The Truth About President Abraham Lincoln
Grace and peace, Saints.
How many of you know that tomorrow, April 14, 2015 is the anniversary of the assassination of the sixteenth President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln? If you didn’t know, don’t feel bad: you had a lot of help not knowing. The same people who killed him are the same people who own the media and the educational establishment. So it’s no wonder many of us didn’t know.
Satan hates Abraham Lincoln because he opposed and successfully defeated his plans to take over the United States and destroy forever it’s Constitution and the hard-fought liberties Americans hold so dearly. Lincoln also passed the Emancipation Proclamation and pushed through the legislation that led to the passing of the 13th Article and Amendment to the Constitution, forever breaking the chains and fetters of the slaves and making them free. And it cost him his life.
Most blacks pay no tribute at all to President Lincoln. His birthday and the anniversary of his assassination come and go without many of us even noticing. This is a shame, especially in light of what he did for the Negro. If anyone should remember Honest Abe Lincoln, it should be blacks.
It would enough of a tragedy if everyone had forgotten Lincoln. But a greater tragedy–nay a crime, has been perpetrated by some who choose to remember him; for in remembering him they dishonor him, even making him look like a buffoon.

Is this right? I submit that it is not. Abraham Lincoln should be revered by all Americans as the man who held the Union together, and the man who made it possible for blacks to share in many of the blessings of this great country. At one time, he was; but not anymore. Lincoln has been maligned in the media, in the history books, and by Martin Luther King in his “I Have A Dream” speech. How could we stand by and let this happen?
All the blame shouldn’t be heaped upon Americans, however. An alien government actually shares in the blame, the same alien government that was responsible for Lincoln’s death. And you probably didn’t even know they were involved.
On the 130th anniversary of President Lincoln’s assassination, I pay tribute to him by narrating an excerpt from Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, a very important book that reveals who was behind President Lincoln’s assassination. The book’s author, former Roman Catholic priest, Charles Chiniquy, shares some particulars about Lincoln and the circumstances of his death that you likely never learned in school or anywhere else.
The discussion is available at the iTunes store at our podcast The Gospel Light and Truth Crusade. Subscribe to our podcast today! It is also available for download below.
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It is my hope that by the end of the podcast, you will have a renewed respect for the man, Abraham Lincoln, and that his noble sacrifice on behalf of the great country that was America and especially for the Negro, will not be forgotten.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
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