Weep For Your Children
Grace and peace unto you, Saints, and greetings to those who are still in the world.
We are living in some frightening times. Murder has always been with us. Ever since Cain killed righteous Abel in the Garden of Eden, murder has been as much a part of life as eating and drinking. This fact, coupled with the desensitizing of Americans to violence through the media (in which the big eye in our living rooms has played no small role) has led to such a hardening of people’s hearts to violence and murder that no one seems to even notice that crimes of extreme violence seem to be on the increase. The most startling aspect of this trend is the murder of children by children.
Children are exhibiting such an astonishing level of hate for each other that incidents of violence involving children are beginning to rival that of hardened murderers. In Florida, for instance, a 12-year-old Florida boy, Cristian Fernandez, faces first degree murder charges for killing his 2-year-old brother. How horrible! What could the boy possibly have done to merit this?
It is bad enough to take the life of another human being. It is even worse to take the life of a child. But it is horrible beyond words for a child to take the life of another child—especially his own sibling! and a toddler at that. Prosecutors are pushing for Cristian to be tried as an adult because of the violence of the crime. That will be two lives destroyed. The boy even confessed to having broken his brother’s leg a few months earlier. What hate.
I simply cannot relate to this. When I was a child, my brother and I fought all the time, either physically or verbally. But, he was always my little brother. Nothing he could have done—and he did a lot—could have ever changed that. I felt bad even when on occasion I would punch him, because to me, he was always my little brother, and big brothers just don’t hurt their little brothers.
It is part of the unofficial job description of big brothers to take abuse from their little brothers. That’s just the way it is. It’s all part of them being immature little idiots, and us being seasoned, wise, sage, protective big brothers. Our vaunted positions entail a little abuse from time to time.
This just doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. It seems as though big brothers just aren’t as protective of their little brothers as they used to be. And it’s not just the boys anymore either. Increasingly girls—yes, girls—are becoming violent towards their siblings and other children—to the point of death.
Yesterday, in Kansas City, Missouri, a five-year-old girl drowned an 18-month-old boy in a bathtub. No, this is not a misprint; and it was no accident. The little girl actually confessed to “dragging” the toddler into the bathroom and drowning him in the tub, which was already filled with water from other children in the home who had previously taken a bath. And if you think the crime itself was terrible, the reason that she did this terrible thing is even more so, for the child said that she murdered the boy because she “did not like him,” and because he “was crying too much!”
Let me put this in perspective for you. Drowning is a horrible way to die. It is an even more horrible way to kill someone, because it is not as impersonal as a bullet or even beating someone to death with your own hands. Because of all the things that a drowning person does when he is dying, and the length of time it takes for a person to finally succumb; there is time to rethink your actions. For a person to continue to drown someone, in spite of all the signs of impending death, takes an incredible amount of coldness and impassivity, even for a grown person. But for a child!
Even if you could somehow rationalize the rage this child must have felt towards this little boy to purposefully drag him to the bathtub, put him in, and force his head under the water—even if you could somehow intellectualize that—how can you possibly explain the incredible lack of compassion and love that would allow this child to continue the act to its conclusion?
Even after seeing the boy thrashing about (as he must have), even after seeing his legs kicking (as they must have) as he is trying to survive, even after seeing his wide-eyed, terror-stricken face pleading for his life as he knows without knowing that he is going to die (as he must have), even after seeing his little body stiffen and then go limp (as it must have) as the precious life-force ebbs from his limbs…what could have possibly taken hold of this child that would allow her—in spite of all the sobering signs of the horror of her actions and of the inevitable result—to complete her gruesome mission? This is unfathomable.
There is something about the coldness and hate of this vile act—perpetrated by a mere child—that sends chills over my body. I had a difficult time sleeping last night trying to wrap my head around this. You could not have told me ten years ago that I would live to see the day when children would be killing one another at such a young age and in such a horrible way. A five-year-old child drowning an 18-month-old child. Can there be any doubt that something is seriously wrong?
What troubles me is that there are parents somewhere reading this who are going to try to rationalize these crimes. They may try to chock them up to race and economic status. After all, the victims and the perpetrators in both of these crimes were minorities. They are going to say that it had something to do with their upbringing—or lack thereof; that these unfortunate children are the result of poor parenting. There is some truth to this.
Cristian’s mother gave birth to him when she was only 12 years old. I know grown women—some in their thirties—who are lousy parents. Can you imagine a 12-year-old girl giving birth to a child? This boy never had a chance. In the case of the five-year-old girl, she and several children had been left in the care of a sixteen-year-old who allegedly suffered from some form of mental illness, while an adult had allegedly left to drive a relative home. The drowning occurred shortly before twelve o’clock midnight. These children should have been in the bed asleep, under the watchful eye of an adult.
