Roman Catholicism, Children, and Fear
Grace and peace, Saints.
Children play an integral role in Satan’s plan to destroy Protestant Biblical Christianity and establish his satanic New World Order.
In Nazi Germany, Hitler used children to spy on their parents and inform the government if they said or did anything that was contrary to the Nazi regime. He bolstered the children’s egos, telling them that they didn’t need to listen to their parents and that he was their father instead of their natural father. Children were taught to trust their teachers instead of their parents, and they were told to do away with God, religion, and priests. Hitler was their God.
Teachers taught the children that corporal punishment was wrong and the children were taught to inform their teachers whenever their parents used harsh disciplinary measures on them. Parents could get into big trouble and even have their children taken away from them if they used corporal punishment. The result of this programming was that parents began to fear their children, and the children effectively became the heads of their households, as the government made it very difficult for parents to effect any authority over their children.
Hitler also made it mandatory for children to begin school at a very early age (kindergarten) to get the children out of the parents’ hands and begin the Socialist programming as soon as possible. Eventually, parents saw their children for only a few hours a day, as the State essentially became the children’s parents.
Children are very important to the New World Order.
As I related to you in Blessed Are Ye, my children are being persecuted by their Roman Catholic and Muslim classmates, especially my son, who is constantly harassed. Let me tell you something: some of the children in my son’s school behave in a manner that can only be described as bizarre. Bizarre. They don’t play as normal children play. They don’t talk as normal children talk. They don’t even move as normal children move. These children’s words, movements, and behavior are just plain strange.
I believe these children have been subjected to a form of mind control, because they do not exhibit what people of a sound mind would consider normal behavior. For one, they are incredibly aggressive, and it doesn’t seem to take much to set them off. They fight constantly, and though much of this activity seems to be choreographed, their anger is nonetheless real. They are extremely unstable. They can be laughing one moment, and crying the next. Often, when they are playing, if one listens closely one will notice that they are mostly just screaming.
I have read that this type of behavior is common in children that have been abused or are survivors of war. I believe something has been done to some of these children, especially those in my son’s class: not just because they behave strangely, but also because they sometimes behave evilly.
Let me give you an example. There are two girls in my son’s class, who appear to be around ten years of age. These girls behave very strangely. Once, for example, I was talking to my son as I always do before he goes into class. We normally talk a bit in the hallway, and I usually tell him something uplifting and encouraging, sometimes telling him a joke and even praying with him before he goes into class. I do this to prepare him mentally and spiritually for what he will have to endure. On this occasion, while we were talking, the two girls were laughing and talking beside us while taking off their coats and hanging them on the coat rack next to the classroom door. I patted my son on the shoulder and bid him goodbye, as he walked into the classroom. When I turned around to leave, I almost tripped over something and had to catch myself before I did. The girls had placed their book bags right behind my feet, one beside the other. At that, the girls picked up their bags and walked into the classroom laughing and talking as though nothing had happened.
I have many such examples of bizarre and evil behavior that my son’s classmates and other children in his school have exhibited; sometimes against me, mostly against my son. This particular example illustrates the eerie Children of the Corn manner in which these children behave. It is really chilling.
Now, for a long time I wondered how the enemy could get children to do this sort of thing. In his book, The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, John DeCamp wrote that children were used by satanic forces in our government for the purpose of blackmailing certain politicians into doing their bidding. He said that children were reportedly used as sex slaves, drug couriers, and in human sacrifice rituals, and that mind control was used on the children to get them to do what their handlers wanted.
Believe it or not, I have seen this same behavior in children as young as four and five years old. And let me tell you something, it will get your attention. I wondered how it was possible to do this to a child. How can a mere child be compelled to do such evil things?
Then I read the book, From Rome to Christ, the testimony of Protestant evangelist, Monica Farrell. Through this book, I began to understand how something like this would be possible. On page 23 under the heading, “Robe of Christ’s Righteousness,” she writes:
“Seven years of age is a most important time in the life of a Roman Catholic. Seven years is the age of reason. Roman Catholics believe that from then upwards a child is capable of going to hell; hence the necessity for children of seven years to make their confession.
“As a tiny child, I dreaded coming to the age of seven. I was terrified that I should die and go to hell. We were often warned about the day of general judgment, when we should have to stand alone before God, surrounded by all the saints and angels and devils. Everybody that ever lived would witness our judgment, and every thought and word and deed would be exposed to the whole world.
“I used to picture myself standing there, and I was certain it would mean that I should be condemned to hell for all eternity. I tried repeatedly to think of a way to escape this awful judgment.”
Can you imagine that? What should a child know about fear? And why should a child, who thinks he or she is a Christian, fear Hell? The Christian child does not fear Hell, because he knows he is not going there. The Christian child knows that Jesus Christ has paid the penalty for his sin and died the death that he should have. The Christian child will not go to Hell, but to Heaven.
