Update to Sorrows
When I posted the link to the story of the British woman that was beheaded in Spain, I did not know that the story has changed from what I had written in my post. It is a good thing that I had saved the previous two stories from the 14th and the 15th, or you would have had no idea what I was talking about. As of this writing, the Telegraph is reporting that the man was shouting that he was a prophet of God while he was killing the woman. This differs from the previous story of May 14, 2011, which stated, “It was also claimed that he had spent time in a psychiatric hospital and thought he was a “Prophet of God.”
There is a big difference between someone claiming a person thought he was something and that person actually saying he is something.
The difference between history and news is that one happened and the other is reported to have happened. Don’t fall asleep on this folks. You may be reading about yourself one day and finding out that you believe something that you had no idea you believed, and said something that you had no idea you said.
If they did it to Jesus, they can and will do it to us.
The Still Man
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