In truth, someone somewhere dropped the ball. But even under those circumstances, there was no need for the kind of violence perpetrated.
No. There is another reason that these children murdered. There is another reason for the total disregard they had for the lives of the other children. Economics aren’t solely responsible for the frightening rash of violence among our children that we are seeing in recent years. This is the work of Satan himself. And it doesn’t matter how good a parent you are. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend with your children, though it is admirable that you do spend time with you children. And it doesn’t matter how good your intentions are. If you are not insulating your children at home from satanic influences that they are learning at school and on the streets, then your children are just as vulnerable as any.
One of these satanic influences is a religion that is being taught to practically every child, in practically every school, in possibly every city in probably every state in this country. This religion is the heart and soul of what those who are trying to destroy these United States and its Constitution believe, and what we see happening to our children is a direct result of this teaching. This religion is Secular Humanism.
The preface to the Humanist Manifesto II contains a brief, but very informative definition of Secular Humanism:
“[H]umanists still believe that traditional theism, especially faith in the prayer-hearing God, assumed to love and care for persons, to hear and understand their prayers and to be able to do something about them, is an unproven and outmoded faith.
Salvationism [sic] based on mere affirmation, still appears as harmful, diverting people with false hopes of heaven hereafter. Reasonable minds look to other means for survival.” [Boldface mine.]
In other words, Humanists rely on their own reason rather than look to God for guidance. This presents a moral quagmire. If God is taken out of the picture, how do human beings determine what is wrong or right? The Bible says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). If this is true–and history has more than proven that it is–then man cannot be left to himself to determine what is wrong or right. He will fail miserably.
Think this is not a problem? Well, you are dreadfully mistaken and are in need of a little clarification. In a book entitled Weep For Your Children, Dr. Murray Norris says this about Secular Humanism:
“Unfortunately, many parents do not recognize the real enemy of their home and their religion. They do not know that secular humanism would destroy both.”[1]
Why is Secular Humanism so dangerous? Well, a major tenant of Humanism, called Values Clarification, is being taught in practically every school in the country. Listen to what Values Clarification holds:
“It’s OK to lie…It’s Ok to steal…It’s OK to have pre-marital sex…It’s Ok to cheat…It’s OK to kill—if these things are part of your own value system and you have clarified these values for yourself.
“The important thing is not what values you choose, but that you have chosen them yourself—freely and without coercion by parents, spouse, priests, friends, ministers, or by social pressure of any kind.” [2] [Boldface mine.]
Now is all this starting to come together for you? Our children are being taught in school that whatever they decide to do–be it good or bad–is OK as long as it is right in their minds. In case you are of the delusional belief that children are not buying this, Dr. Morris provides this story:
“In one school, a student came home from an “enrichment class” with a rebellious and terribly selfish attitude towards his family, especially his brothers and sisters. The distraught mother, trying to find the problem, asked the student why he had become so selfish.
“He explained that the school had told him he could choose to do anything he wanted. He was the only person who counted. His ideas were the only ideas of importance. What his parents or what anyone else wanted was of no importance to him. This is what he had been taught in school.” [3]
Understand that children are like little sponges. They will believe anything that their teachers tell them, because they are taught by parents like us to believe their teachers, and they are taught by society that teachers know better than we what is best for our children. What a shameful state of affairs.
Children who buy into this will one day grow up to be adults who will then perpetuate the lie. I had a “friend” once when I lived in Germany (the friend was an American) who made a very shocking statement to me one night while we were shooting pool. Literally out of the blue he said,
“Hitler was not wrong for trying to exterminate the Jews, because he thought he was doing the right thing. It would have been different if he had known it was wrong and still did it, but he really thought he was doing the right thing. Therefore, he was not wrong.”
Without the information I have just provided, you would probably have wondered how this person could possibly have come up with such a ludicrous idea. In light of what you now know, you should realize that he likely had learned Values Clarification in school. Don’t you just love how your tax dollars are being spent?
Humanists do not believe in moral absolutes, or right and wrong. They believe that the end justifies the means and whatever you have to do to get what you want is OK so long as you believe it is right.
Understand that this teaching comes straight from the pit of Hell. It was Satan’s promise to Eve that if she ate of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, that she would “be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5). Is it any wonder, then, that our poor children are turning on one another seeing that they are being brainwashed with this satanic doctrine?
