The Roman Catholic Church, Zionism, Stars, and Seashells
“And [the two witnesses] dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified” (Revelation 12:8).
Grace and peace to the body of Christ.
Semiramis, the wife of the famous rebel, Nimrod, has been worshipped as a goddess the world over under many names, many of which are in the Bible. In 1 Kings 22:13, she is said to have been worshipped by the Zidonians as Ashtoreth, by the Moabites as Chemosh, and by the Ammonites as Milcom (1 Kings 22:13). In chapter 19 of the book of Acts, the goddess is said to have been worshipped by the inhabitants of Ephesus (modern-day Turkey) as “Diana of the Ephesians,” and it is said of her that she was worshipped “in Asia and all the world.” Isaiah 65:11 calls the goddess “that number” which, in the Hebrew, is gad, which translates to “Fate.”
We have written several articles that quote the Bible and secular sources to prove that the idol, which Roman Catholics call the Virgin Mary, is merely the more recent name for the same goddess.
In Mary: Virgin Daughter of Babylon, we reference Isaiah 47:1-4, which makes mention of a goddess that, like the Virgin Mary, is a virgin and, like the Virgin Mary, is called “The Lady.” In A Goddess By Any Other Name, we provide convincing evidence that the Virgin Mary is the goddess Diana of Ephesus mentioned in the book of Acts. In The House of the Virgin Mary, Ephesus, we discuss a holy site believed by Roman Catholics and Muslims to have been the last abode of the Virgin Mary. Ephesus, in modern-day Turkey, was the center of Diana worship, as we have discussed. Lastly, in The Identity of Antichrist, we quote the Bible and Alexander Hislop’s The Two Babylons to prove that the Virgin Mary is the Abomination of Desolation spoken of in the book of Daniel, the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, and the book of the Revelation.
All goddesses are Semiramis, regardless of country or culture. The goddess has been worshipped all over the world throughout history under many names. In fact, besides being called Mary, the goddess is also known as Venus, the goddess of love. Venus was also called the goddess of the sea, and many are familiar with “The Birth of Venus,” the famous painting by Botticelli, which features a nude goddess standing in a seashell.
This identifies Venus with Mary, because Mary is also called the Star of the Sea. The name Mary is based on the Latin word for sea, which is mare or mari. Mary and Venus are the same person. The seashell has been used since antiquity as a symbol of the female genitalia, and, as such, is often used as a symbol of the sex act. This is why beds and bed headboards, especially in hotels and brothels, are often fashioned in the shape of a seashell.
So Venus is the goddess of sexual love. This identifies her with Aphrodite and Ashtoreth, who are fertility or sex goddesses. Things that are equal to something else are also equal to each other, so if all goddesses are Semiramis, then any goddess is the same as another. Therefore, if the Virgin Mary is Diana, then Diana is Venus, and if Diana is Venus, then Venus is the Virgin Mary. Further proof of this is the fact that in painting by Botticelli, Venus is shown with one knee bent. If you look closely at just about any photo of the Virgin Mary, you will see that one of her legs is almost always bent in the same fashion. Mary is Venus.
The many names under which Semiramis was worshipped were determined by her many attributes or characteristics. As the Greek goddess of wisdom, for example, she was worshipped as Sophia or Sofia, the Greek word for wisdom. But, in Rome, she was worshipped as Diana, Athena, and Minerva. And as the goddess of the sea, she was worshipped as Mary. The aspect of the sea further identifies Mary with Aphrodite, which means “foam born” in Greek.
As proof of this we showed a picture of Pope Benedict XVI seated in a chair the back of which is surmounted with a seashell atop stylized waves of the sea.
Since the seashell is a symbol of Venus, this is proof that the Virgin Mary, which the Roman Catholic church worships, is Venus. They are one and the same. And Benedict XVI’s chair was no isolated incident:
The seashell is even featured on Pope Benedict XVI’s coat of arms:
Now that you understand that the seashell is a Roman Catholic symbol of the Virgin Mary, you should be prepared to understand what I am going to tell you next. On the last day of President Obama’s visit to Israel last week, he visited the grave of Theodore Herzl, whom CNN described as the “father of modern Zionism.” After laying a wreath at Herzl’s grave, President Obama stepped up to the podium to address those who were in attendance. Note the symbol on the front of the podium:
This is the emblem of the World Zionist Organization, whose first president was Theodore Herzl (1897-1904). Note that the emblem is a “Star of David” comprised of triangles, in the center of which is what appears to be a menorah fashioned in the shape of a seashell.
