When asked about his religion, Armstrong would answer that he was raised a Baptist, always wore a Star of David, and was friends with the Pope. Armstrong wore the Star of David in honor of the Karnofsky family, who took him in as a child and lent him the money to buy his first cornet. Louis Armstrong was, in fact, baptized as a Catholic at the Sacred Heart of Jesus church in New Orleans, and he met popes Pius XII and Paul VI, though there is no evidence that he considered himself a Catholic.” [Boldface mine.]
In that the Star of David is not a symbol of the Jewish people, but, is in fact, a symbol for the Phoenician fertility goddess, Ashtoreth, which was also worshipped by the apostate Jews, including King Solomon, (Amos 5:26, Acts 7:43), and is now worshipped in the Roman Catholic church as the Virgin Mary, the Star of the Sea, then it is highly likely that Armstrong wore the Star of David to pay homage to this same goddess.

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Hello I come from Tulsa Oklahoma… and the Catholic’s here are racist.. and they tell me there Satanists.. and they work with the Aryan brother hood and the irish mob.. God and Diana yes I believe that.. she goes by many names… you can call her what you will.. anyhow the people I’ve been talking to in my head are fucked in the head.. I’m a telepath amongst other things.. if anyone wants to talk about religion and the end of the world and your not a wacked out Satanist child molesting rapist murderer then you can text me anytime at [Redacted by The Still Man] my name is my name say hello hey yay… also if you have any opinion on whether Catholic’s are the sign of the beast alas I have heard 666 means catholic in a bible study at a homeless shelter in downtown Tulsa.. and I have not made a decision in my mind yet.. so further discussion is welcomed.. and good people are not racists fyi… if you believe in god and jesus or Diana and paganism you are not a racist and if you are… your fucked in the head… and lets break it down real quick… witchcraft… right?? witch–is the religion and craft–is the magic and satan dies that’s how it is satan–evil … yes? I believe so… any who hit me up intelligent discussions are welcomed… crazy? no I think not… if you know you know and if you don’t know what I’m talking about then I don’t want to talk to you unless your interested anyway… thanks good day… merry we meet marry we part happily will live forever more.. yay!! [Redacted by The Still Man].
The Mark of the Beast is the emblem of the Roman Catholic Papacy and of the Holy See, the so-called Keys of Simon Peter. You can learn all about it here.
Sorry about that, thank you for trying, you can watch it via this software http://sourceforge.net/projects/blackbeltpriv/
I know the maker of this software and im the beta tester of it, with this you can view it.
Its really safe.
Let me know here if you can get on YT with this software.
I forgot he gets more and more blocked.
I checked gorilla199 out and he is definitely not a Christian. For one, he quotes from the “Lost Books of the Bible” (namely Jasher and Eden). The so-called lost books are a deception straight from the pit of hell, attempting, as they do, to add to the Word of God. Read Revelation 22:19 to see what Jesus will do to those who add to His Word.
He also talks about “reptilians” and Freemasons, just like David Icke, who is another deceiver. If I were you, I would not waste any more time on gorilla199 or any of that ilk. They are part of the “strong delusion.”
Hello stillman,
Still reading your blog. Not stalking, lol.
Maybe you should check out gorilla199 on youtube he is made awesome discoveries all in the name of jesus, he made the helios-apollyon, beast of the pit connection, very educational.
The only thing I disagreed with him is, that he once pretended to be a mason, on that vacation he also got very sick……i thought not a smart move. He is very honest about that.
I tried to check out his channel, but it is not available in Germany, where I live.