We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook
Grace and peace, Saints.
We are again sharing with our readers the expose on the Sandy Hook massacre entitled, “We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook,” a video which presents a very compelling case that Sandy Hook may have been a completely staged media event.
YouTube had originally disabled the video because of a copyright infringement claim made by the HONR Network, a group that claims to represent the interests of the families of the alleged victims of Sandy Hook. I filed a counter claim against the HONR Network, because they were neither the copyright owners of the video nor an authorized agent thereof. Today, YouTube again made the video available on our ministry’s YouTube channel.
Because the alleged victims of Sandy Hook were children, many get upset when anyone suggests that the alleged shooting may, in fact, never have happened. This is understandable. Americans, in general, seek to protect society’s most helpless and vulnerable members, and rightly take offense when children are abused or mistreated in any way.
It must, however, be understood that things in America right now are not what they should be. A foreign and hostile government is in the process of destroying America–the last bastion of Protestant Christianity in the world–and everything this country originally stood for. The Roman Catholic Takeover of America is in Stage Four of Phase Three. Phase Three is “A Holy Warfare,” while Step Four is the complete disarmament of the American people. Sandy Hook may very well have been a part of this plan.
The Bible teaches that it is folly to pass judgment on a matter before hearing all the facts (Proverbs 18:13). Therefore, please withhold judgment until you have seen the video. View it and weigh it in the balance of your heart. And then decide.
I should add that Step Five of Phase Three of the Roman Catholic Takeover of America is The Inquisition. If you know anything about the Roman Catholic Inquisition, then you know that the future is not looking too bright for America. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
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