Trayvon Martin, CNN, And The New World Order
Grace and peace, Saints, and greetings to the unsaved.
I have not been following the Tayvon Martin case very closely, because it is a very sad affair. Since the story broke over a month ago, I had not read more than one story about it, and I had not followed it on the television set, as I seldom watch it. But earlier this week I went to the store to enjoy a donut and a cup of tasty coffee, and was watching CNN’s coverage of the Trayvon Martin case, when Anderson Cooper interviewed the spokesperson for the New Black Panther Party. I will tell you that I was at once speechless, angry, sad, and amazed: for this man’s rhetoric was so incendiary as to be completely useless to affect a peaceful resolution to any situation. His speech was only suitable for war. And war was what he was talking.
I would be the first to tell you that blacks in America have suffered unspeakable persecution; of that there can be no doubt. But nothing ever has nor indeed can ever be gained by proposing violence as a solution to this country’s racial problems. Violence only begets more violence, and the historical record bears sufficient witness to this. The only answer is Jesus, which presents a problem, because painfully few Americans want to have anything to do with Him.
So here was this man, Mikhail Mohammed, speaking on behalf of the New Black Panther Party telling Anderson Cooper that he was going to “make” the Florida criminal justice system do its job, as though he actually had the power to do it. And he chose the two angriest looking members of his group to stand on either side of him as a sign to the world just how angry this black group was. I can tell y0u without any opinion polls or water cooler consensus that this man did not win anyone to his cause except rebels, anarchists, and other angry black Americans. The man rendered me absolutely dumbstruck with the manner in which he chose to state his case. It was obvious to me that there were only three possibilities for this man’s behavior on national television.
1. He is a paid agent provocateur for elements in this country who want to instigate a race war to hasten in the New World Order.
2. He is profoundly clueless as to the history of black movements in the United States. Just look at what happened to the original Black Panther Party members and even more shockingly, the burning of the Move Group in Philadelphia. (Note: pay close attention to what the narrator says at 11:02. It is prophetic.)
3. All of the above.
I and others strongly believe that it has always been the plan of Mystery Babylon to use the blacks in this country to bring about a violent revolution which the puppet masters will use to their advantage. Charles Manson prophesied just such a revolution which he called Helter Skelter. The crux is as follows: disgruntled blacks would be agitated, instigated, and incensed to the point of revolt. They would be armed and funded by the invisible string pullers and allowed to rape, pillage, plunder and eventually take over the government of the United States. Then the invisible string pullers would take over the government from them. A group like the New Panther Party is tailor made for such an operation, because, from what I could see of their leader, they are angry enough and sufficiently motivated to do it.
But this scenario would never be allowed to go through to fruition because Mystery Babylon would never allow blacks to take over the United States. What they would do, however, is allow blacks such as those in the New Black Panther Party to incite violence and mayhem and create a riot situation that they could use to their advantage.
Remember that Mystery Babylon operates on the Hagelian principle of conflict resolution. They create a problem so bad that the people would do anything to see it resolved. They then suggest as a resolution the very thing they wanted to do in the first place, but knew the people would never sign off on. Such would be the worse-case scenario here. The government could use the violence created by angry black mobs as a pretext to declaring martial law and sending in U.S. troops to quell the violence. And once the troops are in place, I guarantee you they will never leave. Even if it never comes to violence, the mere threat of violence by groups such as the New Black Panther Party could be enough to set the wheels in motion if peace-loving citizens were concerned enough that they pleaded with the government to stave off a potential riot situation.
That is why my ears pricked up when Mikhail Mohammed seemed to imply that violence could be used to see their ends met if the Florida criminal justice system did not take the action he felt was warranted. Perhaps this is not what he meant, but Mohammed’s claim that the NBPP believes in “a life for a life” would seem to suggest that very thing.
And not only that, but the NBPP offered a $10,000 bounty for the “legal citizen’s arrest” of George Zimmerman, the alleged shooter of Trayvon Martin. However, the bounty was condemned and repudiated by Martin’s family and others, including the “Reverend” Jesse Jackson. Ironically, though Mohammed cited the Constitutional right to a citizen’s arrest, he also added, “I don’t obey the white man’s law, I don’t follow the American law.”
Understand that the scenario that I have just outlined is not only possible but highly probable. Race division is the most successful tactic Satan ever devised. When employed it seldom fails, because of the anger some blacks still feel over slavery, racism, and the inequality of the criminal justice system in America, the anger and resentment some whites harbor over the Civil War and the election of a black president, and the fear and guilt of many of both races who feel caught in the middle.
It is this last group as well as the international community that would be affected by the inflammatory rhetoric of the New Black Panther Party. Understand that Satan hates blacks, Christians, and Jews. The New World Order will persecute and try to eliminate all three. But before this can happen, all three groups have to be demonized in the eyes of the world community. They have to be seen as the only hindrances to the “utopian” world community that the purveyors of the New World Order have been promoting. That way when the “final solution” is proposed, many will not be averse to it.
That was the importance of Anderson Cooper’s interview with the leader of the New Black Panther Party. There are few in the world who have not heard of the history of black slavery in America. For years many have said that slavery was actually a good thing because it “curtailed the inherent evil nature of black people” by keeping them crushed under bondage so that they could not plan nefarious actions. Hitler said this same thing about the Jews to justify the Holocaust.
