The Identity of the False Prophet
Grace and peace, Saints.
By now our readers know that my elucidating of how current events actually line up with biblical prophecy can sometimes seem a little circuitous, but it is always Holy-Ghost inspired and Bible-grounded. With this disclaimer, I strongly urge you to be patient and read the following article through to the conclusion. You will be very glad that you did.
The retirement of Pope Benedict XVI, whom I whole-heartedly believe is the Antichrist, has been plaguing me since the news first came to light. I have been pondering this and pondering this and pondering this, wondering what the significance of this event was. I knew that it was not merely a reaction to the homosexual priest abuse scandal and I definitely knew that it had nothing to do with his age, as he was absolutely fine until his announcement. What then, could this retirement be all about? This question plagued me to no end.
Then, tonight, it hit me. I had gone to bed and was listening to Alexander Scourby’s narration of the Book of the Revelation from the King James Bible on my iPod, when Scourby got to Chapter 13 verse 11, which talks about the False Prophet:
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.”
I have known for some time that the false prophet would be a religious man, because, as one can see from the above verse, he has two horns “like a lamb,” but speaks “as a dragon.” A lamb, of course, is a symbol of a Christian, for Jesus is our Shepherd, and we are His lambs. And the dragon, as we well know, is Satan (Revelation 12:9). So, the False Prophet will call himself a Christian, but instead of speaking for Jesus Christ, he will speak for Satan.
What puzzled me, though, was how a religious leader could wield enough power to cause the whole world to worship the Antichrist:
“And he (the False Prophet) causeth all the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast (the Antichrist)” (Revelation 13:12).
You see, only one man I know of has that kind of authority: the Roman Catholic pope—especially this pope, Benedict XVI. He is revered the world over, not only by Roman Catholics, but also by people of all faiths. Buddhists, Hindus, even Muslims revere the Pope, even if they claim to hate Christians, which the Pope claims to be. Even “Christian” evangelist Billy Graham said that Pope John Paul II was the world’s greatest moral leader. Because politics is merely an extension of religion, then the pope wields immense power in the political realm also, because Roman Catholic politicians as well as politicians who are loyal to the Pope (READ Zionists), will be influenced by the Pope.
That would make the Roman Catholic pope both the religious and temporal head of the world. And that is just what he claims to be.
Many have thought that, because the False Prophet will wield so much power, he will be a charismatic political figure, like Barack Obama or even Prince Charles. But they fail to see that the Roman Catholic Pope is just such a charismatic political figure. Just one look at how many of the governments of the world either are Roman Catholic or owe allegiance to the Roman Catholic pope should convince you of this. Moreover, consider that the Roman Catholic church controls Russia: a major super power. The fact that Russia has made the double-headed eagle, the symbol of the Roman Empire, their national symbol proves that. Additionally, former President of the United States, George W. Bush, when asked during an interview what he saw when he looked into Pope Benedict XVI’s eyes, said simply, “God.”
Now, if a president of the United States, the most powerful nation in the world, considers the Pope God, and considers himself a Christian, then what is to stop him from obeying any command that “God” gives? I would submit that nothing would stop him. Consider also that the current president, Barak Obama, also made a trip to the Vatican, thus symbolizing his allegiance and obedience to Pope Benedict XVI. Therefore, the Pope also runs the United States. And if the Pope runs Russia and the United States, then the Roman Empire truly does rule from the East to the West.
Now consider something else: the Bible does not say that the false prophet would command or force the people of the world to worship the Antichrist. The Bible says that the false prophet would cause the world to worship the Antichrist. I take this to mean that he will do this indirectly, meaning he will not command the people of the world to worship the Antichrist, but he will compel the governments of the world to decree that the people worship the Antichrist. How? Through the United Nations.
Through the World Bank and other United Nations programs, the U.N. has most of the countries of the world firmly in their grip. Were it not for the World Bank, many countries would have imploded long ago. Moreover, the United Nations controls the armies of the world through their Security Council. And whoever controls the military, controls the country.
Now then, who controls the United Nations? The United States. And who controls the United States? The Roman Catholic church. And who controls the Roman Catholic church? The pope.
So, you see, the Roman Catholic pope is in the position to rule the world.
But, because I believe that the Antichrist is Pope Benedict XVI, I couldn’t understand who else could command the respect, reverence, and fear enough that the whole world would listen to him. Then, tonight, while listening to Alexander Scourby narrate the Bible, I came to Revelation Chapter 13 verse 12. Speaking of the False Prophet, it says:
“And he (the False Prophet) exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.”
