The Parliament of the World’s Religions and the Gun Control Agenda
Grace and peace, Saints.
You may be interested to know that the Parliament of the World’s Religions is meeting this Thursday October 15, 2015 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Their first meeting was in 1893 in Chicago, and their last meeting was 2009 in Melbourne Australia.
The Parliament’s website says that they are part of the Global Interfaith Movement, which you and I know is merely code for the One World Church. Since the Bible says that the one world religion will be headed by the Antichrist, and the Antichrist is Pope Benedict XVI, then we know who is behind the Parliament of the World’s Religions.
It’s interesting that the Parliament is convening roughly three weeks after Pope Francis pushed his interfaith agenda while addressing the joint session of the U.S. Congress. The Pope also addressed gun control, which, ironically (or not), is also on the Parliament’s agenda. The Parliament has a program entitled “Faiths Against Hate,” which campaigns to “transform fear and anger into peace, love, and interreligious harmony.” It should be noted, however, that while they claim to be concerned with hate speech and attacks on religious minorities, they also mention the fact that:
The number of armed militias [in the U.S.] have doubled (TIME).
2.5 million more Americans bought guns for the first time in 2011 (FBI).
It would seem, therefore, that the Parliament of the World’s Religions is not just interested in promoting interfaith fellowship and harmony. Like so many other groups these days, they are also interested in Americans’ Constitutional right “to keep and bear arms.”
I remind you of Pope Francis’ words during his speech to Congress:
“[Interfaith] cooperation is a powerful resource in the battle to eliminate new global forms of slavery…”
He said this after saying “We must be mindful of every type of fundamentalism” and “We must combat every form of polarization.” Since both fundamentalism and polarization were veiled references to biblical Christianity, then one of the “new global forms of slavery” is doubtless Christianity.
It is important to note that Bible-believing Christians–many aware that the Second Amendment exists not only to enable law-abiding citizens to defend themselves from criminals, but also for all Americans to defend themselves, should the need arise, against a tyrannical (read fanatical) government–are some of the staunchest supporters of the right “to keep and bear arms.” Pope’s Francis’ words, therefore (and the Parliament) should be considered in the context of The Roman Catholic Takeover of America, since disarmament is a major step in the takeover.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
P.S. You may want to read the bios of the women who will be speaking at the “Inaugural Women’s Assembly,” which includes at least three avowed goddess worshippers and a Wiccan priestess. One of the women, a professor of philosophy and religion, who teaches courses on the “Eleusian Mysteries” (Babylon), says she is “interested in promoting dialogue between Goddess people and God people” (actual quote).
So you see, in order for Christians to have a “dialogue” with these people, we would have to be “unequally yoked” with unbelievers. They know we would never do this, of course; and for this reason we are considered a threat to global peace and harmony.
hey brother stillman, times are getting worse and worse and with more school shootings i think it will be only a matter of time until they ban guns all together and ban the bible.