God Did Not Give Us The Spirit Of Fear
“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
Grace and peace to you.
I was reading last night that scientists have found some mysterious, dark planet called Nibiru, that is supposedly hurtling through space, right for us. Again, the media wonders if the prophecies concerning 2010 could be true. Well, you already know how I feel about certain “scientists”.
You know, there is much speculation these days about end time events, such as the Rapture and the Great Tribulation. For instance, the false prophet, Harold Camping, has predicted that the Rapture would take place on May 21, 2011. Sigh.
What is even more incredible is all the attention the godless media are giving to these events. Common sense would tell you that the media are not trying to get people to believe in the Bible. In fact, the exact opposite is true. But, because of the media hype of the end times on television, radio, and in Hollywood, many non-believers are aware of many of the signs that Jesus’ coming is near. It is incredible that many, if not most, of these signs are occurring now, IN OUR TIME! Folks, we are in the last days of The Last Days.
The signs are growing in intensity and in frequency, and yet, incredibly, there are many who believe that these signs are not from God. I believe this is because people have been pattering about “wars and rumors of wars” for so long people no longer fear war. I believe it’s because people have been chirping about “earthquakes in diverse places” so much that an earthquake, no matter how devastating, just doesn’t seem to move the average Joe.
But a tsunami? The Japanese tsunami really got people’s attention. There was something about this tsunami, which wiped whole villages completely off the map and that actually moved Japan so much that now some villages are flooded at high tide, that thinking people know instinctively that God is trying to tell us something.
Still there are those who doubt that this is a portent from God. Well those who doubt should know that Jesus foretold of tsunamis. Did you know that? Jesus actually foretold of tsunamis such as the one in Japan. And He not only foretold of tsunamis, but He also told us about the seemingly unexpected and unprecedented turmoil that was already happening in Africa around the same time.
Let us go to Chapter 21 in the Book of Luke (in the King James Bible of course. You know, you really ought to get one) and read the words of Jesus. Jesus is telling His disciples the things that are going to happen to His followers and that are going to come upon this world. Understand that He is talking about the end times—the very times that we are in. We pick up in verse 25. The words of our Lord:
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and waves roaring.”
Now, when Jesus said that the sea and the waves would be roaring, he wasn’t talking about your garden-variety “narly” wave that every surfer lives for. For Him to include this in His List Of Things To Watch For, it would have to be unmistakable. Something to let us know without a shadow of a doubt, that this was A SIGN. Well let’s take a look at this tsunami.
- It was preceded by an 8.9 (some reports say 9.0) magnitude earthquake that actually moved the island, and caused huge waves on our country’s Pacific coast.
- It caused waves that surged higher than many “tsunami hills” that were built in certain villages so that people could evacuate to higher ground.
- Over 10,000 people are dead and thousands more missing and presumed dead.
- It caused a massive whirlpool off the country’s coast.
- The quake was so powerful, that it moved Japan 18 inches. Some villages now flood at high tide.
- There was no warning.
I’m sure there was a lot more to this tsunami than this, but if your name is The Still Man, this was quite enough. It’s already history for most of us, and we have forgotten about it and moved on with our lives. Such is life. But for the Japanese this is still a reality that they must live and cope with every day. No one there will ever be the same again.
Now, notice that verse 25 also says that the roaring sea and waves would be accompanied by “distress of nations with perplexity.” There has always been distress of nations and will always be distress of nations until the Lord comes. But this distress of nations is different in that it is perplexing. It makes no sense. When the revolt happened in Egypt, even little kids were scratching their heads. They were perplexed. Everybody was perplexed. It made no sense! One minute everything was alright, the next, all hell had broken loose. It was the same thing with Syria. It all happened so quickly that it took everyone by surprise. Jesus told us that would happen.
Now that you’ve had a chance to digest this, and are thinking that maybe perchance there is something to this, consider that Jesus told us to look out for something else: us.
Verse 26:
“Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”
People are going to be freaking out. THIS is where the media come in. Isn’t it strange that the God-less media and Hollywood have been paying so much attention to the “prophesies” of Nostradamus and the Mayas concerning 2012? Why? It certainly isn’t because they want us to read and believe the Bible. Could it be because they want people to be in fear? Could it be because they want people to check out of here before that time comes? Did you hear about the man that jumped off the tallest building in the world the other day? Hmmmm?
Those who do not commit suicide will be in constant fear, worry, and anxiety. Stress. Stress causes many problems physical and mental. Haven’t you noticed that mental problems seem to be on the increase? A hospital close to my house closed down leaving only one section open. Would you like to guess which section it was? Yep. The mental health ward. They would not do this if there were not a need for it.
People who are under a great deal of stress and have mental problems sometimes do strange things—even terrible things, like killing their children, killing their entire family, killing themselves, and a combination of these. Is there any wonder why this is on the rise? You can look for more of this to come.
Why is everyone confused when there is a Book that tells us what’s coming? The Bible says the wicked will not know why these things are happening, but that those who know their God will. That’s you and me. We are not to scratch our heads and wonder why, because Jesus has already told us why. Jesus said that “these be the days of vengeance” (Luke 21:22). This is the beginning of God’s judgment on this fallen world. And believe me, it is only the beginning.
Let the wicked cower in fear. But as for you and me, dear believers, Jesus gave us a Word of advice:
“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28).
Words to live by.
Be encouraged and look up; your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Copyright © 2011 Anthony Keeton, The Still Man ®. All Rights Reserved.
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