Two Popes?
Grace and peace to the children of the Prince of Peace, and greetings to those loyal subjects of the prince of darkness.
There’s no doubt that Pope Benedict XVI’s announcement to retire sounded rather suspect, especially given that there was no apparent reason for it. We are not the only ones who feel this way, as apparently many in the Roman Catholic community also expressed shock and surprise (real or otherwise) at the news.
Almost immediately we were asked what we thought about this, given our contention that Pope Benedict XVI is the Antichrist (and the idol Mary, whom Roman Catholics worship, is the Abomination of Desolation). In response, we wrote on Monday that we still believe Pope Benedict XVI is the Antichrist and we gave our reasons why.
The chief basis for our belief is that Joseph Ratzinger fulfills marvelously the characteristics and qualities of the Antichrist; so perfectly, in fact, that it is hard to believe that anyone else could be better suited for the job. Moreover, the prophetic things that the Bible says the Antichrist would do in Africa are happening right now, while Benedict XVI is in office. This is not coincidental.
Lastly, and we didn’t talk about this the other day, but we did write about it in The Roman Catholic Takeover of America Part I, the Roman Catholic church is growing especially powerful in the United States–the last bastion of freedom in the world. When Rome conquers America–when it succeeds in disarming American citizens–it has conquered the world. Again, this is happening while Benedict XVI is in office.
Prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes. The double-headed eagle–the symbol of the Roman Empire–and the so-called keys of St. Peter will one day fly over the United Nations and the world, signifying that Rome again rules from the east to the west: that the sun never sets on the Roman Empire.
Now it doesn’t make sense that all this is happening so someone else can come in and seize the reigns of power. No, this pope is responsible for making these things happen. He is the Antichrist.
Monday I was careful to point out that the office of Pope is a lifetime appointment, and, in that he is voluntarily stepping down, it is conceivable that, if the need were great enough and he were asked, Joseph Ratzinger could again take up the mantel of Bishop of Rome.
Well, a headline in today’s Daily Mail confirmed my belief:
You can read the original story here.
The article goes on to say that the pontiff declared he “would make himself available if asked.” This is the exact scenario we outlined could take place. Now, I don’t believe for one minute that there is really any “fear” in the Roman Catholic church at this probability: at least not among those at the top of the pyramid. Benedict XVI’s “retirement,” if it happens, will only be window dressing.
The reader will also note that, even in retirement, Joseph Ratzinger may still bear the title of Bishop of Rome (emeritus). He will still wield power, even if he steps down. This brings up an even more important question: will the successor to Pope Benedict XVI also hold the titles of Vicar of Christ and Holy Father? This is extremely important, for the Roman Catholic pope claims to be the substitute for Jesus Christ–God Almighty–on earth, and, in fact, claims to speak for Jesus Christ.
Now, can two men both claim to speak for Jesus Christ and, in fact, be Jesus Christ on earth? Will both men be considered infallible? Consider this, for it is very significant.
The Bible says that God is not the author of confusion, so this is even further evidence–as if any thinking person needed more evidence–that the Roman Catholic institution is not of God.
Now all this may be confusing to many, but it makes perfect sense if the Roman Catholic church is Mystery Babylon and Pope Benedict XVI is the Antichrist.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
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