What (Who) Do The Rapture And The “Curse of Ham” Have in Common?
Grace and peace, believers.
I’m very sorry that I haven’t posted anything relevant in over a week. Every now and then, it seems that my head gets so full trying to process the incredible deception that is being perpetrated on the American people, that I can’t seem to write about anything.
What triggered this latest episode was reading a book called The Coming Christ, written by the president of the Gospel Tract Society, Tom Buttram. The book deals with Buttram’s interpretation of end times events, and I must say that it is not so much what the book says that concerns me as what the book doesn’t say. That is because, while The Coming Christ purports to warn the body of Christ of the impending Tribulation, and to give a time line for the most notable events thereof, it totally ignores the subjects that are most important to the Christian, such as the identity of the Antichrist, the identity of the Abomination of Desolation, the Mark of the Beast, and other events leading up to the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus.
Understand, saints, that prophecy is extremely important. Jesus told us of those things that are coming upon the world not only for our edification, but also for our encouragement. The Great Tribulation of the Christian church will soon be upon us, as I am sure you can tell by events being played out in the media every day. The Lord Jesus has given us a time line of things to look out for so that when these things happen, we won’t be taken by surprise. The Bible says that God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind. God does not want us to be in fear, so He has foretold in His word everything that is coming.
The problem is that Satan has his ministers working overtime producing books, CDs, podcasts, etc. that disseminate false information based on false interpretations of Scripture. Satan’s goal, of course, is to deceive the body of Christ and have us either living in fear of those things that will come upon us, or give us a false sense of security through heretical doctrines such as the Rapture.
The Coming Christ, for instance, while mentioning the Antichrist, does not even venture to disclose who he may be. Believe me, the identity of the Antichrist is important to every Christian, because that Antichrist and his false church are very busy right now deceiving billions of people into hell. And through the Ecumenical Movement, the Antichrist has completely infiltrated the visible Christian church, which has now essentially become one of the many orders of the Roman Catholic church.
If you have not guessed by now to whom I am alluding, I will tell you outright. The Antichrist is none other than Pope Benedict XVI and the Abomination of Desolation is the idol that all Roman Catholics worship as the Virgin Mary. The Bible gives so many details regarding both the Antichrist and the Abomination of Desolation as to make their identities crystal clear to anyone who takes the time to look. Yet, Buttram completely evades any worthwhile discussion of these subjects.
What further disturbs me about this author is that he says that he received a new revelation from the Lord to the effect that the Rapture theory, which he claims to have held to for decades, is unbiblical; and he does this after decades of producing literature supporting the Rapture. Now if this man were truly doing the work of God, would it have taken fifty years for God to reveal this to him? Of course it would not. God would not allow any of his workers to deceive the body of Christ for fifty minutes let alone fifty years. Yet this is exactly what Buttram wants us to believe.
Now many will claim that we are supposedly “a work in progress,” and therefore, are entitled to make a mistake or two in our exegesis. While this may be true to an extent, understand that the Rapture is a clear heresy, as the Bible only teaches a Resurrection. So while an immature lay Christian could be deceived initially into believing this teaching, this is inexcusable for a Christian tract ministry. Tract ministries are responsible to God for what they teach and if they are ordained of Him, they will have the Spirit of God and His wisdom. A God-ordained tract ministry will, therefore, not make this kind of grievous doctrinal error. Therefore, the Gospel Tract Society, which publishes The Coming Christ, could not be of God.
There is one more disturbing element to this story that may better illustrate my consternation. Tom Buttram, president of The Gospel Tract Society and author of The Coming Christ, endorses another book on end times prophecy called The Harvest. Written by John L. Dudley, this book is literally spiritual poison, and I will prove it. But first, I want to present what Buttram, who reprinted Dudley’s book and wrote the foreword, had to say about it:
“I took the book, The Harvest home and later picked it up and just opened it to the middle somewhere and started reading aloud to my wife. As I read, tears began to stream down my cheeks, as the truth I had known, but was yet unable to verbalize was coming off the pages. My wife said, “Tom, that is exactly what you have been saying,” as she too was wiping away tears. At that point I couldn’t read fast enough—I read toward the front, then to the back, skipping all around trying to catch up on fifty-five years of being confused” (foreword).