What does a seashell have to do with Israel? Probably as much as the the “Star of David,” as neither is mentioned in the Bible as a symbol for Israel. Where a star is mentioned, however, it is in connection with idolatry:
“But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.”
Amos 5:26
“Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon” (Acts 7:42).
According to the Bible, the star represents an idol. Moloch means “king,” and is another name for Nimrod. This is where it gets interesting. This is what Strong’s Concordance says about Chiun:
“See Remphan. Another name for the god Saturn.”
Remphan is Strong’s #4481 and is defined:
“by incorrect transliteration for a word of Heb. of [3594]; Remphan (i.e. Kijun), an Eg. idol.”
Strong’s #3594 of the Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary is the word Chiun, which is defined:
“from 3559; prop. a statue, i.e. idol; but used (by euphem.) for some heathen deity corresponding to Priapus or Baal-peor).”
So Chiun is another name for the Roman god Saturn and is also the same as Remphan, which is an Egyptian idol. Additionally, Chiun corresponds to Priapus and Baal. You may find it interesting to know that Strong’s #3559 is the Hebrew word kuwn (koon), which means “to be erect.” This is extremely interesting, because Collier’s Encyclopedia defines Priapus as:
“In Greek mythology, the son of Dionysius (or Hermes) and Aphrodite and the god of fertility, worshipped as the protector of gardens and flocks. He was represented as a grotesque figure with a phallus, and the Romans used a crude image of the god as a scarecrow to keep birds and thieves from gardens…”
Collier’s Encyclopedia 1991 ed. vol. xix, p. 343 “Priapus.”
In case you didn’t know, a phallus is the male reproductive organ. Note that Priapus is the son of the Greek god Dionysius or Hermes. In The Two Babylons, historian Alexander Hislop says this about Hermes:
“Cush, as the son of Ham, was Her-mes or Mercury; for Hermes is just an Egyptian synonym for the “son of Ham.” The composition of Her-mes is, first, from “Her,” which, in Chaldee, is synonymous with Ham, or Khem, “the burnt one.” Secondly, “Mes,” is from Mesheh “to draw forth.” (born). For the very same reason Her-mes is the “Son of Her, or Ham,” the burnt one–that is, Cush. (Hislop, 25).
The Two Babylons, p. 25.
I don’t know about you, but this is absolutely fascinating. If Hermes is Cush, and Remphan or Chiun (Priapus) is “the son of Cush,” then this is proof that the Hebrews worshipped Nimrod, because Nimrod is the only son of Cush who was worshipped as a god:
“And Cush begat Nimrod; he began to be a mighty one in the earth, he was a mighty hunter before the Lord” (Genesis 10:8,9).
“Mighty One” in the Bible is eloaah (as opposed to elohim), which means a deity: that is, an idol. As we have seen, the Jews worshipped a star to represent their gods Moloch, Remphan, and Chiun. Moloch means “king,” and Remphan and Chiun are names for a pagan deity that corresponds to Priapus and Baal. Is it merely a coincidence that Priapus was represented with a phallus and Chiun is based on a Hebrew word which means “to be erect?” Do you know that since Chiun is an Egyptian diety that corresponds to the Greek god Priapus, who is worshipped with a phallus, then Chiun also corresponds to Osiris (or Horus), who, in the Egyptian Mysteries of Isis and Osiris, was also represented with a phallus?
The Egyptians worshipped a black god called Osiris or Ra; his wife, Isis; and their son, Horus. Osiris has been identified with Cush, the son of Ham, and the grandson of Noah. Cush, called Ethiops, “The Black One,” is the father of the black race. His father, Ham, was known in Egypt as Al Khem, “The Burnt One.”
Psalms 105 and 106 call Egypt “The Land of Ham.” Because Chiun is an Egyptian deity, it is probable that the Jews brought the worship of this idol back with them in the Exodus out of Egypt. We know that when Moses went up to Mount Horeb to receive the Law, he returned to find the Jews worshipping a golden calf which they had made. Proof that this calf was a symbol for Nimrod is provided by Hislop:
“The ordinary way in which the favourite [sic] Egyptian divinity Osiris was mystically [secretly] represented was under the form of a young bull or calf” (p. 45).
We know therefore that Moloch, Chiun, and Remphan are really Nimrod the son of Hermes or Cush. But listen to what Oxford’s Dictionary of English says about Isis:
“A goddess of fertility, wife of Osiris and mother of Horus. Her worship spread to western Asia, Greece, and Rome, where she was identified with various local goddesses.”
