The Virgin Mary: The “Star of the Sea”
Grace and peace, Saints.
I know I said that I was taking a break from blogging, but I stumbled upon something that was so significant under the circumstances, that I had to tell you about it.
As you may recall, we wrote two articles recently that discuss how various symbols used by the Roman Catholic church and zionist Jews prove that the idol which Roman Catholics worship as the Virgin Mary is actually the same idol whom the apostate Jews worshipped. Both idols, in fact, represent the same person: Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod and the first queen of ancient Babylon.
In The Roman Catholic church, Zionism, Stars, and Seashells, we explain that the seashell is a symbol that the Roman Catholic church uses to symbolize Mary in her role as the goddess of the sea. We go on to explain that the World Zionist Organization uses a logo that features the six-pointed star within which is a menorah, fashioned in the shape of a seashell. Our contention in that article is that the zionist Jews and Roman Catholics worship the same goddess that the apostate Jews in the Bible worshipped.
In The Star of Your God, we explain that the Roman Catholic church uses the eight-pointed star to represent the idol known as the Virgin Mary. We further explain that, in that the apostate Jews worshipped a star that symbolized their goddess, and nowhere in the Bible is David said to have used a star to represent his lineage, then the six-pointed star, the so-called Star of David, also represents the goddess whom the apostate Jews worshipped. We surmise, therefore, that the eight- and six-pointed stars are symbols for the idol Mary, who is, in reality, Queen Semiramis. Ultimately all stars may be symbols for the goddess.
Well, imagine my surprise when I came across an article entitled, Just Like the Star of David, the Star of Mary is a Six-Pointed Hexagram? In the article, the author says this:
“One of most little known facts when it comes to actual Christianity, as it was practiced for centuries, happens to be that, just like the Star of David in Judaism, the Star of Mary in Christianity is also symbolized by a Hexagram. [I]t is a historical fact that, from the very beginning, a fairly prominent symbol of the [Roman Catholic] Church, known as the Star of Mary or the Star of the Sea, has been represented by a hexagram.”
Following this statement was the following image of the Virgin Mary with a six-pointed star behind her:

And, as if this wasn’t remarkable enough, the author provides the following quotes from various sources proving that the six-pointed star is indeed a symbol for the Virgin Mary:
“[T]he Six-Pointed [Star], which is in fact the star of David, is used to highlight Mary’s role in salvation as helper…It symbolizes the restitution of the original harmony between God and humanity.” [Boldface in the original, brackets mine.]
“What is the origin of Mary’s title: ‘Star of the Sea’?,”
“Another classic title for the Virgin Mary is Stella Maris, or Star of the Sea…A Six-Pointed star is a reminder that Mary is from the line of David (as the Star of David has six points).”
“Star of the Sea,” by Jenny Schroedel and Reverend John Schroedel,
“The feast of the Holy Name of Mary…originated in Spain and was approved by the Holy See in 1513; Innocent XI extended its observance to the whole Church in 1683…Symbols: Star of David, or Six-Pointed Star appropriate for this feast.”
Memorial of the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
“Another example if a religious star tattoo is the Jewish Star of David…Roman Catholics regard the Six-Pointed Star as a representation of celestial bodies relating to the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
Star Tattoos,
“Mary is the Divine Mother archetype…Her signs and symbols are the Rose and Chalice, the Six Pointed Star and the element of water.”
The Virgin Mother Mary,
The last quote is very significant in proving that Mary is just another name for the goddess Semiramis. Notice that, according to this author, Mary is the “Divine Mother.” That would make her Demeter, who was also called the “divine mother.” Moreover, it is said that Mary is symbolized by water. The Latin for “sea” is mari or mare, and another name for the goddess of the sea was Venus, who, like the Roman Catholic Mary, was a virgin.
If you’re still not convinced, take a look at the following images:

I believe it is safe to say that the six-pointed star is a symbol for Mary. Jesus was right: “Seek ye the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
There are Roman Catholics who know full well that Mary is the goddess Semiramis, and are quite happy with that. I know, because I’ve visited the website of one of those people. If there is one, then there is likely another, and so on. But there are probably a great deal more Roman Catholics who falsely believe that the Virgin Mary is actually the mother of Jesus, and that, in praying to Mary, they are pleasing Him.
If you are one of those people, you must understand that Jesus is not pleased at all. Mary worship is idolatry, for Mary is an idol. The Bible condemns idolatry:
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image…Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God.”
Exodus 20:4-5
All idolaters will find their place in the Lake of Fire burning with fire and brimstone:
“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake of fire which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
Revelation 21:8
Thus saith the Lord.
Click here for more evidence that the Roman Catholic Virgin Mary is the same goddess whom the apostate Jews in the Bible worshipped with a star. The Virgin Mary is really Semiramis, the Virgin Queen of Babylon, who was worshipped under many names including Melitta or Melissa (the Queen Bee), and Myrianimus: the goddess of many names.
If you really want to please God, you need to repent of your idolatrous Mary worship, while there is still time, and seek the face of the true Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are ready to do this, click here.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Michael Luke speaks the truth, God help the rest of you. Have a nice day. And remember, everyone has a mother, even GOD.
Wrong, Mark; that would be your Catholic tradition speaking, not the word of God, which says:
When I first saw your post listed after a Bing search for ‘six-pointed star christian’ I thought it was another original post similar to my own until I started reading your obviously anti-Semitic post. You gleefully recollect how you felt after finding my article on the internet because you believe it proves the Jews are Pagan. While I am flattered with your use of my post, I angrily oppose your conclusions about Jews and Judaism. You’re nothing but a hater and may God have mercy on your soul.
