The Book of Mormon: Another Testimony of “Another Jesus”
Grace and peace.
A couple of days ago, I was going through some of my books, compiling a bibliography for a book that I am working on, when I came across the Book of Mormon. I had not looked at this book in at least five years, so I decided to just peruse its pages. On the very first page, I came across this:
As any Christian with even a smidgen of discernment knows, Mormonism is not a denomination of Christianity and, in fact, is not Christian at all. Mormonism is a mystery religion: that is, its source is not Jerusalem, but ancient Babylon. It’s “Jesus,” therefore, is not Jesus the Christ, but Jesus the Antichrist–another Jesus. Proof of this is the Cult of Mary hand sign that “Jesus” is displaying with his right hand.
Now, we know from the Bible that every person on earth as well as every religion on earth will worship the Antichrist as well as Satan. And, as I have alluded to before in articles such as House of the Virgin Mary, the common denominator that will be used to unite these religions will not only be their worship of the Antichrist, but their veneration of the Roman Catholic Virgin Mary.
The Bible teaches that the Roman Catholic church is “the Mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth” (Revelation 17:5). This means that the Roman Catholic church is the modern representative of Babylon on this earth and the fount from which every ungodly religion, organization, belief, dogma, and philosophy springs. If this is true of Mormonism, then we should be able to find some commonalities between Mormonism and Roman Catholicism.
We have already seen one of those commonalities: the Cult of Mary hand sign. This means that Mormonism also revers the goddess called the Virgin Mary. But there are other similarities.
We know, for example, that though it purports to worship Jesus Christ and revere His Word, the Roman Catholic church, in reality, worships the Virgin Mary and places their tradition on par with the Holy Bible: for the fourth session of the Roman Catholic Council of Trent (1546) decreed:
“[The Roman Catholic church] receives and venerates with a feeling of piety and reverence all the books of the Old and New Testaments…
“[A]lso the traditions, whether they relate to faith or to morals, as having been dictated either orally by Christ or by the Holy Ghost, and preserved in the Catholic Church.” (“Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent,” by Rev. H.J. Schroeder.)
As a great many, if not most, of the traditions of the Roman Catholic church come from the writings of the so-called Church Fathers, then this decree, in effect, places the words of men on an equal footing to the Words of God–the Holy Bible. To place human traditions on par with the very words of God is to actually exalt the words of men over the Word of God.
The Mormon Church does this exact same thing with its Book of Mormon, which it bills as “another testament of Jesus Christ.” Notice below that the Book of Mormon is purported to be “comparable to the Bible” and that Joseph Smith, the founder of the LDS Church, is quoted to have said that by abiding by the precepts of the Book of Mormon, “a man would get nearer to God…than by any other book.” Mormonism, therefore, places its holy book–written by Joseph Smith, a man–over and above the Holy Bible: the same thing the Roman Catholic church does.
There are many other similarities between the Mormon and Catholic religions, some of which we cover in our discussion of the Roman Catholic Charismatic Movement. I strongly suggest that you read it and consider it.
In these deceptive last days, many religions claim to have the truth. But those who know their God know that the real Truth can only be found in the True Church of Jesus Christ, which cannot be found in any temple, church, dojo, hall, cathedral, lodge, or any other building made with hands, but in the hearts of those who love Him.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
P.S. I had never before considered the link between Mormonism and goddess worship, but I will ponder this and devote further research to it, if God wills. –TSM
Great find Still Man, I was mormon for a decade due my dad, but i left it never felt right. All i Liked was their prayer, you can say what ever you want, they words are not fixed, so i stull use it ,and mary is not in it.
What heppens in the temples is pure freemasonery…… its a cult due to forcing you to stay close if not you and your family is gonna kick you out, i never under stood that, its the usa version in the NL its only go to church 2x at sunday………
Im done with mormonism……..
Good for you, Colliefann. I went to visit someone in prison a few years ago, and, while he was talking with his girlfriend, I walked over to the book rack to give them some privacy. On the rack was a Book of Mormon, so I picked it up and browsed through it. I was shocked to find that whole passages had been stolen from the Bible and pasted into the Book of Mormon. If it were truly “another testimony of Jesus,” then there would be no need to borrow words from the Bible.