The Coming Great Holocaust and the Roman Catholic Takeover of America
Grace and peace. In our series, The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, based on information taken from the book, “Ravening Wolves,” by Monica Farrell, we explain how the Roman Catholic church is currently in Phase Three of its takeover of the United States of America.
Phase Three, “A Holy Warfare,” involves four steps:
1. The formation of an independent exclusively Roman Catholic state (Washington DC or “New Columbia”).
2. The formation of an exclusively Roman Catholic army (The UN “peacekeeping” forces, which includes our own military).
3. A declaration that only Roman Catholics may serve in government (This congress saw the admission of more Roman Catholics than at any time in our nation’s history: two-thirds of our Supreme Court are Roman Catholic, our President is a closet Roman Catholic, and our Vice-President and Secretary of State as well as other key officials are all Roman Catholic. Immigration reform is also part of the plan.).
4. CONFISCATION OF ALL WEAPONS (Columbine, Virginia Tech, Trayvon Martin, and Sandy Hook were all planned and designed to bring about this end).
The gospel tract “Holocaust,” available from Chick Publications, explains how WWII was actually a Roman Catholic Inquisition, and, in annihilating the Jews, Hitler was merely carrying out Vatican policy. [Click image for track.]
The same will happen in the United States as part of the Roman Catholic Takeover of America. After step four is accomplished, the Roman Catholic church will launch it’s final Holocaust to rid America and the world of all remaining “heretics” (Bible-believing Christians), Jews, Blacks, Eastern Orthodox, Patriots, and everyone else who won’t bow down to the Roman Catholic pope and his star goddess, The Virgin Mary, whom the Bible calls the Abomination of Desolation.
If you are noticing that the U.S. government seems to be growing increasingly antagonistic towards the Constitution and our freedoms, this is the reason. The Roman Catholic church hates our Constitution and is working feverishly to destroy it and our nation. Another Vatican Holocaust is in the making.
Folks, resist the urge to say that this is just more fear-mongering and close-mindedness by another Bible-thumping Christian. You must understand that the Jesuit-run Roman Catholic church is not only the enemy of Protestant Christianity, BUT OF ALL FREEDOMS. In “Ravening Wolves,” Monica Farrell quotes a high-ranking Roman Catholic source stating the Roman Catholic church’s belief that NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE ANYTHING OTHER THAN ROMAN CATHOLIC. If Hitler had been successful, everyone reading this would either be Roman Catholic or dead. If you are a Bible-believing Christian, or simply care about the freedom to decide what you want to wear today, YOU MUST DO SOMETHING.
“Holocaust” is currently out of print, but it is available from Chick Publications by custom order. If your church got together with the goal of getting this tract out to warn the people, the cost would be extremely reasonable. Depending on your situation, even individual Christians can custom order it. If, however, you are unwilling or unable to do that, you would be doing your part if you would at least share this post on Facebook and get the word out.
Believe me, there will be no fence-sitters when the Roman Catholic church takes over. You will be given two choices: worship the pope and the Virgin Mary or die. Whether you make a decision now or later, you will make a decision. Take a stand for freedom–now.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
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