But, as you can see by Monica Farrell’s testimony, the Roman Catholic child does not have this assurance. Roman Catholics believe that at seven years of age, a child is eligible to go to Hell, and that he will be judged by the Lord Jesus in the presence of the holy angels. This must absolutely terrify the average Roman Catholic child.
We know that children have a very vivid imagination, and they don’t need much to envision the worst case for any scenario. This is especially true of today’s children, by the way, because children’s television programs, if you haven’t noticed by now, are all about instilling fear in children. Why do children fear spiders? Television. Why do children fear the dark? Television. Why do children fear monsters under the bed? Television. Television is all about fear. That’s why today’s children are so full of fear.
But it is not natural for children to live in fear, especially very young children. A child’s worst fear ought to be that his parents will find out that he was fighting in school, or that he got an F in Math. Children ought not to be afraid that they are going to go to Hell. And if you think about it, most children won’t be afraid that they will go to Hell, because if they’re not Christians, Hell won’t be something that they will be taught. And if they are Christians, they will learn that Jesus died to keep them out of Hell, and that they only have to accept Him as their Lord and Savior if they want to miss it.
But Roman Catholicism doesn’t teach children that. Roman Catholicism teaches children that they must work their way into Heaven, as Farrell tells us on p. 24:
“I knew the Lord Jesus died on Calvary, and had He not died nobody could get to Heaven. What I did not know was that because He died anybody could go to heaven. We were told that the death of Christ opened the gate to heaven, but that you had to work your own way in, and that was just what I couldn’t do. So to all intents and purposes, the gate of heaven might just as well have been closed.”
Can you imagine what this must be like for a young child? First the Roman Catholic child is taught from very young to fear hell. Next he is taught to fear the age of seven, because, at that age, he can go to hell if he dies. Then he is taught that Jesus’ death made it possible for him to go to heaven, but that it merely opened the door. In order to get into heaven, he must work his way in. What a horrible way to spend one’s life: in constant fear of dying and going to Hell.
For Monica Farrell, this problem did not get any better with age:
“As I grew older this plan seemed to be impossible, as I was growing much too big to be tucked away (into her mother’s skirt to avoid judgment). So the dream (of how she was going to escape judgment) faded, but the problem of how to get to heaven remained” (p. 24). [Boldface and parentheses mine.]
If we can believe Farrell’s testimony, then the average Roman Catholic must grow up saddled with the dilemma of how to get to heaven. He is not told that Jesus did all the work on the cross at Calvary, and that all we need do is believe that the work that he did on the cross was sufficient to get us into heaven. He is told that he must get into heaven on the strength of his own good works. I once witnessed to a woman who was certain that she was a Christian. But when I asked her whether she would go to heaven if she were to die today, she said that she didn’t know, because she wasn’t sure if she had been “good enough” to get in.
If this sentiment is typical of most Roman Catholics, then the average Roman Catholic must live in a perpetual state of uncertainty and fear, because he can never really be sure if he has been “good enough” to get into heaven.
But there is more. Not only is the Roman Catholic saddled with doubt about his own future in eternity, but he must also worry about his loved ones in eternity. Roman Catholicism teaches the very unbiblical doctrine of Purgatory, a mythical place between Heaven and Hell. Roman Catholics are taught that they must go and remain in this place until all their sins are burned, or purged, away. Farrell says this:
“The very best Rome can offer to a departed soul is Purgatory, and the torments of Purgatory are supposed to be as bad as Hell. The only difference is that the soul in Purgatory eventually gets out of the flames and into heaven:
“[B]ut this may not be for hundreds of years, and in the meantime the only relief or comfort to the Roman Catholic is to have masses said for the repose of the soul of the loved ones. These masses cost money. There is a common saying in Ireland among Romanists (Roman Catholics): “High money, high mass; low money, low mass; no money, no mass.
“As I was only a child and had no money, I could have no masses said, so that night after night I lay in bed breaking my heart crying, as I thought of my dear, gentle, loving mother burning in those awful flames.
“I used to wish I could get into the fire instead of mother, even if it were for a little while. I used to think, ‘I wouldn’t scream, and I wouldn’t cry, I’d try and bear it as long as I could to relieve poor mother’; but, of course, it was impossible to do anything, and so the only relief was to be found in tears till time healed the wound” (p. 6).
So, the Roman Catholic child is not only burdened with the weight of an eternity in flames, but, if he has lost parents or loved ones, he must also deal with the guilt of not being able to relieve the suffering of those loved ones burning in Purgatory. For the Roman Catholic of little or no means, this could mean a lifetime of guilt, despair, and psychological trauma. Again, the children in question at my son’s school exhibit signs that have been associated with psychological and emotional trauma.
