Pretty in Pink: Justin Bieber
Grace and peace to the brethren and greetings to the lost.
Teen heartthrob, Justin Bieber is as ubiquitous these days as Kim Kardashian. He also must really be in touch with his “feminine side,” as one would have to be, to walk around town comfortably in all this pink. What parent (gay parents aside) would let their son walk around in this ensemble?

Well the el Diablo hand sign that Mr. Bieber is flashing ought to clue us in on just who gave this young man permission to wear this pink getup. Satan is the father of all things wrong, and this is just wrong.
Satan is the antithesis of God. If God is for it, Satan is against it. God has set the standard for manhood in the Bible, but Satan doesn’t like that, so he tries to supplant God’s model with his own twisted version. Mr. Bieber is conveying the message to impressionable young American boys that it’s OK to get in touch with your feminine side. And lots of pre-pubescent and adolescent young boys are following suit.
They want to be just like Justin Bieber. Why? Because he is just to die for. Everywhere Bieber goes, little teenage girls are swooning and passing out, even though he is one of the most effeminate-looking boys I have ever seen. I mean, what is Bieber’s most distinguishing feature? His bangs. His bangs.
Justin Bieber is helping to re-define what masculinity is, and if you look closely at the clothes and hairstyles of our young people today—especially entertainers—you will see that they are getting more and more gender neutral each day. It is getting so bad that a young man can put on a pair of lady’s pants and walk down the street and no one would bat an eye. As a matter of fact, Justin Bieber, by his own admission, does just that.
What’s worse is that Justin Bieber and those like him are also changing girls’ expectations of masculinity, so that girls no longer look for the same qualities in boys as they used to. Over and over again, I am hearing girls complaining that their boyfriends “aren’t sensitive enough.”
The Bible doesn’t tell boys that they need to be sensitive. They need to be strong (not necessarily of body, but of character—morally strong), obedient, responsible, accountable, hard working, loving, and God-fearing—not sensitive. Yet, Satan would have us believe that the more effeminate a man is, the more sensitive and responsive to a woman’s needs he will be, and he has managed to beguile an entire generation of young men and women into believing this lie.
Changing the definition of masculinity is a goal of the homosexual movement, as only homosexuals and lesbians would benefit from this. Think about it: What do you think a woman will do when she can’t find a man sensitive enough to meet her needs? That’s right. She will find a woman—a lesbian woman—who, being a woman, is naturally sensitive, but also strong.
And if men are increasingly dressing like women, smelling like women, and wearing their hair like women, eventually they are going to be attractive to other men, and will be lured into homosexuality, thus depleting the pool of eligible men for heterosexual women to choose from, leaving them with a dilemma. For, if men are going around acting like women, what’s a girl to do?
The homosexual community must be beside themselves with glee (pun intended).
News Flash: Effeminate men are only cool on Bizarro World.
Be encouraged and look up; for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
St. Paul warns us that God hates homosexuality, hyper-sexuality and effeminate men.
Amen, brother.