He then added this glowing endorsement:
“[The Harvest] is unlike so many that make claims, this book is anointed, a thrown out treasure brought from days past for the Church today.”
Now let me show you a sample of the book’s “anointed” teaching:
“[Eve] then ate of the forbidden tree, and like Satan, she sought to involve someone else in her sin—Adam. And the seed has continued to grow in the heart of His descendants to this day. (Note that “His” (Adam’s) is capitalized as one would do for a deity.)
“The seed was carried through the Flood by Ham and demonstrated to the world through the nations that he fathered.[1] The point I wish to make, however, is that through the descendants of these two men, God has taught us the nature of the two seeds.
“The Lord has used the descendants of Ham to teach the nature and fruit of the tare, as he has also used the descendants of Shem (Israel), to teach the nature and fruit of the wheat” (p. 15). [Footnote and CAPS in the original.]
It is interesting that the author claims that Ham and his descendants are the manifestation of “the seed” of evil as the result of Adam and Eve’s sin. He completely skips over the very first manifestation of their sin in the Bible: the murder of Abel by Cain: an incident that is highly significant, because it emphasizes death as the ultimate result of sin. For not only will sin lead to our own deaths, but it was our sin that hung Jesus on the cross and murdered Him. Yet, Dudley, in his zeal to personify sin as the descendants of Ham, conveniently overlooks this.
This illustrates the author’s faulty exegesis, because in the first place, the “seed” spoken of by God in Genesis 3:15 is a spiritual seed as Satan is a spirit, and, therefore, cannot produce offspring. Dudley clearly recognizes this as he says on the following page that “the father of the seed they (the religious leaders of Jesus’ day) bore was the Devil” (p. 16). It is clear, then, that he knows that the seed was spiritual and not physical. Why, then, does the author make the following comment in the footnotes found on page 98:
“Ham fathered Canaan, Babylon, Egypt, Philistim (the Philistines), Sodom, Gomorrah, and a host of other nations which inhabit Africa. They all have a history of heavy involvement in immorality and the occult.
“These nations have fathered multitudes of idolatrous religions, incorporating the most grotesque sins which have been an abomination to Jehovah (the Lord God). The Scriptures speak of them with negative connotations, and infer their eventual demise.
“To state that all of the descendants of Ham are wicked would be as incorrect as stating that all of the descendants of Shem are righteous. However, the immoral character of Ham was recognized by his father Noah, and that immoral character occasioned the curse which follows the descendants of Ham to this day (See Gen. 9:25).” [Parentheses in the original, boldface mine.]
This is just flat out false. Not wrong, false: false in the sense that it is contrary to the Word of God. The author cites Genesis 9:25 as the source for his claim that God placed a curse on the descendants of Ham. This is untrue, as Genesis 9:25 reads:
“And [Noah] said, Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.”
Ham fathered several sons:
“And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan” (Genesis 10:6).
As you can see, God only cursed Canaan and his descendants, not Ham and all of his descendants. Proof of this is the fact that God drove out all of the Canaanites from the land that ultimately became Israel (Deuteronomy 18:12-14). This was the fulfillment of the prophecy. Moreover Sodom and Gomorrah, which the author mentions in the same breath as Africa, were part of Canaan:
“And the border of the Canaanites was from Sidon, as thou comest to Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest unto Sodom, and Gomorrah…” (Genesis 10:19).
As one can plainly see, it was Canaan who was cursed by God, not Ham, nor his other sons.
Africans and American Blacks are descendants of Ham, but through his son, Cush, not Canaan. In fact, until the mid twentieth century, most archeologists and historians referred to Africans as Cushites. These two false doctrines: that blacks are the descendants of Canaan, and that God cursed Ham, when He really cursed Canaan, were used for many years to justify slavery and racism. Those who advocated enslaving the Negro justified their beliefs by promoting the lie that slavery was the manifestation of God’s curse on Ham. And now this poisonous doctrine has reared its serpentine head in the twenty-first century. And through whom? A so-called Christian ministry!
