What Roman Catholics Really Believe: Are Jews and Muslims Christians?
Grace and peace, Saints.
In our last article, we discussed the fact that the Roman Catholic Ecumenical Movement is gaining momentum with every passing day. In the article, we showed you an advertisement for a concert here in Munich featuring a symbol composed of a cross, a six-pointed star, and a crescent moon. The symbol, as well as the music, was dedicated to “The One God.”
In the article, we explained that contrary to popular belief, the cross is not the symbol for Bible-based Christianity, but for Roman Catholicism, as the cross was used by Constantine The Great, founder of the Roman Catholic Church, as a symbol for the pagan sun god, which Constantine worshipped as Sol Invictus. The six-pointed star, the so-called Star of David, is widely regarded as the symbol for Judaism, but the Bible states that those Jews who fell into apostasy used a star to represent Nimrod, whom they worshipped as Moloch and Rempham; and Semiramis, whom they worshipped as Chiun (See Amos 5:26 and Acts 7:43). The crescent moon has come to be known as the primary symbol for Islam, but the crescent moon (as well as the full moon) is also a symbol for many goddesses, including the Egyptian Isis, the Phoenician goddess Ashtoreth, the Roman goddess Diana, The goddess Diana of the Ephesians (Turkey), and the Roman Catholic Virgin Mary.
We further explained that Mystery Babylon, as the worship of Nimrod and Semiramis is known in the Bible (Revelation 17:5), uses symbols to represent the deified couple, and that among these symbols are the cross, star, and moon. The Bible calls Mystery Bible the “mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.” Roman Catholicism uses all three symbols: the cross, the moon, and the six-pointed star, and bills itself the “mother of all churches.”
By these associations we hoped to illustrate that Roman Catholicism is in fact, Mystery Babylon, and the symbol formed by the amalgamation of the symbols for Roman Catholicism, Islam, and Judaism is proof positive that the three religions are united in their worship of the One God, which is none other than The Image of the Beast (Revelation 13): the goddess Semiramis, which the Bible calls The Abomination of Desolation.
Today I will provide proof that this is not conjecture. A Practical Catholic Dictionary gives this definition of “The Heathen”:
“Those who are not Christians, Jews, or Mohammedans [Muslims]. Under Christians are included both Catholics and non-Catholics. Christians, Jews, and Mohammedans worship the One God and so cannot be called heathen.” [Brackets and boldface mine]
A Practical Catholic Dictionary, p. 109.
Here is the original:

Can you believe that? The Roman Catholic Church considers Muslims and Jews Christians! Because Roman Catholics don’t consider Bible-believing Christians to be Christians, but calls us Protestants and heretics, then what Rome is really saying is that Muslims and Jews are also Roman Catholics! I’m not surprised by this, as I have been saying this for years, and even wrote about it in articles such as House of the Virgin Mary, Ephesus and The Roman Catholic Church, Zionism, Stars, and Seashells. But this time, it’s not me saying it: Rome is saying it herself.
The problem, of course, is that neither Muslims nor Jews worship the Lord Jesus Christ, who Roman Catholics claim to worship. If Roman Catholicism, Islam, and Judaism worship the One God–whom Catholics claim is Jesus–yet Muslims and Jews do not worship the Lord Jesus–who Catholics claim to worship–then, for Catholics, Muslims, and Jews to have One God in common, it could only mean that the One God of Roman Catholicism is not the Lord Jesus Christ. Who then, is the One God? Answer: the only “god” that Roman Catholicism, Islam, and Judaism have in common: Semiramis, known in Catholicism as the Virgin Mary, in Islam as Mother Mary, and in Judaism as Miriam. It is no coincidence, therefore, that Roman Catholics and Muslims share a joint shrine at Ephesus, Turkey; and that the Dome of the Rock, Islam’s second holiest shrine, stands where the Jewish temple once stood.
The One God of Catholicism, Islam, and Judaism is The Woman, Semiramis, who was worshipped in Mesopotamia as Ishtar “The Woman,” in Rome as Domina or Despoina “The Lady” (The Two Babylons, p. 103), and mentioned in the Bible as the “Virgin Queen of Babylon” (Isaiah 47:1), the “Lady of Kingdoms” (Isaiah 47:5), and the “Queen of Heaven” (Jeremiah 44:17-19). Could it be merely a coincidence that the Roman Catholic Virgin Mary is known in every country in the world as Our Lady and the Queen of Heaven? If there are too many coincidences, there are no coincidences.
If you are a Bible-believing Christian, you should be very encouraged to know that as terrible as all this sounds, it is actually a fulfillment of biblical prophecy, as the Bible tells us that “all the world shall worship him [the Pope]” (Revelation 13:8). Before the Lord Jesus opened my eyes, I used to wonder how Muslims, known for their fanatical devotion to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad; or the Jews, who pride themselves as being the chosen of God and the children of Abraham, would ever rally around the Pope. I don’t wonder anymore. The Virgin Mary, the “One God,” is the key.
The One World Church is not coming; it’s already here.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
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