Temptation and the Man of God – Photography
“Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23)
Grace and peace, Saints.
Last week I told you about how Satan uses many methods to tempt the man of God into sin, and I gave you a personal testimony to the same involving a sexually suggestive billboard. If you are not on your toes, you will think these incidents to be mere coincidences, but if you are spiritually aware, then you know that in the realm of spiritual warfare, nothing is a coincidence.
I’ll give you another example. About a month or so ago, my son and I took a walk to a park near our home. On the way to the park, we passed a local photo studio that my family has used on occasion. I was amazed at what I saw on the storefront window. Click here and here.
We all know that the Europeans are supposed to be “sexually liberated” and all that. But the last time I heard, a totally naked woman’s behind was still considered pornography–even here in Germany. But maybe I’m just behind the power curve on this one.
Now let me ask you a question: Why would a photo studio put something like this on their storefront window? It used to be that photographers would display modest samples of their work on their storefront windows, and If they offered something a little more fringe or risque, they would display those on the inside of the studio towards the back, or present them upon request. Most photographers will do a nude photo shoot, if requested, but, because they also cater to families, and most families have children, they won’t display this sort of work on their storefront window out of common decency. But, as you can see here, decency isn’t common at all anymore.
Satan is on a mission, and nothing is sacred–especially your child’s innocence.
Now, I pass this photo studio on average twice a month. And I’m certain that this photo was not there the last time I looked. Because nothing in my life is a coincidence, I believe this to be totally intentional.
Don’t misunderstand me folks. It’s not all about me. Not everyone walking around cares who I am or what I believe. But Satan does care. And if Satan cares, then so do his people. My Bible says that “the whole world lieth in wickedness.” I’ve learned through experience not to take anything for granted. And neither should you: not even a storefront window.
Parents, talk to your children about pornography. Mystery Babylon has plans for every child to have seen every conceivable sex act by the time he is thirteen years old. They are working feverishly to ensure that pornography becomes the norm. And they have the time, the resources, and the sufficient moral depravity to make it happen. One day, a fully clothed woman will look as out of place as a man standing on the bus stop with an astronaut’s suit on. And a naked woman will be able to walk down the street and not even cause a stir. Proof that this is Satan’s end game is the fact that the man, in the photo on the other side of the display window, at least has his pants on.
So, talk to your children about pornography. Let them know that it is wrong; and let them know that watching and enjoying pornography–whether it be a pornographic magazine, an x-rated movie, or a photography studio window–is an abomination in God’s sight. Pornography will earn you a generational curse. God is serious about this one, Saints.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
You would consider that pornography? That is art, it only becomes pornography when you view it through tempting blinders as if it was somehow wrong that a photographer would show that. There is no nudity in that photography, all I see is a picture of a womans backside, yes there is her butt, but that is it, you don’t see her anus, or her vagina. You see nothing you wouldn’t normally see at the beach. Get off your pulpit, I hope to god I am the only one who has read your site, and posts for that matter.
I find it disheartening to see someone with such conflict within themselves when it come’s to religion. That is nowhere near pornography! Why do you call people saint’s as well? After reading a dozen of your posts don’t you frown upon idolatry? By your own reasoning idolatry is a sin, therefore addressing your possible readers as saints is idolatry. I am no saint, I am surely a sinner, I have never fully read the bible, but I believe in god and I believe that Jesus forgives all. Hopefully he can forgive your ignorance towards what you perceive in this world as “Acts of Satan”.
I leave you with this message with a clean and pure heart, get over yourself! You are not being tested constantly! You seem delusional to say the least, I mean c’mon you don’t really have that much of an over-inflated sense of self do you? Let me guess, you’re one of those “Christians” who believes that homosexuality, and anything that doesn’t abide by the bible 100% is the way of the devil and it is our god given duty to convert people away from it?
I would ask that you reevaluate your life’s mission, preach peace and love for Jesus Christ, but without the threat of eternal hellfire. You shouldn’t need that threat to draw people to Jesus and God, Jesus did say after all, Love one another, and he also taught forgiveness. Start by forgiving yourself for being soo ignorant and misinformed about these ‘End Days’. The Apocalypse is not coming, the anti-Christ holds no power, and if people want to love eachother before marriage well that is their choice. I have loved before and I know that Jesus has forgiven me if it truly was a sin for giving my body to those I have loved, I do not believe it was a sin though.
Good day to you from the ‘God forsaken country of the USA’. Ha.
Jarhead, thank you very much for your comment. You said so many interesting and revealing things, that I simply must give them a thoughtful response. To that end, therefore, I am going to address your comments in a post specifically for that purpose and for the edification of the body of Christ. I am otherwise occupied at the moment, however, so, if you are so inclined, you may want to check back periodically. Thanks, and God bless you.