There’s No Way I Could Do That
Grace and peace to the brethren and greetings to those in the world.
Yesterday I was on a particular site which advocates citizens’ Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. I came upon the site by happenstance as the site’s owner is also a preacher, and I was listening to his podcast when he gave his contact information, which included his web address. When I went to his website, I learned that besides being a very articulate and intelligent individual, he is also a staunch supporter of gun rights, and advocates the importance of women arming themselves to protect them from predators.
To that end, his site links to another where one can take the classroom portion of the instruction necessary to obtain a concealed carry permit online. As proof of the importance for women to arm themselves, they cited the real-world case of Meredith Emerson, a young woman who was kidnapped, raped, and killed while hiking in the wilderness with her dog. You can read the original story here.
The article stated that Meredith was very fit, and had experience in two forms of martial arts. According to the article, her killer admitted in an interview that she “wouldn’t stop fighting” and yelling at him, and actually managed to disarm the man of a knife and a baton. Unfortunately, for all her tenacity, the man ultimately overpowered her with repeated blows to the face. She managed to stall the inevitable for three days; but, ultimately, the man raped, killed, and decapitated Meredith.
As if this callous murder wasn’t enough, the killer admitted that he considered killing the woman’s dog also, to make sure he couldn’t be later identified, saying, “If I wanted to ensure that no one would associate the dog with her, I would’ve killed the dog, but there’s no way I could do that.”
“There’s no way I could do that,” this murderer said. Yet it was no problem for him to not only rape and kill Meredith Emerson, but also mutilate her corpse. I was amazed by this statement and instantly reflected on our article, Animal Rights and the NWO, wherein we discuss the rabid animal activism we see in America and Europe and how the animal rights movement devalues human life by exalting animals.
You see, the animal rights movement profanes God’s Word by claiming that man is just a higher-evolved species of animal. But when Noah came out of the Ark, God told him:
“Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things” (Genesis 9:3).
God said “every moving thing that liveth.” That means birds, fish, animals, even reptiles are suitable for food for mankind. Animals then, cannot be on the same level as human beings. God has given man dominion over all other life forms. The animal rights movement, then, is counter to the Word of God, in it’s claim that humans are just another species of animal. Not only does this demean human beings, but it profanes God’s Word, which is exactly what Satan had in mind.
The importance of this is that the New World Order, according to the Bible, will be satanic and based on witchcraft and witchcraft beliefs. The core doctrine of Satanism, witchcraft, and The New Age is embodied in this statement attributed to Satanist Aleister Crowley:
“Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”
In other words, if it feels good, do it, even if it means murder.
But as we have just seen, there seems to be a caveat to this rule. Animals, at least for the time being, are off-limits. You can get in more trouble for killing a dog than for killing a human being.
Consider Michael Vick. Vick did time in jail for his dogfighting activities and was ostracized by most of America when it was discovered how he destroyed some of those animals that were no longer able to fight. The fallout, fueled by the media, was so bad that Vick will likely never fully recover from it.
Now compare this to the popularity that many serial killers, murderers, and gangsters enjoy in the media. Many of these people enjoy a cult following and the fact that they were and are responsible for the deaths of many people is all but forgotten. Am I the only one who sees a problem with this?
The animal rights movement is directly responsible for this phenomenon. One purpose for exalting animals is to devalue human life so that it will no longer be a bad thing to kill someone. This is very important, because for the Antichrist to commit the wholesale slaughter of whole groups of people who are deemed unfit to live in the New World Order, with the sanction of the people, human life must be devalued. And this murderer’s statement is proof that placing humans and animals on the same footing has accomplished this very thing.
Satan is also using the animal rights movement to incense animal lovers against the God of the Bible, by making Him appear cruel and insensitive. God gave man dominion over all living things, and He also said that they were fit for human consumption. We disregard God’s Word and elevate animals into the position of humans, while simultaneously lowering man into the position of animal. Consequently, the life of a dog has more value in the minds of many than does the life of a human being.
While I don’t believe God minds us loving animals, as we were created to love, I don’t think He wanted us to supplant the love we should feel for each other and for Him with an inordinate affection for dogs and cats (Colossians 3:5). Do you know that at one animal lover’s website I visited some time ago, one person actually wondered if his dog would be raptured before or after him? I kid you not. So not only do we ignore God’s Word by exalting animals, but we rewrite the Bible to accommodate it. This is a heresy.
Can you see that instead of us having the dominion over animals, animals now have dominion over us? Cruelty to animals is wrong—plain and simple. But the answer is not to give animals human rights. The answer is to obey God’s Word concerning animals:
“A righteous man regardeth (values) the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel” (Proverbs 12:10).
We will soon regret not listening to Him.
Be encouraged and look up; for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Copyright © Anthony Keeton, The Still Man ®. Anthony Keeton.
though i do love my dog and hes the cloest thing i got to a best friend, he is just a dog.
But God saw this coming, Sean, so don’t think He doesn’t approve. I believe He does. I believe God has programmed these qualities into dogs, cats, and other animals, because those who have no friends are not so by accident. Satan is the author of loneliness, because he uses it towards his ends. But God can make an ant be a great companion for someone if He chooses.
“Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things” (Genesis 9:3).
i do agree with you on that, though personly not that im thoughing gods gift away i would rather eat a cow or a chicken than a dog and a side note i would have no problom killing a chicken for its meat, though i would do it humanly and not let it suffer.
Do you know that the Bible says that it doesn’t matter if you eat meat or not? In fact, Paul says that if you are a Christian, and you know that there is nothing wrong with eating meat, but you have a brother in the Lord who thinks it’s wrong, you should not eat it in front of him for that brother’s sake, so as not to destroy his faith (1 Corinthians 8:8-13, Romans 14:15-23). I love the way Paul says it: “Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth” (1 Corinthians 8:13). That’s why I love being a Christian. Jesus makes life simple.