Because Revelation 13:13 says that the False prophet would do miracles, I had always taken “before him,” from verse 12, to mean that the False Prophet could perform miracles only if he were standing directly in front of or “before” the Antichrist. This is true to some degree, because verse 14 says that the False Prophet would deceive the people, in that he will perform incredible miracles “in the sight of the beast,” or in the presence of the Antichrist. This implies that it is actually the Antichrist who will do the miracles, but he will make the False Prophet appear to do them.
But this presented a problem, because verse 12 says that the False Prophet “exerciseth all the power of the first beast.” If the False Prophet doesn’t really have all the power of the Antichrist, in that he does all of his miracles “in the sight of” the Antichrist, then how could he exercise all the power of the Antichrist?
Then the Spirit showed me two very important things that made it all clear.
First, He showed me that Revelation 13:12 is not talking about the power to perform miracles. By “power” it means authority. It is talking about the power that goes with an office. This is why Revelation 13:12 goes on to say that the False Prophet would cause the world to worship the Antichrist. He will have this authority from his office. But, as we discussed previously, only one man has that kind of authority, and that is the Pope.
That brings me to the second thing that the Spirit showed me. Let us look at Revelation 13:12 again:
“And he (the False Prophet) exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him…”
Saints, “before” does not mean “in the presence of.” Let me slightly reword this passage to illustrate my point:
“And he (the False Prophet) exerciseth all the power of the first beast [which was in office] before him.”
Now do you see?! What the passage is telling us is that the second beast holds the same office and has all the authority as the first beast. And if the first beast is the Antichrist, then the second beast is the False Prophet. And if the Antichrist is Pope Benedict XVI, then the False Prophet will be his successor: the next Pope!
Now do you understand why Pope Benedict XVI resigned so suddenly? He had to! He had to make room for the next pope, the False Prophet. That is why he announced that he would yield to the authority of his successor: so that the world would also yield to his authority.
Now understand something very important. Verse 13 says that the False Prophet will cause the world to worship the Antichrist, “whose deadly wound was healed.” We explain in our article, The Identity of Antichrist, that Pope Benedict XVI will be killed, probably beheaded or shot in the head, and that he will be resurrected three days after his death by the power of Satan, who will indwell him. Not very long after that he will set up the Abomination of Desolation, the Virgin Mary, in the Holy Place of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Then the excrement will hit the cooling device.
If I am right—if Pope Benedict XVI is, in fact, the Antichrist—then his successor will be the False Prophet. That means that we are closer to the end than any of us even imagined.
So there will be two popes in Rome, and there will remain two popes in Rome until Jesus returns. Bear in mind that Benedict XVI will keep the titles of Bishop of Rome emeritus and Pontiff emeritus. He will still be the Pope, even after the new pope is elected and installed. That is why Jesus will cast both the Antichrist and the False Prophet–Pope Benedict XVI and his successor–in Hell: they both will bear the “name of blasphemy”: Holy Father.
Therefore, Saints, we must prepare our hearts for the Great Tribulation, for it is at our doorstep. We must witness, witness, witness, for the night cometh wherein no man can work. The coming of the Great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ is very, very near.
By the way, I believe that the next Pope will be an American. And it has something to do with Our Lady of America, the Roman Catholic plan to install the Virgin Mary in the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., thus firmly establishing the United States as a Roman Catholic country, and the headquarters of the One World Church. It just so happens that D.C. Cardinal Donald Wuerl is said by many Italian newspapers to be a front runner in the race for a successor to Pope Benedict XVI.
If Cardinal Wuerl were to become the next Pope, then he would be in a great position to influence the decision to place “Our Lady of America” in the National Basilica. This will seal the doom of this once great nation. Read Revelation Chapter 18.
The next Pope will be the False Prophet and Benedict XVI is the Antichrist.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
P.S. March 13, 2013: Upon consideration, I believe that it is very significant that Benedict XVI will retain the title of “Pontiff emeritus.” The complete title is “Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church.” The “Universal Church” is the One World Church that the Bible speaks of in Revelation 13. There can only be one head of this church, and it will be Benedict XVI. I don’t believe that the new Pope, the False Prophet, will be given the title of Pontiff, and even if he is, it will only be window dressing.
P.S.S. So Pope Francis, formerly Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is the new Pope of the Roman Catholic church. Now we can put a face to the name. The False Prophet is Pope Francis.
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