We’ve Moved!!!
Grace and peace, Saints!
I pray everyone is having a blessed New Year.
Next month, this blog will be four years old. It’s hard to believe that what started out as me just wanting to find a way to glorify the Lord Jesus with my testimony and also hone my writing skills has turned into a ministry that has been so mightily used of God to edify the Body of Christ and to bring many others to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Hallelujah!
In 2013, I founded an organization called The Gospel Light and Truth Crusade, loosely based on an organization founded by Christian evangelist, Monica Farrell, author of the book Ravening Wolves. The Gospel Light and Truth Crusade consists of The Still Man blog; The Fifth Seal, a website that reports on Christian persecution; our YouTube channel; and two podcasts: The Gospel Light and Truth Crusade and The Fifth Seal. Both podcasts can be found on iTunes and soon will be available on Stitcher and other podcast aggregates.
A few months ago, we started a website for the Gospel Light and Truth Crusade, and we have moved The Still Man blog over to this website, including all the content from the previous four years. The website went live on January 1, 2015, but I made a lot of mistakes, and you probably noticed a few problems in the last couple of days when you tried to access this site.
The first mistake was that we did not inform you, our readers, of the transition. Had we done so, it probably would not have been necessary for us to have made the second mistake, which was to try to redirect web traffic automatically from this website to the new one. I had envisioned our readers coming to the website on January 1, and finding that it had relocated and had a brand new look to match the New Year. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Man proposes, but God disposes.
Moreover, technical glitches made when I created this blog have made it difficult to update the links on the new website. The result is that all the links in our articles still point to content from this blog, rather than point to the duplicate content on the new website.
To make a long story short, we will have to leave this website up for a time until we get the new website running smoothly and problem-free. We are looking at about three months to accomplish this.
Until then, be advised that after today there will be no new content posted on this website. All new blog posts as well as any other new content will take place at the new website, which you can find here.
There’s something else. This blog is actually located at www.thestillman.com/stillmanfiles. I had a 301 redirect in place on the server, so that www.thestillman.com would automatically redirect to www.thestillman.com/stillmanfiles. I have removed the redirect, so that www.thestillman.com no longer points to this blog, but to what will ultimately be a place where I will post samples of my writing, for those who wish to retain me as a copywriter and editor. I also plan to put links there to my upcoming books.
So, please update your bookmarks to reflect our new location at www.gospellightandtruthcrusade.org.
As you can see, we have been very busy. We are working feverishly to get the gospel message out to a lost and dying world while it is still day, for the night cometh wherein no man can work.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Praise God for change brother! I’m looking forward to the new site and will check out the podcasts as well.
Hi Wendy. I’m having problems with the new site, so it looks like I’ll be posting to this one for a little while longer. Hopefully, I could have everything in order in a month or two. Sorry for the false alarm!