Let me share with you a practical example of what such teaching can do to a person. Once I visited the website of a radio station back home in St. Louis, Missouri. On the website, a popular radio personality had posted a video where he related that he had been worried lately about whether his deceased father were “alright.” One day, he said, his cousin called him and told him that he had found a photo of the D.J.’s father and mother. The man took this as a sign from his father that he was “alright.”
This is evidence that the problem of fear among Roman Catholics is real and doesn’t go away with age; for this radio personality is over fifty years old, and he is a Roman Catholic. If he had been a Christian, he wouldn’t have been worried about his father, for the Bible says that when we die, we are “absent from the body, [but] present with the Lord.” Again, a Roman Catholic doesn’t have this assurance. So not only is he in fear about his own soul, but he is also in fear about the souls of his loved ones. From his youth through adulthood, and all the way to old age, the Roman Catholic knows nothing if not fear.
Now imagine what Satan could do with that. Imagine what a person would be willing to do to avoid going to hell. Imagine what a child would do to ease the suffering of a loved one in “Purgatory.” Many an adult could be coerced into doing something reprehensible to save his own life. Satan knows this all to well, as in the Book of Job, Satan says, “Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life” (Job 2:4). And Satan ought to know. But, imagine what a frightened child would be willing to do to ease a deceased mother’s suffering or even to save his own soul from burning for eternity.
Did you know that fear is a very effective form of mind control? It is. Imagine then, what a frightened child could be coerced into doing to save his immortal soul. I submit that when a child is that scared, he would do just about anything, especially if he has been taught from his earliest years to fear death and the grave. Recall that Farrell said that she would have been willing to pass through the fires of Purgatory in her mother’s place if she could have. But, she said, it was impossible for her to do anything.
But what if a child were told that there was something he or she could do? What if the child were told that if he were to harass another child—perhaps a Christian child—that his time in Purgatory could be reduced a few years? What if a child of little or no means were told that there was a way to ease his dear departed mother’s suffering in Purgatory, even if the child did not have money to pay for masses to be said? Is it a stretch to at least consider that a child under those circumstances could be influenced to do something evil, maybe even terrible, to help his poor mother? Again, remember that Farrell said she would have done anything to ease her mother’s suffering in Purgatory, even enduring those flames herself.
I believe Monica Farrell’s testimony. And I also believe that a child could be coerced to do something evil to save his own soul or to ease the suffering of a deceased parent or other loved one. I believe it in part because I have also read the testimony of Charles Chiniquy, a converted Roman Catholic priest, who wrote in his book, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, that various methods were used to inculcate fear in Roman Catholic children to make them afraid of Jesus Christ and turn to Mary as their intercessor. So I have no problem believing Monica Farrell. I have also seen children do things that would raise goose bumps on the arms of any sane person. Until I read Ms. Farrell’s testimony, I could not understand how little children could be persuaded to do such things, when their consciences have to be telling them it is wrong.
Moreover, according to Jack Chick, former Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, testified that teenage girls were used by the Jesuit Order for the purpose of blackmailing Protestant ministers into softening their stance on the Roman Catholic religion, or to destroy those ministers who would not relent. He said that the girls did this because they were told that their time in Purgatory would be lessened.
So as you can see, fear of Hell and of Purgatory is a very powerful weapon of influence in the hands of the Roman Catholic clergy. And it is conceivable that they would use this weapon to influence children to do their bidding.
My purpose for writing this is to help other parents, who may be experiencing the same things my family is, to understand what may be going on. These children are being used. They are innocent victims in the hands of a cruel master. We must pray for them.
We must also keep the lines of communication open with our children, so that they feel comfortable telling us anything. It may be that your child is experiencing persecution of sorts at school that he or she hasn’t told you about. In the case of my son, he was attacked in the boys’ bathroom by three boys and ended up getting stitches in his head. He told his mother (this was when my wife and I were separated, and I was living in the States) that the bathroom floor was wet and that he slipped and busted his head. But he told me the truth. We are in a war, Saints.
I also want to help fellow soldiers in this spiritual battle to better understand the enemy. We are in a war, and, in a war, it is essential to know not only your enemy’s strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities, but also his fears and motivations. And fear is a very powerful motivator.
If you are someone who has been indoctrinated by the Roman Catholic fear doctrines of salvation by works and Purgatory, there is help. Jesus did all He could to keep you out of Hell and get you into Heaven. All you have to do is accept what He has done. If you are tired of being afraid, if you are ready to be set free from fear forever, click here.
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“Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He (Jesus) also Himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage (slavery).”
Hebrews 2:14,15
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
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