If Nimrod is Osiris and Isis is Osiris’ wife, then Isis is Semiramis. When a goddess is “identified” with another goddess, it means that they both share the same traits, or characteristics, and those traits identify them as the same goddess. The Virgin Mary, then, is Isis and Semiramis. It must be noted here that both Isis and the Virgin Mary have been identified with the moon, as well as the Roman goddess Diana. And both Isis and Ashtoreth, as well as a number of other goddesses, are goddesses of fertility.
Recall that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s coat of arms features a black king and a seashell.
In that the seashell is a symbol of the goddess, Semiramis, it is highly likely that the black king is Cush “the burnt one.” The bear then, would be Nimrod, the “T” on its side standing for Tammuz. Tammuz means “he who purifies by fire.” Nimrod was called Tammuz because he had the peculiar habit of demanding that children be sacrificed to him by setting them on fire, which he said purified them.
But there is something else. Recall that Remphan is another name for the god Saturn. Alexander Hislop says this about Saturn:
“We have still further evidence from what the scattered notices of antiquity say of the first deified king of Babylon [Nimrod], under a name that identifies him as the husband of Rhea [Semiramis]…That name is Kronos or Saturn.” [Brackets and boldface mine.]
The Two Babylons, p. 31.
Saturn is Nimrod! If Chiun is Remphan, and Remphan is Saturn, and Saturn is Nimrod, then Remphan and Chiun are Nimrod. If therefore, the Star of David is the same star that the apostate Jews used to represent Nimrod, then, by occult association, the seashell also represents a pagan deity; possibly even the same one. And all deities are in reality two people: Nimrod and Semiramis.
But there is still something else we ought to consider. Alexander Hislop says that Saturn was called “The Hidden One” (p. 45), so-called because he was shown only symbolically, whereas the goddess was worshipped openly. Now, if the star of the apostate Jews was symbolic of Nimrod, then how came the star to be associated with the goddess? It is possible that the star, though originally an occult symbol for Nimrod, came to be associated with the goddess Semiramis when the practitioners of the Mystery Religion exalted her over Nimrod. But it is still symbolic of Nimrod. So, when the Virgin Mary is shown with a star, then that star is symbolic of Nimrod or Saturn, The Hidden One.
I hope you recognize the significance of this. During a press conference in Israel last week, President Obama expressed his desire to see a Palestinian state alongside a Jewish state, and he vowed that his administration would do everything it could to facilitate this. He also said that he would like to see settlement activity halted in the occupied territories and the land returned to the Palestinians.
Zionism is said to be the desire for Israel to eventually claim all the territory God promised to Abraham in the Bible. But modern-day Zionism, in attempting to negotiate a two-state solution and return the occupied territories to the Palestinians, is not furthering that aim. They are, in fact, furthering the goals of the Vatican, which has always desired to see Jerusalem become an international city and not the capital of a Jewish state. In fact, the Vatican does not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, but of Palestine. That is why the U.S. embassy, as well as all foreign embassies, is not located in Jerusalem, but in Tel Aviv.
The Bible says that the Antichrist, Pope Benedict XVI, will eventually rule the world from Jerusalem. The Vatican has always wanted to make Jerusalem the headquarters of its one-world theocratic government. Making Jerusalem an international city would be a major step towards this goal. In fact, the Vatican has been in negotiations with Israel for several years towards that end.
Jesus spoke of the Synagogue of Satan, “who say they are Jews, but are not” (Revelation 2:9, 3:9). Daniel 11:30 tells us that at some point, some Jews will “forsake the holy covenant” and “have intelligence” with the Antichrist. I believe that those who forsake the covenant are those Jews who are negotiating with the Vatican. These Jews, either for power, financial gain, or out of religious conviction, support the Pope and his star goddess, the goddess of the sea, the Virgin Mary.
Zionism is Jewish Romanism.
“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand” (Daniel 12:10).
The worshippers of the goddess Semiramis identify themselves to one another using secret hand signs. Read more about the Cult of Mary here.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Your work is outstanding!
Thank you Paul!
Awesome articles, I knew about some of this stuff, but it is always great to learn more. Thanks. The Satanic rising is really heating up! We must be getting close to the time for Satan to posses Prince William (King Arthur) soon. May God have mercy on us all.
Hi, Hollie. I have a question: If Satan does, in fact, possess Prince William, how will this affect the body of Christ?
Can prince William make fire come down from heaven in the sight of men ? No he can’t so he is not the Antichrist, but is evil.
Good point, Erick, as Prince William’s power and authority are purely secular; whereas the Antichrist has both secular and spiritual authority, which is the key to the whole equation.