To Everything There Is A Season
As one reader noted a few weeks ago (thank you, Ms. G), I haven’t posted anything since April. That is because, for about a month or so, I have been in transition.
After living in Germany for over twenty years, I have relocated to my hometown of St. Louis, Missouri. I learned an awful lot about myself and the world during my stay in Munich, and I can say without any reservation that, if it were not for my time there, I would not be the person I am today. After all, it was in Munich that I found the Lord Jesus Christ!
Of course, as with any life change, this move was not without its challenges; and I had to make some great sacrifices. But I am assured that the Lord Jesus is with me and that I have His blessing. I can tell you that during this move, He has already done some great and marvelous things–things that even amazed my children! I would also like to publicly thank my sister, Denise, for helping make this move possible.
Please pray for me, Saints. St. Louis is known as the “Rome of the West.” Roman Catholics outnumber Protestants in this city probably 99 to 1, with Muslims bringing up the rear. With a ministry like mine, my children and I will have to endure much. I therefore covet your prayers for me and my family. In particular, please pray that my children will make a good transition and that I will be patient with them and receptive to their needs. Also pray that the love of Jesus will abound in my heart and that my ministry to the Roman Catholic people will bear fruit.
May the will of God be done.
Your servant,
Blessings to you my dear brother Tony. I was beyond ecstatic to see a new post! Congratulations on your relocation. May the Lord our Father continue blessing and guiding you especially in this new journey. I will continue to keep you, your wife and your children in my prayers. God bless you brother.
A. Gomez
And blessings to you, my dear sister Arais! I’m so grateful for your support and prayers, and I’m going to do my best to post regularly and continue to edify, educate, and encourage you and the body of Christ. May the Good Lord Jesus continue to bless you, and know that you and your children are in my prayers also.
Your servant,