America and the Plot to Kill God
Grace and Peace to you.
I read a story today that shows how far down the road America has traveled in its journey away from God. Jessica, 16, a sophomore at a Seattle private high school, was doing volunteer work with a third grade class at a public school as part of a week-long pre-Spring Break community service project. She came up with the idea of filling plastic Easter eggs with candy and approached the teacher to get her permission. She was told that she could do it as long as she called the treats “Spring Spheres” instead of Easter eggs. The Seattle elementary school is apparently not the only government organization taking action to make Easter a more politically correct holiday. The city’s parks department also removed Easter from all its advertised egg hunts.
This news does not upset me for the reason it upsets a great many Christians, because I know that Easter is a pagan fertility holiday (as Easter eggs clearly demonstrate) that is often confused with the day Jesus Christ was resurrected as well as the Passover. The fact is, it is neither. I was going to post something explaining this using Scripture, but a tornado prevented me from getting it out before Easter Sunday. The fact that I know Easter is not Christian does not get me bent out of shape, because just as Paul said that some preach Jesus from the heart and others preach Jesus for personal gain, but at least “Christ is preached,” I appreciate the fact that a day has been set aside that Christians can observe the Resurrection of our Lord even though I know that Easter and Resurrection Day are not the same.
This story out of Seattle represents the latest of many attempts to completely secularize America. A few years ago, the U.S. government “accidentally” minted several hundred thousand quarters without the motto “In God We Trust.” I believe this was “accidentally” done in order to see what America’s reaction would be, and to gauge the effectiveness of the anti-God propaganda that the media and public education system has been feeding Americans for decades. I’m sure they concluded that the propaganda campaign has been hugely successful.
Americans have turned their backs on God. This was the richest, most prosperous, and most blessed country on the face of the earth, because America was the only country in the history of the world that set man free. And God honored that. America was the envy of every other nation because she proved that a country that honored God and granted true freedom to each and every individual regardless of race, color, creed, and previous condition of servitude could not only succeed, but excel. America was foremost in virtually every arena, and we did it by giving every person the right to reach his or her full potential—Freedom with responsibility.
But that is no longer true. Patriotism is a dirty word. Christianity is an even dirtier word. America has become a reproach in the eyes of the world, and her greatest enemies are her own citizens. Want to become the most unpopular person at a party? Say that you love God. Say that you love America. As a matter of fact, say that there is such a thing as moral absolutes (right and wrong). You will get taken off everyone’s Christmas list in a hurry. Something is terribly wrong.
Barack Obama was right; America is no longer a Christian nation. America embraces every religion but Christianity, yet Christianity was the basis for the freedoms we enjoy and used to covet. I fear the worst because of America’s disowning of God. If it were not for the fact that God is in charge—and I know that—I would be inconsolably depressed. America you are getting ready to go for a ride. But you asked for it, so God is going to give you what you asked for. Even so, come Lord Jesus.
The Still Man
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