What angers me most is that Tom Buttram, of the Gospel Tract Society, claims to have had his eyes opened by God, yet he cannot see a truth that is as plain as the nose on his face. Can a man of God be capable of such marvelous blindness? I highly doubt it.
What is the significance of this? Understand that racism is of the devil, and though Satan hates all humanity, he hates blacks and Jews more than everyone else. And if Satan hates blacks and Jews, then his ministers and ministries will also hate blacks and Jews. I have seen Satan’s hatred of the Jews manifest for years in the “Christian” church as Replacement Theology and the Black Israelite cult, but I had yet to see it in the modern church. With the release of The Harvest, reprinted and endorsed by the Gospel Tract Society, this has now been accomplished.
“The Curse of Ham” actually accomplishes two things: not only does it help spread false doctrine concerning the black race, but it also helps to discredit the Christian church by demonizing Christianity as a hateful religion. Homosexuals have argued for years that the Bible is hate literature because it condemns their lifestyle, while some New Agers, many of them black, have decried the Bible as being responsible for slavery because of the errant curse of Ham doctrine. Blacks and gays have united against the Bible before for these same reasons: for example, during the Harlem Renaissance, and again during the civil rights struggles of the 60’s. The reemergence of this doctrine, in the New Age movement, will be yet another opportunity for rebellious gays and wayward blacks to again band together to curse the Bible and Christianity.
Understand, saints, that racism is one of Satan’s favorite tools. It divides more effectively than probably any other of his methods. 2012 is a big year on Mystery Babylon’s calendar, and they fully intend to put the finishing touches on their plan to bring in the Kingdom of Antichrist. So you can look to see more vitriol spewed against blacks and Jews and more incidents of “racism” and race hate as Satan sets the stage for the final persecution of his old enemies: the blacks, the Jews, and the Christian church. The Trayvon Martin case is being used for precisely this reason.
So as you can see, there is much reason for concern, and for this reason, I have been groaning in my spirit to learn that yet another ministry I once supported may actually be a tool of the devil. Add this to the discovery of occult hand signs on one of Jack Chick’s tracts and the realization that he too, espouses the Rapture theology, and you can see how this would affect me, even though I know that as Satan himself appears as an angel of light, so shall his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness.
I am slowly emerging from my shock-imposed lethargy and will try to start posting regularly. But the focus of this ministry may change somewhat. Since Satan’s ministers are working feverishly to deceive the body of Christ by distorting or avoiding all teaching on prophecy, it may be necessary for me to also expend an inordinate amount of energy to properly teach biblical prophecy to the end that the body of Christ will be edified, energized, and encouraged. But instead of putting it in a book as I had before said I would do, I will make everything available on this site. I am still trying to figure out exactly how I will do this, but God willing, I will do it.
In the meantime, avoid the books The Harvest and The Coming Christ. If you still choose to read them, be very careful to do so under the guidance and protection of the Holy Ghost, lest you too be deceived.
P.S. Remember how Dudley capitalized the “h” in His when referring to Adam? As I said, one would normally do this for a deity. Did you know that Mormonism, the religion of presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, considers Adam God? Look it up. If Dudley is a Mormon, then his adherence to the blasphemous Curse of Ham doctrine is totally understandable, given that Mormonism also teaches that blacks are cursed. Don’t believe it? Then get the book, The God Makers. It will open your eyes. You may also want to check out the following video produced by the author of the book.
The reader may also find it interesting to note that Independence, Missouri, home of the Gospel Tract Society, is also home to the international headquarters of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints—the Mormons. In fact, Independence, Missouri was founded by Mormons.
Now with this in mind, was Dudley’s capitalization a typo or an intentional homage to his god? You decide.
P.S.S. 7/19,2013. Pope Francis, the newly installed Jesuit pope, is the biblical False Prophet, while the Mark of the Beast, I believe, will be the seal of the Papacy: the so-called Keys of Saint Peter.
Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
The Still Man
Do you still hold to your prediction that Pope Benedict XVI is the anti-Christ?
