Was The San Bernardino Shooting A Set-Up?
Grace and peace, Saints.
Saints, the media’s coverage of the San Bernardino shooting left more questions in my mind than it answered. It bothered me so much, in fact, that I had to do a video on it and share my insights with you. There are no astounding revelations here, but it should make you question what the media told us. Because when you really look at it, everything just does not compute.
Of course it was a set-up (false flag). Everything these Luciferian psychopaths do is planned and orchestrated in advance including all the wars. It’s all about CONTROL of the masses. In this case, it’s just another staged shooting by the CIA to serve the ridiculous gun control agenda. To get the guns from the law abiding people so that they have no means of protection from all the psychopaths that roam about freely WITH (unregistered) guns as well as the psychopath govt goons who “enforce lawlessness” rather than justice. They have followed the same lame script for decades. Create the Problem, Get the Desired Reaction from the Public, Force their Solution down our throats. (A solution that only benefits THEM.) Why most people cannot see right through it is truly baffling.
The gun control agenda is only part of the equation. The end game is to disarm Americans in preparation for the coming Roman Catholic Inquisition as part of the Roman Catholic Takeover of America. Believe that.