Pope Francis Concecrates the World to the Virgin Mary
Grace and peace, Saints.
You may recall that in our series, The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, we explain that according to Monica Farrell in Ravening Wolves, the Roman Catholic takeover of a nation happens in three phases:
1. A crusade of prayer, claiming a country for the Virgin Mary
2. Dedication of the country to the Virgin Mary
3. A holy warfare to possess that country.
We reveal, in this series, that phases 1 and 2 actually happened in the United States:
Step 3, a holy warfare, or Catholic crusade, is in the making.
The stated goal of the Roman Catholic church is for Roman Catholicism to be the universal religion of the world. Catholic means “universal,” and, historically, the Roman Catholic popes have declared themselves the final authorities both in the secular and spiritual realms. If the Bible can be believed (and it can), Rome will succeed in taking over the world, and the Roman Catholic pope will become the universal monarch of the world.
If the Roman Catholic Takeover of the World will follow the same template as the Roman Catholic takeover of a country, then it follows that there should be a crusade of prayer to dedicate the world to the Virgin Mary, followed by formal dedication of the world to the Virgin Mary, and, lastly, a holy warfare to possess the world.
In Part One of The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, I present a prayer wherein the Roman Catholics worldwide were urged to pray daily for the world to be dedicated to the Virgin Mary. I also presented the above prayer card, which called for the same to happen in the United States and also a prayer that was read at the dedication of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., which dedicated the United States to the Virgin Mary. While both prayers dedicating the United States to the Virgin Mary bear the imprimatur of the Roman Catholic church and are, thus, authentic, the authenticity of the prayer dedicating the world to the Virgin Mary cannot be proved. If, however, the prayer is authentic, then Step One of the Roman Catholic conquest of the world has already been accomplished, and the next step is a formal dedication of the world to the Virgin Mary.
Imagine, therefore, my reaction when I read today in an article in the Catholic Herald, dated August 22, 2013, that Pope Francis, the False Prophet of Chapter 13 of the Book of the Revelation, was planning to consecrate the world to the “Immaculate Heart of Mary” on October 13 of last year. [Click image for full story.]
Realizing the import of this, I immediately set out to confirm whether or not it had happened. According to the National Catholic Register, it did: [Click image for full story.]
If this story is authentic, and there is no reason to believe that it isn’t, then the Roman Catholic church has really dedicated the world to the Virgin Mary.
In that official dedication to the Virgin Mary is followed by “a holy warfare,” then a global Crusade to possess the earth for the Virgin Mary is imminent. The Bible calls this crusade The Great Tribulation. And the fact that the False Prophet himself, Pope Francis, performed the dedication, means that we are closer to the end than many of us even dared to believe.
The goal of a Catholic Crusade is the forced conversion of all non-Catholics to Roman Catholicism and the elimination of all who will not convert. In case you doubt this, read the article from the National Catholic Register very carefully. Under “Consecrations Must Continue,” you will read:
“But those present [at the consecration] were eager to stress that the consecration doesn’t end there if the world is to be converted.” [Brackets mine.]
These people are not playing games.
It is interesting to note that this was not covered in the mainstream media, which, at that time, were busy covering the congressional budget/debt crisis, Obamacare, and the latest reports of the NSA spying on our closest allies. Again, the media were successful in diverting our attention away from what is really important. Now we know why the media made such a big deal about Edward Snowden and NSA surveillance, when any thinking person knows that this has likely been going on for decades.
By the way, I find Snowden’s name very interesting. In light of the what we have just discovered, it is highly likely that the whole NSA debacle was a diversion: a “snow job,” if you will. And if it was, then Snowden’s name is a slap in our collective faces.
Additionally, note that though mainstream media didn’t cover the event, the article states that the consecration was televised all over the world at specific “Marian” (Roman Catholic) sites. Though most American’s knew nothing of this, the Roman Catholics knew full well what had happened. You should think about this very carefully.
Monica Farrell said that when Rome dedicated Australia to the Virgin Mary, most people, including many Christians, took it as a big joke. The same thing was probably true of Yugoslavia and Rwanda: and we all know what happened in those countries. Will you write it off as a joke too?
We warned you that this was coming, and now you see that it isn’t a fairy tale. What you do with this information is your business. We’ve done our part in bringing it to you. If you haven’t read our series, The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, we suggest very strongly that you do so. Then read Ravening Wolves, which you can download here. You will then understand how serious this is.
The Still Man
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