Vancouver and the Trail of Tears
Grace and peace to the brethren and greetings to the unsaved.
When Kanucks in Vancouver, B.C. got upset because their team lost in the Stanley Cup finals a few months ago, mayhem ensued, and the world did a double take. Despite the media’s best efforts, the Canadians themselves showed us that, their reputation as a “laid back” people notwithstanding, they are just as capable of violence as the residents of Los Angeles. Welcome to the family!
A couple of weeks after this episode, I came across a story about Vancouver’s Trail of Tears as Canada’s Highway 16 is known, so-called because over 500 girls and women have been murdered or have gone missing in areas near this highway in thirty year’s time. Most of the women have been Native American.
I was very surprised that such a thing is occurring just North of us and yet it has gotten little if any attention from our news media. I was going to post something about this, but thought better of it. But now another story has come out of Vancouver that instantly reminded me of this one.
It seems that a human foot wearing a tennis shoe washed ashore in Vancouver, B.C., the latest in a grisly trend that began in 2007. The article states:
“In previous cases, police said it appeared the feet separated from bodies naturally in the water and foul play wasn’t suspected.”
I don’t know if I believe this statement, because if the feet separated from the bodies naturally and no foul play were involved, wouldn’t other body parts or even an entire body have washed up on at least one occasion? And why does a foot always show up wearing a shoe, if there were no foul play involved? Moreover, that the police say there was no foul play “in previous cases,” seems to suggest that, in this case, there may be foul play, and perhaps the foot did not separate naturally. With the media one must always read between the lines.
And why does the article say that “at least two” of the feet belonged to men. Can’t they be any more precise? This wording may suggest that only two of the feet were of men. That would mean that ten of the feet belonged to women. If that were the case, what are the chances that this case is in some way related to the cases of the missing and murdered women on the “Trail of Tears?”
This has a definite satanic feel to it. Many of the women who were killed on the “Trail of Tears” were last seen hitchhiking. Jack Chick writes in his comic tract, “The Broken Cross” (co-written by former Druid witch John Todd) that many women that Satanists use in human sacrifice rituals are picked up hitchhiking. Though there was no sign from either of the above stories that the deaths were occult related, one can’t help but entertain this notion, especially considering that all the feet found were wearing a shoe and attached to a leg bone. This seems to suggest occult overtones.
Brothers and sisters, witchcraft, Satanism, and human sacrifice are alive and well. The Bible says that the Antichrist will “cause craft (witchcraft) to prosper” (Daniel 8:25). That means witchcraft will be government-sponsored during the Antichrist’s reign. Both witchcraft and Satanism involve human sacrifice. I don’t have to tell you what that means for the innocent.
Brethren, we will see a lot more of this sort of thing as the Spirit withdraws and the appearance of Antichrist grows nearer. I am neither a sensationalist nor a conspiracy theorist. I am a born-again, Bible-believing Christian, and the Spirit is speaking to His people. Get under the blood of Jesus and protect your family.
I suggest that you do not let your children take part in sleepovers with anyone, saved or unsaved—even if they are your best friends. You don’t want your precious child to end up like this poor lady, whose daughter was murdered by the daughter of actor Billy Bob Thornton for no clear reason. She had allowed her children to spend the night with her friend, even though she claimed she could tell something wasn’t right with her. And now her daughter is gone forever, just because she didn’t act on her instincts, which were telling her to get away from this woman. Don’t be a victim.
The Holy Spirit is withdrawing and as the time of Antichrist nears, people are getting increasingly evil. Moreover, the world is rife with people who practice the dark arts. These people are all over the place and may even be your family and friends. They certainly were mine. Their motto is:
“Do as thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law.”
In other words, if it feels good, do it. That includes murder and human sacrifice. If you think about it, that would explain a lot of what we see going on around us. People are living this creed every day of their lives—and the innocent are paying for it.
That is the reason I believe Cayce Anthony got off for murdering her daughter. Until now, the media, Hollywood, and the education system have been teaching us “If it feels good, do it,” “There are no moral absolutes,” and “The end justifies the means.” But, those who actually live out that creed are treated as criminals by the justice system—as they should be. This is inconsistent, and I’m sure someone noticed the hypocrisy. But with Anthony, they seemed to have established a precedent. What other reason could there possibly have been for acquitting her? Everyone knew she was guilty, including the jury, yet they let her off. C’mon folks. Something is rotten in Denmark.
Pray, dear ones, for your children; and keep an eye on them! And let us say a prayer for the families of those murdered girls on the Highway of Tears. Let’s keep it under the blood.
Be encouraged and look up; your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Copyright © 2011 Anthony Keeton, The Still Man ®. All rights reserved.
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