And believe me, they are being brainwashed. Dr. Norris had this to say on the subject:
“Some intellectuals, even among the clergy, insist that Values Clarification methods can be used to instill proper values in children. They recognize that Values Clarification is not merely a neutral program, but one that can be used to bend or even brainwash the minds of children.” [4] [Boldface mine.]
Did you hear that?! This is incredible! Understand that many teachers are not our friends. There are precious few good godly teachers in the education system. Most are humanist, and are trying to mislead your children. Listen to what one university professor said:
“If I can only plant the seed of doubt that God exists in the minds of the students…I have succeeded.” [5]
I can personally attest to this. I went back to college four years ago and what I found being taught at the university shocked and horrified me so much that I never want any of my children to attend the university. What I found in the grade schools shocked me even more. Our schools are hotbeds of Socialism, Communism, Humanism, Witchcraft, Eastern Mysticism, Buddhism, and other ungodly teachings. Is it any wonder that we are seeing our children committing such heinous acts as the ones we have discussed?
*************************WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT*************************
- We must pray, pray, pray. How many of us daily pray for our children? We need to pray over our children that these harmful doctrines don’t penetrate into their pliable little minds. We must pray that they recognize a lie when they hear it and train them to silently pray to themselves that those lies bounce right off them and onto the floor. I have done this with my children.
- We need to teach our children right and wrong using the Bible as our authority. We must explain to our children that most teachers are not Christian, and therefore don’t hold to the same values that we do. We must tell them while they must respect their teachers, they mustn’t trust everything they say. I have taught my children that when their teachers tell them something that is contrary to the Bible that they must say to themselves, “That’s a lie,” and if they know the Bible verse that counters it, to say it to themselves.
- We need to explain to our children that there is a war going on between Satan and his followers and the Lord Jesus and His followers. We need not be worried that they won’t understand. If you are saved, trust the Holy Spirit to enable you to explain this to your children in a way they will understand. If you are not saved, get saved, so that God will give you the Spirit of Discernment (if you pray for it), so that you will understand what is going on and why. Without the Holy Spirit, you could be the most intelligent, most endowed with wisdom and common sense person in the world, and still not understand the spiritual significance of current events. Without this knowledge you cannot see the Big Picture, and thus make it tangible for your children. This is crucial information that your children must have.
- We need to get saved. The time for games is over. The forces of darkness are massing and they are getting bolder and more confident because they are seeing the culmination of their efforts. They see that their people have infiltrated every level of society: Government, education, the judicial system, law enforcement, the military, and most importantly, religion, have all been compromised. Our only defense is the Lord Jesus. He is our Protector. He will tell us what to do.
- We need to get smart. Christians are some of the most ignorant people on the face of the earth. Most of us are blind to what is really going on in the world due to the fact that many, if not most pastors are part of the agenda. Stop merely believing what your pastors and so-called Christian evangelists and radio personalities tell you. Believe me, like former Illuminati Druid High Priest-turned-Christian evangelist, John Todd once said, if they were preaching hard-core Gospel, they would not be on TV or radio. Get right with God, and get into the Word. The Lord Jesus has promised to reveal Himself to anyone who truly seeks Him out. You don’t need to always have someone tell you what is going on. Learn from the Holy Spirit, the world’s greatest teacher.
I hope by now you understand a little better why things are getting so crazy. And they will only get worse. The last thing I want is for any of our children to make the news in this way. Stop fence sitting and get on the front lines for Jesus. Your child’s well being depends on it.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
I know this is a old artical i could not help but comment on it, just like you i fought wiht my cousins, we all lived toghter in the house our great grand parents built, we fought but i never had thoughts of mudere though my cousin being older than i was the choker he was the puncher, but most of the time, we made up in a few seconds and went on to cause trouble, we used to play ding dong ditch on our neighbors, my cousins would neve reven remotely think of hurting me, heck when this 10 year old threw a rock at my head when i was 4 my older cousins beat him up and sent him crying to his mother. I admit there were times when we faught but i never heard of storys of this when i was a kid i was born in the 1990s, though its troubling to see all these child on child muderers, in all my life i never seen so miuch evil in the world, and expicaly in the childs world, children are suposed to be innocent and not even see evil, but hearing these storys….is……sickening, i just hope the lord takes pity on these poor childrens minds, the devil is one sick mother………to make children do this, i heard mest up stuff before. But this, this is just….i cant think of a word aporpiate to discribe these storys, and the sad part is i dont think it will get better………Jesus, needs to come sooner….or at least give the devil/saten a good hows your father.
with the grace of god
sean b
The moment I saw this blog was like wow. Thanks for putting your effort in writing this article.
Your welcome.
Secular humanist semenancy will spell a messy end for our plant…
Unfortunately, you’re right.