Now I see at the end of your article that you posted a post script stating that Pope Francis is the biblical False prophet. At first, your KJV only stance was the only thing that bothered me about you. But the more I read from you, the more I am disturbed. You are attempting to predict things that for one don’t need to be predicted and two, can’t be predicted. I have not fully perused your site, but have you predicted the date of the second coming of Christ? Although, I did see where you state the rapture is a false doctrine, so are you saying Christ is NOT coming back again? Hmmm, people, be very careful what you read from the “still man”.
Norm, Jesus put all these things in the Bible, because He wants His people to know what is coming. I didn’t “predict” these things, Jesus revealed (hence the Book of the REVELATION) these things to his servants through the Apostle John. In the Gospel according to John, Jesus tells his disciples that henceforth he would call them friends, instead of servants, because He told them everything He does (and is going to do), whereas a master doesn’t tell his servants everything he does (John 14:15). In the military, the practice of giving information to some people and not to others based on whether they need to know is known as “Need to Know.” Jesus has told us what is to come, BECAUSE WE NEED TO KNOW. We would be fools not to consider what Jesus has to say about future events, especially when He is the One who is going to bring these things about, and He has been Good enough to tell us about them in advance!
Jesus told His people about these things in advance so that when they come to pass, we might believe (John 14:29). I believe that this also applies to the unsaved. The Bible says that God does not do anything unless He first reveals what He is going to do to His prophets. Most Christians (including myself) are not prophets. BUT WE DO HAVE A PROPHETIC BOOK. Let me tell you one important purpose of this book: TO WARN THE UNSAVED. There is scarcely a person alive who would not like to know what is going to happen in the future. I believe that many, who choose to reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ now, will reconsider later, when they see many things come to pass that are predicted in the Bible. That is why several times, when street preaching, my sermons have lasted less than five minutes: for all I have said is that when the government tells you to take a mark either on your right hand or on your forehead, you should reject that mark, if you want to miss God’s coming judgment upon mankind. Telling someone what is coming–especially something as huge as a universal mark that will work like paper money and that accepting or rejecting will spell life or death–would only serve to validate the credibility of the person who told of that mark beforehand.
That is what I seek to do: validate the Lord Jesus and His Gospel, and, hopefully, WIN SOME SOULS FOR JESUS, by telling people the future, according to the Word of the Lord Jesus.
The so-called Rapture is a false doctrine. The Resurrection, however, is not.
You have admonished people very correctly, and I commend you for it: “Be very careful what you read from The Still Man.” Check everything I say with the Holy Bible, and use your own discernment, a measure of which has been given to every believer. If what I say does not line up with Scripture, then THROW IT OUT. But if it does, then you would do well to listen, as your very soul may depend on it.
Benedict XVI is the Antichrist.
Have you ever heard of the Prophecy of the Popes?
Benedict XVI can’t be “the” Antichrist.
The “Prophecy of the Popes” has been duping people for years. It is a “strong delusion” and is not biblical. Pope Benedict XVI is the Antichrist, as the article clearly proves. At any rate, we will find out soon enough. Trust me.
The sad part is god does not see white or black or asian, he sees us all as one race, the human race and we are all his children to divide us by the color of our skin or hair is foolish we all are brothers and sisters and we all share the same family tree, Caucasins are the decentdents of Japeth and Africans are decendents of Ham, I asume Asians are decendents of Shem, but despite our difernce we are all still brothers and sisters and god loves each and everyone of us, he all wants us to be in heavan with him, but hte vile church of lies and the haters, will always try to prevent us from loving one an other. For you see god is not hate he is love, he will not hate your for being white or black or asian he will love you for who you are. But alas as long as people hate each other satan will win, but what we as folowers of jesus can do is spread the loving word of god.
Sean B
With the Grace of God
Well spoken, Sean: so much so, that I won’t add anything to it.
Not to sound overly dramatic
but i kinda felt writing this
but when his name shall be felt in the hearts of all the decendents of noah shall true paradice begin, when idolaters burn their idols and praise the son of god, when the people of the koran forsake mohamad, and praise the son of god, when the people of the east throw their stautes of the buddah and praise the son of god, when the godless see the error of their ways and give there hearts to our lord and saoivr, then god shall smite satan and drive back the darkness and bring eternal light”
what you think ?