My Blog at called The Judeo/Christian Tradition
The article and my conclusions about the true nature of the so-called star of David are based on the Bible, which clearly states that many apostate Jews, including King Solomon, worshipped a goddess called Ashtoreth–also called Remphan and Chiun–with a star. If you believe the article to be anti-Semitic, then you are implying that the Bible itself is anti-Semitic. Your own Messiah, the Lord Jesus, by the way, called those Jews who “say they are Jews, but are not,” the Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9, 3:9). Was Jesus also a Jew hating anti-Semite?
Mr. Corning….As a woman who was a catholic all of her youth and into her 20’s, I believe I can testify to the illegitimacy of the Roman Catholic church beliefs and doctrines. First of all, Catholics DO worship Mary, often more than they worship Jesus. If a Catholic tells you they don’t worship Mary they are being untruthful. The whole catholic religion is in one way or another based on the belief that Mary is “co-redemptress” with Jesus, and although Jesus is important, somehow he takes a back seat to Mary. Don’t tell me that’s not true, as I lived it for all those years.
I was never fully comfortable with the church, and always felt something was not “quite right”. I never questioned it until much later, as I knew my family would not take questioning lightly. Some of them still don’t. My eyes were opened while in my early 20’s. Just as scientologist will defend their “religion” until the death, Roman Catholics will often do the same. Scientology was made up by L.Ron Hubbard, who admitted he made it up to become a millionaire. His closest friend was Alistear Crowley, who many thought to be the most evil man who ever lived. Yet the followers will do unthinkable things to defend this man-made, false religion.
It’s only love for people, no matter what they believe or what religion they belong to, that causes us to want them to know the truth. Telling someone what they believe is false is not a sign of hate, but or love. For those on the fence, questioning what they thought all their lives was true, there is a simple solution. In prayer, ask God if what I and others are a saying is true. Ask Him to show you in a way that only He can, what is true and what is not. Don’t take my or anyone else’s word for it. If you are truly convinced that your religious beliefs are true, you would not for one minute hesitate to do this.
One false doctrine I recall most is this: As youth, we were given a brown scapula which is to be worn continuously around the neck. It resembles a lanyard. On it is stated that if one is to die wearing that scapula around their neck, they would be guaranteed a place in heaven. Of course, selling those scapulas brings in tons of profits. The bible states that the ONLY way to heaven is to have a relationship with Jesus Christ (born-again). The scapula, among other things, simply feeds into a false sense of security many Catholics have concerning eternal salvation.
Hi, just wanted to clarify something I read in the beginning of this: the seashell is used to represent St. John the Baptist and the sacrament of baptism because tradition holds that John baptized Jesus in the Jordan with (drumroll please) a seashell. In fact nothing is used to symbolize the “idol, Mary”.
How can this be? There are all kinds of symbols for Mary. This is because Mary is not an idol. Mary was a peasent girl to whom an angel appeared with a message from God: that she would bear the Messiah. Mary is not, and has never by the Catholic Church been proclaimed a goddess. She is called holy because of her role in the life of Christ. She is called divine because of her favor with the Father and the help that has been received by asking her to pray for us. Mary is not worshipped within the Catholic Church. She is honored because of her worthiness to bear the Son of God. She is prayed to, simply as a request that she will pray for us. She is seated in Heaven below the throne of God praying incessantly for her children.
Now, before you take the fact I called humanity Mary’s children and run, look back to Holy Scripture. Christ, before he died, looked to his friend and his mother, standing at the foot of the Cross. He said to them “Woman, behold your child” to Thomas he said “Behold your mother”. Read the Bible that you claim Catholicism goes against.
In fact, while you are digging up and twisting facts, look back the Reformation. The beginning of all Protestantism and this endless hypocrisy that has come out of it (I.e. Televangelists, “you MUST give ten percent”, megachurches, Jimmy Swaggart and his promiscuity) began here (however I truly believe it began at the fall of lucifer). The Bible was “edited” to fit Martin Luther’s beliefs, SEVEN BOOKS OF THE BIBLE WERE REMOVED.
I guess I can’t blame you for twisting facts and leaving parts out in order to brainwash people,I mean the very beginning of your particular belief system was born out of this. So, the next time you go to read you New King James version Bible (assuming that you do, you seem to be devout ) consider what its missing. And maybe you’ll then find what you are missing as well, because if you feel the need to spread this much hate, the Love of GOD is not in you.
Christ sat with sinners and the poor. He died for even thr most unworthy of humans. (However He also said “And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven”-The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, Chapter 16, Verses 18-19, Douay Rheims Version [a Catholic Bible, including all of the books that Jesus intended; aka untailored] and you ignore that, so I mean if you won’t follow His actions, why would you follow His Words? I mean, I’m pretty sure Protestants the Gospel of Saint Matthew out, but who knows, I left Pentecostalism four years ago as of April 11, things may have changed.)
All differences aside, we are still HIS and I pray that God will bless you with your heart’s deepest desires.
As Jesum, per Mariam,
Michael Luke
Thank you Michael Luke, for your comment.
Whew! You said so many incredibly revealing things, that I simply must address your points in as thoughtful a manner as possible. Therefore, Michael, I urge you to keep an eye on the blog, because I plan to do a post (and, God willing, a podcast also) specifically dedicated to the points you raise in this comment. I have a couple of articles I’m working on now, so I won’t be able to get to this as soon as I would like. But, God willing, I will have it completely by next week, and possibly even the podcast also. Thanks again, and please keep an eye open for the article.
NO one should be praying to Mary for anything. Your praying to the dead!
That’s why God gave us a Savior to pray too.
That Roman Catholic Church (Vatican) is Satan’s playground.
Well said, Hollie, and so true!