This is crucial. Many in the world community were and are appalled by the savagery and inhumanity of American slavery and the Nazi Holocaust, and are sympathetic to the historical plight of Jews and Blacks. But if angry black groups are constantly shown on CNN, which is broadcast the world over, then the international community may come to believe that blacks really are a threat to “peace and security,” and may actually support whatever measures are deemed necessary to “control” them.
Moreover, on the same day I saw this CNN coverage of the Trayvon Martin case, CNN also aired interviews with two well-known black singers: Chaka Khan and Natalie Cole. The Natalie Cole interview was mostly about her friendship with Whitney Houston, but the Chaka Khan interview was all about the Trayvon Martin case. And I will tell you, she all but said that America is a racist country and that there has been essentially no improvement in the treatment of blacks in America. Yet here she was, a black female singer, who has made millions of dollars over her long career being interviewed on worldwide TV and BEING ASKED HER OPINION. She even promoted a single inspired by the Trayvon Martin case. Yet she totally missed the sublime irony of that moment.
Now what will the international community think if, on the one hand, they hear that America is a racist country that oppresses black people, while on the other hand, an apparently angry black man representing an organization that has been called a hate group (not that it is true) appears on worldwide TV seething with anger and pontificating on racial injustice, followed by a successful black female singer declaring that there has been no improvement in black conditions since the Civil Rights Era while simultaneously promoting her latest single? I can tell you that there will be no sympathy for black people on the part of the international community, not even for Trayvon Martin.
And that is the point of CNN’s extensive coverage of the Trayvon Martin case. This became clear to me when Mikhail Mohammed told Anderson Cooper that he hated to disappoint him by not reacting in the way he felt Cooper wanted, to which Cooper, with a wry smile, replied that he was not at all disappointed, but, in fact, very pleased by the man’s reaction. Hate-filled speech was exactly what CNN wanted from Mohammed, and he did not fail to deliver.
This is what many are not seeing in this whole Trayvon Martin case. The United States is presently engaged in a “war on terror,” and will be at war until all threats against “peace and security” have been eliminated. Understand that Mystery Babylon’s definition of peace is “the elimination of all opposition to the New World Order.” At some point, blacks will be seen as such an opposition, and the whole Trayvon Martin case will be used to demonstrate this to the world. I have no doubt about that.
And there is a more sinister element to this drama. You can look for the attention in the Trayvon Martin case to shift from George Zimmerman to his weapon. Chaka Khan, in the same interview, alluded to this when she stated that Zimmerman wasn’t an official neighborhood watchman, but a volunteer—an armed volunteer. It will be suggested that if Zimmerman had not been armed, this tragedy would never have happened. And, again, the weapon, rather than the person, will be demonized and used as a pretext to further (or permanently) disarm the American people.
Understand that since 2008, active duty troops from all branches of the military have been standing at the ready to assist with “homeland security.” And one of these units is conveniently located at Fort Stewart, Georgia.
I want to draw your attention to this statement from the above report:
“Active-duty soldiers will be part of a force that includes elements from other military branches and dedicated National Guard Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Teams.”
It is important to understand that President Barak Obama last year communicated a major policy shift in the war on terror when he declared that “lone wolf” terrorists in America would be the administration’s primary terrorism focus. In this same speech the President seemed to imply that guns are now considered weapons of mass destruction.
If one combines the crucial elements above, that is:
1. active-duty military troops being used in civilian crowd control situations,
2. that these troops will be part of a force that includes military “Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams,
3. President Obama essentially calling guns weapons of mass destruction,
then training exercises involving law enforcement and military Weapons of Mass Destruction units begin to make sense.
It is clear then, that there is more to the Trayvon Martin case then meets the eye. Note that Mikhail Mohammed repeatedly referred to the New Black Panther Party as a “military organization.” This could be used to justify the U.S. military’s involvement to prevent or quell violence.
That is why, my brothers and sisters in Christ, we must pray that God will not allow Mystery Babylon to use the Trayvon Martin tragedy for their nefarious purposes. They will have their New World Order, but they don’t have to get it like this. Understand that if they succeed in using this case as a pretext to declare martial law and send in troops, it will never end. It will only be the beginning. For not only will they declare martial law and intern millions of blacks, but they will disarm all Americans and intern millions of non-black citizens as well. And then the nightmare will begin.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
P.S. An example that CNN is being used to enflame racial tension is that on its coverage of the Trayvon Martin case which I viewed on Monday, March 26, they had one of their “sound experts” clean up the recording of George Zimmerman’s 911 call, which they admitted was being used as evidence in Martin’s murder. After they “cleaned it up” they aired it for the public. Now when did it become legal for a civilian news agency to manipulate and broadcast evidence to be used in a murder? Folks, the New World Order is not coming: it’s already here.
P.S.S. Proof that the Trayvon Martin affair was planned well in advance and is part of the Roman Catholic Takeover of America, is the fact that both George Zimmerman and Rachel Jeantel, Trayvon’s alleged girlfriend, were seen flashing the Cult of Mary hand sign during the trial.
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